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Everything posted by ixnay

  1. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Very excellent, sir. Your prompt reply and solution are much appreciated. Also, what are the chances of tweaking some of the tank sounds a bit? I'm not saying that sigma's sounds are subpar by any stretch, but I noticed that volumes and presence of certain sounds (i.e. main cannon blasts) are somewhat faint. The reload and turrent swivel noises almost drown out the blast on the M1A1(2). With the sounds from DynamicRange, you KNEW when an M1A1 was firing.... in or out of the tank. Just food for thought in case you hadn't noticed. Thank you Kurayami!!! .:iXnay
  2. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Question regarding some of the ECP sounds. It would appear that the "whiz" sounds of tank shells is missing from EECP (on my install at least). All the other sounds from ECP seem to be present, however. Is this something that I'm doing incorrectly, or is this due to the 3rd party tanks and their intrinsic sounds? Thanks in advance for any help provided. .:iXnay
  3. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Please pardon if this question has been posed before: Is it acceptable to use the Delta/Ranger 1.55 release in lieu of the 1.50 version outlined in your instructions? Will the use of 1.55 break anything? Just curious as I'd like to use the latest version possible, but don't wish to break my EECP installation. Thanks, Kurayami. Your hard work is VERY appreciated. <tip hat> .:iXnay
  4. ixnay

    Ecp released!

    I'm not sure if ECP is "causing" it per se, either. It appears to be a combination of ECP and some other non-compliant MOD. I'd just love to hear if anybody else has experienced a conflict such as this as I can't LIVE without ECP.
  5. ixnay

    Ecp released!

    Ditto here. While our group doesn't have the other CTD you referred to in a previous post, we have the same "upon death" CTD referred to here. Interestingly enough, there are plenty of missions (simple ones) that don't exhibit this issue. It's really difficult to track down just what addons (if any?) or ingredients to a mission that cause the CTD. This has been present from 1.057 through 1.071. As soon as we disable ECP altogether, no more CTD's upon death. It also seems that most of the missions that do NOT CTD are missions I've obtained from various online depots, whereas missions created by one of my crew always CTD. Not sure if it's a coincidence, but I'll try to do some more investigative work to find differences between missions. If any of the ECP crew would like me to submit 2 missions (one that crashes, one that doesn't), I'd be happy to.
  6. I wonder if it would be possible to add an animation wherein a soldier would flail about when blown into the air. Currently, the "dead body" look remains throughout their path in the air and eventual plummet. It would be sweet to see flailing or ragdoll bodies when blown into the air (examples: Halo, BF1942). Not sure if that would require additional scripting, however. Just something fun. Great work on the existing anims, Hunter! Keep it up!
  7. ixnay

    Ecp released!

    Have a question regarding the MAP (ECP Compatible) Addon: I've fallen in love with these units and wanted to replace all default (or other) units in my missions with the Marines. Everything works correctly as long as I have at least one default BIS unit as stated by the ECP team. However..... In multiplayer, I can't seem to get the scripted player effects to show up (black out when shot, audio muffling, etc.). This works fine in SP, but I can't seem to understand why MP is different. It's unfortunate, as these effects are some of the best I've ever seen for units! Has anyone experienced this  anomoly? Is it specific to the ECP variant or does this apply to the vanilla MAP pack, too? (Apologies if it has been brought up before.) Additionally, is it possible for the ECP team to get permission from the Marine Assault Pack Team to use the aforementioned scripts for the ECP mod? It'd be great to have these for every unit! Thanks in advance for any information! -iXnay [Edit: Looks like I may have answered my own question. After RTFM, I see that I need to add the pertinent class names to the mission.sqm in order to allow the scripts to function properly. Please disregard the idiot who can't follow directions... Carry on.]
  8. ixnay

    Ecp released!

    Hit_Sqd, You can find the link on page 62, 2nd post. The 1.07 DR/INQ config works with 1.071 as pointed out by snYpir further down the page. Much thanks to Kroky, Acecombat for the aforementioned and ESPECIALLY the ECP team for this great addon. Vanilla OFP doesn't exist for me anymore. Keep the greatness coming! -ixnay
  9. ixnay

    Ecp released!

    fantastic idea....
  10. ixnay

    Ecp released!

