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Everything posted by ironbluedawn

  1. ironbluedawn

    Attach Satchels to vehicles.

    Not true. Watch my video I posted on the first page. I detonate two Humvees and a 5Ton truck. They don't go soaring. In fact, I've detonated multiple vehicles, none of them go flying. Maybe you have different circumstances at work when that happens. However, my Set 1 minute timer does not ever detonate the satchel.
  2. ironbluedawn

    Attach Satchels to vehicles.

    This is fantastic...something I've really been wanting. Thank you! Also, here's a video I made of the addon in action. Awesome work.
  3. Must have for some missions! Anyone know of any that are in-the-works?
  4. ironbluedawn

    Anyone working on some NBC troops?

    Crap. Yes, I meant NBC troops.
  5. ironbluedawn

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    EBUD's SF Woodland
  6. ironbluedawn

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Thank you very much, Parvus!
  7. I downloaded a fire texture mod, making the fire/smoke darker. I followed the instructions, overwriting a file and re-packing the .pbo, but ArmA crashes on startup. How exactly do you pack a .paa file into a .pbo for it's own mod? Do I need a proper file structure for the file it is replacing?
  8. ironbluedawn

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    How do you guys get some of the angles you take? Special camera mods? Please share!
  9. ironbluedawn

    Where are the Players going

    The poor performance is a huge turn-off for most people, so they go back to OFP. Hopefully those issues get sorted out before the US release.
  10. ironbluedawn

    Horrible Performance...

    My system is: Pentium D 3.4ghz Dual-Core 2gb Corsair RAM nVidia GeForce 7600GT 256mb Creative Labs Audigy Platinum Pro Sound Card I have to run the game on low to get any decent framerates. For comparison, I can run Rainbow Six Vegas on high with no problems. All newer games are fine, except ArmA.
  11. ironbluedawn

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    Finally! This is what I've been waiting for, and my biggest complaint about ArmA (ironsights seemed clunkier in ArmA than in OFP, imo). Great work!
  12. ironbluedawn

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    These are great, though when I'm in the editor and place the OpFor units and try to preview the mission, I get an error about No Entry '.model'.
  13. ironbluedawn

    Tonal Redux Zombies?

    Thanks, that was the problem. I appreciate the help!
  14. ironbluedawn

    Tonal Redux Zombies?

    I've seen these in lots of screenies but have searched everywhere and cannot find them. Could anyone link me?
  15. ironbluedawn

    Tonal Redux Zombies?

    Aha. Thank you so much. EDIT: Hm....I looked through all the units and didn't see any JUJU?
  16. ironbluedawn

    New fire texture addon

    How do you "Repack" this?
  17. ironbluedawn

    Enterable buildings?

    I climbed up an elevator shaft cable in one building, but the door at the roof wouldn't let me out!
  18. ironbluedawn

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    My friend purchased the Czech version, which I have played at his house a lot, and I've seen a ton of bugs. Worst of all is enemy infantry running through walls, buildings, fences, trees, etc. They must be ghosts!
  19. ironbluedawn

    Faces / Uniforms

    Maybe I missed it, but where do you put this face.jpg once you're done to use it in-game?
  20. ironbluedawn

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    All this stuff is awesome. Great job. But question: is there anyway to extract just the fire and use it by itself? There's a lot of stuff I like here and a lot I don't care for, but I'd really like to be able to use the fire in other mods like Invasion 1944, FDF, etc.
  21. ironbluedawn

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    Sounds great, Winters! Thanks!
  22. All >100kb Inv44 1 Inv44 2 Inv44 3 Inv44 4 Inv44 5 Inv44 6 Invasion 44, DXDLL
  23. ironbluedawn

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    It is an alpha build. There are supposed to be plenty of flaws. I'm aware of that. I'm just asking if OTHER people have this problem or if it's just me.
  24. ironbluedawn

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    Been waiting for this a long time, since the demo, and it was well worth it. Great job. One question...this happens with a lot of weapons, including the PIAT and BREN: Is this a bug or is something screwy with my setup? I also find a lot of the weapons are always held up to eye view, or really high in first person mode, blocking most of the right side of the screen. I'm running inv44 in its own mod folder with no other mods.