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Everything posted by jtec

  1. Played on the MIT server today after not playing arma for a few months due to the problem with hacks. Guess what, after about 5 mins of joining someone i blowing everything up with a hack! I honestly think it should be made illegal to hack games, i invested my money and time in this product and some twat decides he wants to ruin mine and everyone else on the servers free time with some random crap! What makes it worse is that they havent even purchased the game and are ruining my game i paid for! The thing that really annoyed me is that my text name came up with some suicide text and people thought i was the one blowing people up!!! I would really love to find out where they live... BIS really need to sort something out for arma in a future patch as a testbed for arma 2 as i seriously wont buy another product from them if this is how the online game culture is!
  2. jtec

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    Serious amount of bum licking in here Everyone seems to be on edge for some unknown reason again Welcome Back Paul from me and the rest of PUKF Again
  3. jtec

    Logitech's G15 keyboard

    Ive had the keyboard for about 5 months now and games support isnt great Id love to see a lil lcd screen displaying things like fuel, ammo, a compass with even grid refs and anything else that would be handy. Surely some clever chap who could make a lil program for arma to include these details? Its still a great buy too with the lit keys and the extra 2 usb connectors in the back which i find very handy! Worth getting to anyone wanting to update their keyboard
  4. jtec

    COD like combat in Arma 2

    Im pretty sure to make things simple the odjects could be defined so the ai has random ideas on where to sit, hide or run to. Take a wall for instance you could have a small hole in it with a corner piece one end. These areas could have some defined areas that can be randomly picked by the ai. So it could move into a set anim for that area it is in. Would be so cool seeing a ai running for cover behind a wall then crawling to its chosen point where it will either, cover from the hole or hide in the corner, or do a action that can make use of said wall. Pretty possible now im guessing with a decent scripter and a few models to go with it?
  5. jtec

    Influx of Bad Gamers?

    Cheating seems to be a hell of a lot more common in Arma! Especially as we have these muppets churning out cheats and actually using it as some form of online gaming! Was reading their forums recently and they actually think cheating in game ladders is not right, but spoiling peoples normal game is perfectly fine.... Maybe its time to find out where they play and start ruining their games
  6. jtec

    Influx of Bad Gamers?

    Just came off a game with again some idiot cheating. Brought up some story about bo or something like that. Seriously needs something doing about the number of twats wreaking this great game!
  7. jtec

    The Iraq thread 4

    All im saying is that if the war on Iraq hadnt taken place, the UK along with other countries would not have been targetted by the Muslim terrorists. You seem hell bent on thinking Muslims are only attacking us because they want us to be muslims. That is not the case! I agree with some being total nutters but you get fanatics in most religions! Im not of any religion by the way. I feel this world would be a better place without it, but thats another topic eh?
  8. jtec

    The Iraq thread 4

    @ Black sphere I know for a fact that the war motivated people to blow themselfs and the UK public up! Its like me going round some other persons house, whacking them in the face and not expecting anything in return. Also consider your country being blown to bits by another invading country. You family members or friends are either hurt or killed. Would you not pick up weapons and prepare to goto war with the invading forces that had input into the deaths???
  9. jtec

    The Iraq thread 4

    The 7 7 bombings only took place due to our (when i say our i mean the British government) involvement with the invasion of Iraq. No matter who is voted in it wont make no difference. The general public have no say in anything, we are just led to believe we do. There will be a time when we the people stand as a whole and i cant wait personally, as our lives are put at risk for the greeds of the power people. Bush and Blair should have stood trial for war crimes for the deaths of the innocent people of Iraq, the allied soldiers and the allied citizens who have died due to their ill judgements. Hopefully peace will eventually come to all. Lessons should be learnt, but are never due to ignorance. Sorry double post server was stuck... please delete one
  10. jtec

    The Iraq thread 4

    The 7 7 bombings only took place due to our (when i say our i mean the British government) involvement with the invasion of Iraq. No matter who is voted in it wont make no difference. The general public have no say in anything, we are just led to believe we do. There will be a time when we the people stand as a whole and i cant wait personally, as our lives are put at risk for the greeds of the power people. Bush and Blair should have stood trial for war crimes for the deaths of the innocent people of Iraq, the allied soldiers and the allied citizens who have died due to their ill judgements. Hopefully peace will eventually come to all. Lessons should be learnt, but are never due to ignorance.
  11. jtec

    The Iraq thread 4

    Well i only heard about muslim extremists when september 11th happened. I dont remember the UK having any problems with any muslim state and our only terrorist threats were from the IRA which were helped with funding from our American cousins (thanks again guys ). Seems we get rid of the IRA breathe a sigh of relief and then Blair thinks hang on, i really want to get my name in bold letters in the history books and be a idiot! More terrorists exist thanks to Bush and Blair. We are the ones that suffer because of their inabilty to actually give a damn what people really think. Both the UK and USA need to get their troops home now and take a good long hard look at sorting out their own country before messing around with countries they have no understanding of!
  12. jtec

    The Iraq thread 4

    I see this is more than just an 'Iraqi' thread so; It'll be very interesting to see, when/if the time will come, when the americans will leave all to be (so they can make their nuclear bombs and ballistic rockets in peace or to purchase them from Russians), and only the american justice system, their basic rights and the members of White House's staff will be those who will attack the United States, if the terrorists will leave them alone then. Do ya think it'll be so? I don't, I'm not so naive. People dont attack others for no reason. Ask yourself what the reason may be
  13. jtec