    Has anyone seen the rotorwash from DKM choppers (Mi-28 and Comanche)? Additionally, (seconding someone else's comment) the smoke effects when firing any weapon are very impressive!! It would appear at least from first impressions that this is superior to both vektorbosen(sp?) and BAS's implementation. Although, I know not how impacting it is on framerate as my machine seems to handle things rather well. Apologies if this has been mentioned or suggested before. ixnay
  11. ixnay

    My view on resistance

    Somebody call the Wah-mbulance. Geez... If you don't have any "constructive criticism" to add (see sticky thread), just hush. BIS did an excellent job with the time they were alotted. Patches will still be forthcoming. Also see the "tuning tips" sticky thread as it might help you with getting resistance to run nicely. I have virtually the same hardware as you. I used the helpful hints in that thread and am running resistance nicely. A developer that scales their game for a computer you don't have yet is correctly thinking. What incentive do you have to upgrade later if all your games run 200fps at max res and color depth? I for one, enjoy the tab slider "drop my system to its knees" setting far to the right And if you can't stand it that much.... Take your receipt. Go back to the store. Return the product. Get your money back. Don't be a Paco. .:iXnay
  12. ixnay

    Arrghh more problems with resistance!

    Not to mention that reinstalls neither take an absurdly long time nor are they that much of a headache. I do a reinstall EVERY time a patch / addon is released officially. Just a force of habit so as to avoid problems. If you put addons in and start changing things around, it's your best bet. I run a LAN group wherein every Friday night ~15 or so people gather together in one garage and play OFP. If anyone has any problems with their copy of OFP (CTD, hang, error message), the default answer is, "Wipe and reinstall". Just my opinion, of course... .:iX
  13. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cargo @ July 07 2002,06:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I've always assumed it was a way of free bug checking so that the US don't whine when they get their copy as it will be patched or close to it. Bear in mind, we had version 1.0 for a long while before the US even got a copy, then when 1.2 was released, we didnt get a patch to that level for at least a month... so my squad (98% of whom are in the US) were playing online without me <sob>. At least you in the US don't have to wait over two years to join in the fun with the rest of europe, like in 1939 <span id='postcolor'> Hey that's not completely true. I made a "slapped together" patch for the 1.00 Euro users to upgrade to 1.20 while you guys were waiting for the official patch. It was posted all over the place... Sorry you missed it. Could have saved you plenty of teeth gnashing. Anyhow....moot point now .:iX
  14. ixnay

    Has resistance fixed soundblaster crackeling?

    Here's a quick thought. Try reading ALL the posts in the thread instead of simply posting your problem. We suggested a fix already and it works for most (if not all) of us. The Live! is an EXTREMELY subpar card in comparison with the Audigy. This would not be a wise idea. .:iX
  15. ixnay

    Has resistance fixed soundblaster crackeling?

    Here's a quick thought. Try reading ALL the posts in the thread instead of simply posting your problem. We suggested a fix already and it works for most (if not all) of us. The Live! is an EXTREMELY subpar card in comparison with the Audigy. This would not be a wise idea. .:iX
  16. ixnay


    <ugh> This chatroom foob has Resistance and I don't..... <looks for rope to hang himself>
  17. ixnay

    Has resistance fixed soundblaster crackeling?

    I'd highly recommend that anyone with the capacity to download those 377MB Compaq 244 drivers to do so. They're BY FAR the best Audigy (Live! too) drivers to date. I've been using them for over a month. I can finally turn on Direct Sound and EAX in OFP 1.58+ and hear things PERFECTLY. Everything has the proper positioning, reverb, volume and decay. I have zero crackling with any application or game. Find out which PCI slot(s) share NO IRQ's with the other slots (or devices). This is where your Audigy/Live! should go. It helps immensely. Also, install the PFD VIA driver if you're running a VIA chipset. This will give your PCI a little breathing room, which the Live/Audigy need ....damn bus hogs. Oh...and turn on PCI delay transaction in your BIOS if you have an Audigy. Also helps. again, my two cents. .:iXnay
  18. ixnay

    Has resistance fixed soundblaster crackeling?

