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Everything posted by homerj

  1. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Im sure they have and im sure its a big conspiracy.
  2. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    The stfu image was a joke, he posted a pic, and so did I. The other 2 flamed me, so I flamed back. But nevermind, You overlooked everyone elses posts but mine. Thats nice, choose to attack me, but not the guy who started it.
  3. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    No youve got it frisbee.Yes we are good cause we kill the bad guys, rebuild and help the civilians, dont kill them intentionally. Saddam killed the civilians and let the bad guys do whatever the hell they wanted. I dont get how you guys can be so against freeing people from saddam. WTF? No, putting panties on a head and cutting off a head are entirely different. And you make it seem like every soldier out there is doing it. Im sure those were isolated incedents. Whereas beheadings are standard for terrorists. Again, you try to pin the actions of a few on everyone. The policy was to do anything necessary to extract vital intel that could save lives. A few pychos thought they could get away with doing it to anyone they wanted, but we stopped that. There is a time and place for that, for getting terrorists to talk, fine, but to use it to get off, is wrong.
  4. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    You really think so? You think the mods here(who are liberal and have opposing views) are going to be fair and not just adress me for flaming like everyone else does? When nobody here cares to attack the guy who started the flames, I seriously doubt how fair this forum is. Like I said, there were un troops on the ground. Un troops guarding refugees, yet they were ordered to pull back, ensuring that they would be slaughtered. In spite of this its still all our fault as always eh??
  5. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Well why dont you do someting about it. When they make unfair comments speak out. Again, why dont you tell the other guy to stop flaimbaiting? I can have decent mature conversations, but if people flame me, then I see no reason to attempt to discuss things reasonably with them when they show no desire to. Noone said it would be easy or pretty, but clearly those things show that it isnt as bad as you think, they prove that we are winning. We started investigating in jan, put them on leave in jan. Essentially we put a stop to it then.
  6. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Good for him. So your saying abuse by us, is the same as killing hostages? Let me get this right, putting panties on a guys head is the same as terrorists cutting someone's head off? Riiiiight. If you would read my posts I have repeatedly said I condemn the abuse of prisoners. We are the good guys. A few sadistic MPs dosent change anything. Its like saying just cause most terrorists are islamic, Islam is evil, or its like saying all german soldiers were die hard nazis, or that all soviets fighting the russians were die hard reds.
  7. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    No, we didnt support the league and thats why it failed. Oh sure ban me, what about that other asshole. I can keep it civil, but if others choose not to, im not obligated to have a civil conversation with them either. Reconmerc, stop sucking that other guys nuts and contribute to the thread, or stfu.
  8. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    You even read my links about our progress? Muqtada backtraking? And the head of AQ telling osama they are fucked? But never mind, its a quagmire or whatever, who cares about all that. Why not? They have shown their worthlessness time and time again, so why let them do it again, and let millions more die? Again you dont get it. Im saying that what we did is wrong, but we should move on, we took care of this in january, but you guys keep on beating a dead horse. Dont you think its wrong to just focus on something we fixed?
  9. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Mogidishu falied cause peps in washington(clinton) refused to give them everything they needed to win. RAN, do us all a favor and go eat shit and kill yourself. Why the hell would you think im a terrorist? That just stupid. Forgot to adress the whole human rights watch. Oh wait, that one says the same thing yet is crdible even to you, forgot it. Ever hear of the nofly zone? We helped them that way.
  10. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    We didnt go to rawanda cause as usual the un pussed out. We did fine in somalia, but you would never know cause all you guys care about is one failure out of allot of sucess. WTF? There were un troops in rawanda, so dont tell me they didnt want to send them, cause they were there, and they still didnt do shit in true un fasion. Yeah we were reaal late, thats what you get when you try to get the un to do its job. Same with iraq, with all the time it took to try to get them to do their job the wmds were probably in syria or buried already. The un is a joke cause it has proven time and time again that it is unwilling to do its job. Our fault? No its teh french and others who refuse. Without the US there would be no un. Just like the league of nations, we give them most of their troops and money, participate in most of their ops, the un is even in the US. And it is a force to be reckoned with, (korea, etc) when people actually do their jobs its very effective, but when they dont its utterly useless.
  11. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    So what? Its ok for them to cut our heads off but when we put some panties on a guys head were the bad guys? We may be held to a higher standard and we keep it up. We arent cutting peoples heads off, what we did is nothing compared to what they did, so why do you make a big deal out of a problem we adressed months ago yet ignore terrorists chopping peoples heads off yesterday? Where are you getting that from? Im saying that if what we did was so awful where is your outrage for saddam's genocide, terrorists brutality and all that? Seems like you dont give a fuck what anyone but else does. Your just there waiting for us to mess up and when we do you jump on it regardless if other crap is going on that is 10 times worse.
  12. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Really not genocide? I think the thousands of dead kurds would disagree. http://hrw.org/campaigns/iraq/#Anfal http://www.puk.org/web/htm/news/nws/news031015b.html http://www.khrw.org/torturesandgenocide.html Failure cause of clinton. It isnt, we put a stop to it in january, what more do you want?
