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hypno toad

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Everything posted by hypno toad

  1. hypno toad

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    reskins of SLA would work for soviet troops. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki....tan.jpg
  2. hypno toad

    Operation Northstar WIP

    Could you make some skins like this? if you have the time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki....004.jpg By the way, the stuff could not look any better, I hope for a release soon. It is about time that us Canadians have our own army in armed assault.
  3. hypno toad

    FCSF inprogress

    Love it all, can't wait for the release. It think some sort of Chinese/NATO conflict mod wold be cool. Somebody has to make some sort of world war 3 mod.
  4. hypno toad

    BF2 Style Cobra

    I thought you could turn manual fire on? Or is that just single player?
  5. hypno toad

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    I hate queens gambit with a fiery passion right now.
  6. I was just wondering if it was possible to buy this game anywhere anymore? I really want it. Offtopic/false hopes: I am just wondering why the game is not free at this point, It doesn't seem to be selling anywhere.
  7. I am attempting to put together some sort of zombie-evolution style mission. And I would like to have specific weapons hidden in certain areas throughout the map. so, does anybody know how to place individual weapons on the ground (preferably without a mod)
  8. hypno toad


    I would do it this way. Iraqi soldiers / BLUFOR (they are not very often infiltrated by insurgents) Iraqi Police / Independent (they are often infiltrated by insurgents) Iranian SF / Independent (they are not officially at war with the U.S.)
  9. hypno toad


    Just out of curiosity, why?
  10. hypno toad

    spawning individual weapons

    so, to place weapons inside it, you say <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addweapon "m9" ?
  11. hypno toad


    I saw something lie it once, but it was in German, and it was very glitchy. If you picked certain units, the game would crash.
  12. hypno toad


    Any chance you guys could do a content addon, with your marines, iraqi soldiers, and insurgents? That would be pant crapingly cool. By the way, you insurgents look great, I don't know how you could possibly make them better.
  13. hypno toad

    Weapon jam

    That's the M16 for you
  14. hypno toad

    Is there anywhere tobuy this game anymore?

    I live in canada, that makes it about a 50% less chance of ifnding it in a store. I might check a smaller place, next time I am around one. I still think codemasters should make it free though. They don't make any money off of second hand sales. And it would basically work as advertising to operation Flashpoint 2 for them.
  15. hypno toad

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Now that you guys completed converting the old ones, why not make a new mod with new models and maps/map?
  16. hypno toad

    Custom Profile Face Starter Kit

    Wipmans was good, but the main problem I had getting mine working was that I just didn't have any clue where to put it... This tells you where to put it, and you do not have to do much changing of the template. Plus you don't have to go through a few pages of a thread to get all the basic info.
  17. I made myself a custom face, but I am not sure what file format it has to be in, and where it needs to be placed, and if it needs to be PBO'ed. http://img455.imageshack.us/img455....MG] If anybody has a tutorial, or an explanation. That would be much appreciated.
  18. hypno toad

    Lowplants v1.1

    I want this, but I don't want queens gambit
  19. hypno toad

    Operation WW2

    The democratic capitalommunist dictatorship of the world war 2 mods union, You shall call it D.C.C.D.W.W.U. mod Everything looks incredible, I can't wait to make a non crappy beach assault video
  20. hypno toad

    ADF mod back up!

    Holy Jesus, enough pop ups on your forums?
  21. hypno toad

    WP Insurgents

    It's nice to see we are all done with this argument. Maybe for another version you guys could try out modeling, I have done it before, I is just not in my taste though, I don't really like modeling and skinning, but it seems you guys went through the trouble of making an addon, so you may as well go all the way and models some heads while you are at it.
  22. hypno toad

    WP Insurgents

    Well it looks like everything worked out O.K. I am not getting any lag with them, and it seems almost every reskin has problems with blood. I would say this addon is about average. I map a LOT for hl2 and always get at least one piece of unfreindly crit, after a while you just ignore it. So I wouldn't give up on addon making. I would like to see some modeled towels in a later version though.
  23. hypno toad

    WP Insurgents

    Thats want they are for, it terms of gameplay By the way to all the people who made this mod, You should probably make your readme a bit more thorough, just to avoid arguments like that one a few posts back.
  24. hypno toad

    WP Insurgents

    Hmmm, Blackwater.. I don't like to be rude, but these guys never said they made that face, plus we have not heard from chaos whether or not he wants it in the pack. So until we actually hear from chaos himself, you can just go get lost and stop dragging yourself down. By the way, there was never a terms of use agreement (that I know of) with those faces, at this point it would not matter if he didn't want them in the pack, these guys could still keep them in, kiddo.
  25. hypno toad

    WP Insurgents

    Well I am quite impressed, most of these are about as good as it gets without modeling. Off topic: I want to make a trailer (which I need to record sounds from other videos for) But my motherboard's sound card is a piece of shit so it cannot record from line in (sterio mix), my question is, are there any programs that record sound the same way FRAPS records sounds for it's videos?