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About heemle

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. heemle

    Boot Camp

    1. I had the same problem. Might be a difference in if you have the rifle or the handgun equipped. First time i tried worked fine, but the second time I think I had the handgun, and I got stuck and couldn't move. 8. Had the same problem.
  2. heemle

    Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for ArmA

    Very nice work indeed, really useful material. Almost read it all in one reading session.. Could you please make the external hyperlinks open in a new window? For example, "Aircraft classes" on the last page which link to fas.org And the links related to TrackIr, should also open in a new window. And there was a missing link for the pdf for "Marine Rifle Squad" on page 2.
  3. This crash is very annoying. Happened in my original version 1.04 (UK) and happens again now with 1.05. First time in the first sniper mission, now after tank training. After quitting the mission or ending it, the game gets stuck in the loading screen, there wouldn't be such a big problem if the game would crash normally, but my version doesn't end. Not even if I try to end the process from task manager in windows. It never ends. I have to reboot the computer to get rid of it. I got Windows XP SP2. Arma.exe is occupying 600mb of ram and is not responding. What could result in this behaviour? I've got a dualscreen setup, but only other screen is used for ArmA. The primary screen is useless, because its now occupied by the loading screen, until I reboot of course.
  4. heemle

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Could someone torrent the patch from 1.04 to 1.05 when you finished downloading it?
  5. heemle

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Hope they really are setting up mirror sites, because downloading from the main site is even now slow for me. Tired of this waiting, will start playing now instead of waiting to play. Just have to cope with 1.04.
  6. heemle

    Legend of map symbols?

    Could someone verify these? And see if they could be implemented in the Wiki too?
  7. heemle

    Map legend and sound issues

    There is already a topic for map legend, if you had searched for it, you would have found it. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=57468
  8. Hi, has anyone tried ArmA and Kegetys SoftTh and got it working properly? I got three monitors waiting idle. It works for me, but the right and left monitor get stretched out, so there is something wrong. Can this be corrected by some tweaking of the config? If you don't know what SoftTh is, check this page out Kegetys SoftTh ps. Sent a PM to the marvellous creator of the software and waiting for more ArmA content by him!
  9. heemle

    Legend of map symbols?

    Nicely done! I wondered if I had to start working on that myself... There is atleast one more... Chimney for a factory. Totally climbable...
  10. heemle

    Legend of map symbols?

    I wondered the same thing. Help is appreciated!