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Everything posted by icfhoop

  1. icfhoop

    Mild Sexual Themes?

    Theres hookers in the game
  2. Not sure if this has been already asked so forgive me if so, but USSR Sniper are you going to release that pretty M200 ?
  3. So what exactly is wrong with it? (I'm sorry if im being a noob) but just curious :)
  4. So the script works now or.... I am confused lol.
  5. i 2nd that notion please do :)
  6. I know this is some-what random: but are you going to release this script (I Hope) :)
  7. Hello all, and before I go anywhere I have searched this forum and have found nothing specifically on this matter so I thought I might as well ask. I have searched just to make it clear but I am still getting used to doing the new style of briefings. So down to business, I downloaded that tool that creates briefings easier and made a briefing for my mission so here its: // A2BM W 100 // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; waitUntil {player==player}; switch (side player) do { case WEST: { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Russian Intelligence Officer","A major in the CDF was ambushed by a squad of Spetsnaz on his way to a small airstrip in the northern area. He was captured and taken to a warehouse where they tortured and questioned him. He was killed only after he spilled the identity of a CIA agent in deep cover with the ChDKZ brass. We must locate and kill the Russian Intel. Officer before he lets the ChDKZ know about the CIA agent."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Mortar Battery ","The mortar pits are located in a small ruined village <marker name='mortars'>here</marker>. It is believed that there maybe a platoon sized element of insurgents there, but it is unknown for a fact."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Mogilevka","A column of M1A2 Abrams callsign "Warpig" have been stopped on the outskirts of Mogilevka. Mortar fire and contiuned harassment from local insurgent groups have put a beating on Warpig. "]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Operation Cabin Boy","5 days after the U.S. Marines landed on the southern beaches of Chernarus, they have moved almost 25km inland. After taking key towns, the next objective was to take Gorka. Gorka is suspected of housing and giving care to Lopotev and his officers. Once the Marines enter Gorka, this war may end.<br/><br/>"]]; tskObj1=player createSimpleTask ["Kill the Russian Intelligence Officer."]; tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Sack his ass.","Kill the Russian Intelligence Officer.","Kill the Russian Intelligence Officer."]; tskObj0=player createSimpleTask ["Eliminate Mortar Threat"]; tskObj0 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Clear out enemies in the mortar pits.","Eliminate Mortar Threat","Eliminate Mortar Threat"]; player setCurrentTask tskObj0; }; case EAST: { }; case RESISTANCE: { }; case CIVILIAN: { }; }; if (isNil {player getVariable "mk_briefingEH"}) then { player addEventHandler ["killed",{[] spawn {waitUntil {alive player};execVM"briefing.sqf";};}]; player setVariable ["mk_briefingEH",true]; };efingEH",true]; }; and my init.sqf looks like this: execVM "briefing.sqf"; But this doesnt show in my mission even when I preview in MP. Any help is appreciated
  8. Thanks you all for your help, I personally are not using 1.03 makes things worse for me, but thanks for the help!
  9. icfhoop

    Few Questions

    Thanks you for your quick reply W0lle works a charm.
  10. Hello everyone, just a few questions for today, so if anyone can help I highly appreciate it :). Anyways now with the questions: 1.) How do I keep it to where the tasks assigned to the unit dont dissapear after you respawn? 2.) How do I show a marker only after an objective has been completed? 3.) I have two pilots captured simulating a hostage situation. Both are in an animation, and I was wondering after all of the guards have been killed, how could i make them go back to a normal stance and get out of the animation? Thank you in advanced :bounce3:
  11. @seba1976: The Marines use ACOGs ALOT more then they do use the M68 Aimpoints, although im sure they still use Aimpoints here and there but alot use the ACOGs. (correct if im wring any US Marines on here :P)
  12. icfhoop

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    agreed the DMR is amazing
  13. Hello, Ever since I installed the game on my PC, I have had this issue and it is really starting to bug me. After editing a map I am working on and I go in to test it out. After I am done running around looking at the map i exit to go back to the editor, hence when the problem occurs. What happens is the screen starts to flicker black and red on the editor screen, and it forces me to have to restart my game. Usually restarting the game fixes it, but sometimes it doesn't. And please don't say use the search function, because I did but didn't find anything tbh.
  14. I love the DMR, I use it even in urban fighting lol
  15. icfhoop


    I know there are a lot of players having horrible frame rates while there PC is definitely good enough; I am one of those. I'm not sure if this has been brought up, but is any one else getting ALOT of lag/stuttering while going into fairly large cities/villages? Like Chernogorsk and other large cities lag becomes pretty bad. Does anyone know of a solution for this? Thanks in advanced.
  16. icfhoop


    Yea I lowered my texture detail and video memory, now I get no lag at all even in Chernogorsk. And Kenjineering lol thanks.
  17. icfhoop

    Cant install

    Hang on, hang on, walk me step by step on what you did when you copied the files directly from your disc please.
  18. icfhoop

    Cant install

    Are you copying the files from the INSTALLED game ? or directly from the disk?
  19. icfhoop

    Cant install

    No probs for the help, let me know how it goes, if you need further help, pm or post back and ill be glad to help
  20. icfhoop

    Cant install

    I had the same problem as you, so I understand your frustrations lol. This is how I and a few others fixed it. Put the DVD into your son's computer but dont do anything such as install. From there go to My Computer>Right Click on the ArmA2 Disc, and click explore. Then copy everything in there over to a USB/ External HD. Then transfer it over to your computer. From there look into the folder with the copied contents, and double click setup and it will be just like any other install process, just from your computer instead. Hoped this helps you, if you have any more questions feel free to ask.
  21. I bought from NWS as well, it is the Got Game Version.
  22. icfhoop

    Need Help Please

    Ok thanks.
  23. Hello all, I recently received my copy of ArmA2. I went to install immediately and about 10 min into the install I get a CRC does not match error. I then searched these forums and realized many people were having the same problem. I then found something that apparently works, and that is copying the files of the disk and putting them to a USB, then copying to your hard drive and installing from there. My question is how do you install something from your hard drive once it has been transferred? P.S. I do have a legit and legal copy of the game. Thanks in advanced.
  24. icfhoop

    Need Help Please

    Thanks for the reply, I know this may sound stupid, but how do you disable auto-run?