    I'd highly recommend that anyone with the capacity to download those 377MB Compaq 244 drivers to do so. They're BY FAR the best Audigy (Live! too) drivers to date. I've been using them for over a month. I can finally turn on Direct Sound and EAX in OFP 1.58+ and hear things PERFECTLY. Everything has the proper positioning, reverb, volume and decay. I have zero crackling with any application or game. Find out which PCI slot(s) share NO IRQ's with the other slots (or devices). This is where your Audigy/Live! should go. It helps immensely. Also, install the PFD VIA driver if you're running a VIA chipset. This will give your PCI a little breathing room, which the Live/Audigy need ....damn bus hogs. Oh...and turn on PCI delay transaction in your BIOS if you have an Audigy. Also helps. again, my two cents. .:iXnay
  19. ixnay

    How does bis expect us to....

    Placebo has to deal with quite a number of people who may or may not know what the hell they are talking about. I'm actually shocked at how level headed most moderators here are. I've been in plenty of forums where the topic got shut down if it went even a bit off track or got into flame war in the least bit. Also keep in mind that moderators have probably been here longer than most of us and have seen every flavor, color and style of ice cream in this baskin robbins we call a forum. Just my two cents. .:iXnay
  20. ixnay


    hahaha!!! http://www.bestbuy.com/software/Detail.asp?m=1023&e=11144466 Check out who they list the publisher as.....(!!!! If only this were truuuuuue!!!!! <sob> <weep> .:iXnay
  21. So, I'm seeing all these texture sizes thrown around of 2048x2048 and 4096x4096. These are GIGANTIC in relation to texture sizes used in current games (512x512 and 1024x1024 in all cases). This is the first I've seen of a game using this high of texture resolution. I'm assuming that these are Pre-compressed DXTC textures taking advantage of modern video cards ability (since DX 6.1) to use these without the huge system hit and memory thrashing that would come from Raw 4096x4096 textures? If DXTC (DirectX Texture Compression, previously S3TC) is employed (and I'm assuming that it is), what format is used? DXTC 1 - 5? Much thanks, .:iXnay
  22. ixnay


    Ditto here.... You'd think that ordering it DIRECTLY from the manufacturer would result in one getting it faster? At this rate, I'm betting I'll be able to purchase it from Software Etc before Codemasters actually gets around to sending it. I have to wonder how difficult it would be to cancel the CM order? Depressed, .:iXnay
  23. ixnay

    Will i need to reinstal?

    If you had used *MY* installation of Satchel's SoundPack, you wouldn't have to worry about reinstallation I'm still waiting on recon as to whether the sound effects are Satchel quality or sub Satchel.. Satchel? Thoughts, sir? .:iXnay
  24. ixnay

    Ofp with 3d glasses

    Here's some goodness for you folks... http://ftp.gainwardusa.com/Vga/Utility/3D_Glass/V29.80/3d2980.zip Haven't tried them yet as I'm still @work, but I'll let you know what I think when I get home. <shrug> .:iXnay
  25. This could very well have been covered in another thread, and god knows I've been searching. Here's the pulse: If I attempt to run 1.60, I get green or tranparent terrain textures everywhere. 1.46 works juuuuust fine and always has. Process thusfar: Reinstalled WindowsXP, ran all the silly WindowsUpdates. Installed all my appropriate drivers (Via 4-in-1 4.39's ,29.42 NVidia Detonators, Compaq 244 drivers for Audigy). Install US 1.20 OFP CD. Run the 1.30 update. Run the 1.46 update. Run the 1.60 MP test. I would then go into OFP 1.46 and proceed to set everything up as I would normally. Fine and dandy. If I go into 1.60, I get the green/transp ground terrain. The interesting thing is......ONE time, I was able to go into 1.60 and have all the terrain textures perfect. But that's it. It seems as though 1.60 is taunting me. Anybody have any suggestions or solutions to this problem? It prevents me from truly giving 1.60 it's proverbial drive around the block. Thanks in advance, iXnay