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Well from what i had read Queens gambit will be using Arma 1.08 still so it wont be like resistance in that regard which was a patch if i remember correctly (sorry if i am wrong, its been a long time ) It should hopefully have a good campaign however, with some interesting new ideas in the missions. I think the only reason i would buy it is if it fixed my problems with chrashing and artifacts when i increase my texture quality (and no my graphics card is not overheating)
  14. jtec

    What is the bottleneck ?

    you tried -maxmem=512" in the shortcut target? Also what is your viewdistance as to be honest about 2000 is fine by all accounts as most servers run about this distance as far as im aware. im using a 7900 gs and i can run with most settings on highest with view distance at the 2000 mark and 1024 x 768 screen res. I have 3 gig of ram, and a dual core 5200 athlon
  15. jtec

    What is the bottleneck ?

    you tried -maxmem=512" in the shortcut target? Also what is your viewdistance as to be honest about 2000 is fine by all accounts as most servers run about this distance as far as im aware. im using a 7900 gs and i can run with most settings on highest with view distance at the 2000 mark and 1024 x 768 screen res. I have 3 gig of ram, and a dual core 5200 athlon
  16. jtec


    Ahh never knew about that mate. Well its early days and like you say a lot of teams are sleepers while waiting for the official tools. Would be great if we could get this thing of the ground although i wouldnt know where to start on the values...
  17. jtec


    Lets just call the system Arv (arma reality values) for example: The pdf could then list all vehicles (maybe just in use currently, with the rest (ww1/2 etc) branching out later on. You could have each catorgory lets just say British for example and list all current systems in use. Example Chally 2 landrover Mastiff blah blah blah With each value as close to real life as it should be. We (PUKF) could then take the values and add it to our models and then advertise our use of the ARV values. Im sure you would get loads of teams using a ARV system if it is promoted enough on sites and listed in these forums.
  18. jtec


    Yes you used wrong words friend That is why I say I got your point exactly like you said it. And no I am not kidding about the quality of addons. I said "general rule is" and I stand behind my words. Trust me I have seen enough addons to make a judgement that I rather take the stuff BIS makes than wait for community created content, as I know which gives me a better game. I should've said in my previous post also that even if the visual quality of an addon is better than the visual quality of original BIS units, it does not automatically mean that the addon is better than the BIS stuff. There is more to quality than just the visual side. One major problem is that the configuration values are chosen for user-created content as those individuals wish, and cooperation between addon makers is non-existant. As a result we get community-created addons which are not good when used against each other, or against BIS-created units, because of inbalanced configuration values. This is a well-known problem. Inside BIS that problem should not exist as they can actually have some organization and standards, which is unlikely to happen between a random bunch of independent addon makers. To summarize my point in this post, a significant problem with user-created content is that in general it doesn't fit well together to original content or to other user-created content. What would be a great idea would be to have a pdf copy that all addon teams can download that has a full list of Armour and weapon values along with weights, speed and fuel values. This list would have to be based on real life values and could be used as a guideline that we all could abide by. I know PUKF would abide by such a list if someone was to research each vehicle/weapon correctly. Its a simple yet very effective idea but needs someone with the time to do the research. May be the best time to start this by the way, before the first wave of models become available when the official tools are released.
  19. jtec


    ok mate. If you are looking for Messiah at the moment he is currently unavailable due to lack of internet connection. The vids are great by the way, although be nice to add other models to the damaged models!
  20. jtec


    Any idea if or when it wil be released mate? Looks very interesting, and looked like some form of rag doll physics were used on the bodies of the men?
  21. jtec


    Bit sick but maybe a slice and dice effect will be a bit better then Man goes Kabooom and bits of him go everywhere! Pretty sure a model can be broken into bits without too much extra polys for the cpu to work with.
  22. jtec

    BIS, Please Read This

    I really think a new law needs to be passed through that will punish people who hack or cheat on games. Sounds harsh but when you dont get much time to play and some idiot ruins your free time then they should suffer for it not you and others on the server. Basically this is our spare time and we are using up parts of our life to get some enjoyment out of a product we have bought with hard earned money. These scum come along, ruin your game and then laugh at you. Really are saddo's!
  23. jtec

    Game Updates?

    You didnt have to buy RH to install the patches that came after it. RH was just a campaign with some addons, QG is probably alot like RH, but now we get more campaigns and addons, and hopefully the campaigns are better then RH. Did have to update to resistance though to continue with the fixes, Just feel that the game has major bugs that need to be fixed now instead of later. Its like buying a car with a serious flaw that you have to pay extra to get it right with a upgrade Anyhow if QG isnt needed to patch future games i doubt i will be buying it unless it really improves arma which it wont unless a fix is released for the constant chrashing from 1.07 - 08
  24. jtec

    Game Updates?

    I cant see a patch until after september, and i do believe that queens gambit is using 1.08, so looks like we will have to buy the expansion for future bug fixes and patches. bad really as my armed assault is still chrashing to desktop after 30 mins of play
  25. jtec

    BIS, Please Read This

    Have read em and its quite weird that he thinks its not harming anyones enjoyment. Maybe new laws need to be put up with people wasting other peoples time I know ive been in a few games where you have played a few hours and then some tit comes in and ruins all your input into the mission. Its hard enough to get free time to play arma, and very frustrating when you have idiots doing this to ya. Nobody answered my question by the way regarding id numbers. How many digits are they normally? as this cheat you guys have been on about has a 10 digit id number (maybe its that TKC tit?)