  13. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    What the few troops involved did was wrong, they were punished. But where is the outcry from europe, liberals and the mid east when they cut our heads off? All im saying is that you always blow thing out of proportion when it makes us look bad. Those pics are still on the news, but news of the beheadings fade in a cuple of days. WTF? Where is your outrage now? I dont know where the fuck you think im comparing our troops to terrorists. All im saying is that everyone gets so upset when we do something, yet fix it, but noone cares that the other guys are cutting peoples heads off.
  14. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    We did go to rawanda, a bit too late, but better late than never, and we still were able to save lives. Rawanda is a good example of how much a joke the un is. What are you talking about, the gassing of the kurds with the intention to wipe them out is genocide. Gee you make it seem like either way its no big deal. All that stuff was ABUSE from a few sadistic fucks that dont represent us all. IT was investigated as far back as january for fucks sake. We investigated and put a stop to it, did saddam? NO, so dont compare us to him.
  15. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Walker nice conspiracy theory, but no proof. Whats the big deal? Your just call the Bush admin liers, what about the french, germans, and the un? They all had similar conclusions, we all did. Nukes or not the guy was still hiding something, NONE of you has yet to tell me why he would rather be attacked than to come clean. Walker we are killing al queda terrorists, in iraq. You have to understand that we cant send all those guys to afghanistan, it would do more harm than good. Look at operation anaconda, one of the largest US offensives in afghanistan. It failed, why? They had to build up all the troops in the region and of course the terrorists fled. Thats why tons of troops wont do anygood over there. Were better of with light fighters like the marines, sf, rangers, and seals, cause everyone else is either not trained or equipt to fight in the mountains of afghanistan. They are needed in iraq where they are able to kill terrorists with ease. This whole beheading thing is BS. They get pissed cause we put panties on some guys head, yet they cut off our guys head. What more reasons do you want to go in there and kill these animals and stopp more from spawning?
  16. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    African nations arent carrying out massive campaign of genocide like iraq did, nor does it commit attrocities on that large of a scale. When they do we do something about it(rawanda). Arent you forgettting that prisoners of the coalition dont just disapeer off the face of the earth by the thousands like under saddam, nor do we use acid baths or anything. But you dont give a fuck. And of course theres more criminals to jail when we they dont get shot anymore. Thats what happens. Hey tex this is for you:
  17. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    We are about freeing people, but obviously we cant free everyone all at once. We liberated iraq cause it was a threat and a good candidate for liberation for many reasons. Most other "opressed nations" arent as bad, or we will get to them later. Yeah employees do and why would they be willing to start this war? You think if they were really just pawns for a war for oil one of them would speak out? Havent heard of that. Listen I gotta get some sleep, its like 5:00 am. Laters all.
  18. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Sure ignore all the evidence and stuff he said they found. Again you make it seem like they all are out shooting us. Read my links, and my neighbor is in baghdad, says its not half as bad as they make it out to be, says most iraqis are friendly, but only a few in the sunni triangle fuck things up, not all of them. Whatever you still are ignoring all our other wars and conflicts.
  19. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    So what? Those things arent still happening or they dont count anymore? Read this: http://www.coloradopsycho.com/Good_News_from_Iraq_2004.htm And what of this revolt and its leader? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3799371.stm And of the terrorists? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tm....zarqawi When the leader of the insurgency wants to stop fighting, and when the leader of AQ in iraq warns that the jihad is failing, do you still think its a quagmire and failure? Couple that with our sucess and progress and it looks pretty good to me.
  20. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Its stupid to say he liberated to free and rebuild a country like we did. Buying is cheaper than repairing everything, security, rebuilding infrastructure and everything else. So you comparing hitlers wanting more room to our liberation and rebuilding of iraq then leaving? No you are wrong in that assumption, I bet you respond to the whole "free penis enlargment pills". Your forgetting the price they pay for "their war". Do 3/4 of africa have wmd or kill and attack on the scale saddam did? Were not throwing iraq into chaos the insurgents are, like I said you cant make cake without breaking a few eggs. Sure its not going to be easy and people will resist, but its too early to call it a failure. Look at my links, youl find we did more than just capture saddam. Obviously you dont know shit about US history, if you did you would be aware of the spanish American war, mex Amer war, and teddy rosevelt.
  21. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Seriously if he gave them up why the hell was he still hiding stuff and kicking inspectors out? Obviously hundreds of thousands of iraqi lives dont mean shit to you. 840 dead US sailors, airmen, soldiers, and marines meant that we still give a fuck. When the world turned its back on the kurds and millions of opresses iraqis we went in to liberate them, when the un ignored saddams violations of of resolution after resolution we were the only ones to enforce it. Those dead man and women mean to me that America still stands for freedom and democracy even when the rest of the world refuses to do the same. Thats what that means to me. Where did you read that? LOL, you think they would do any better? Its not exactly an easy thing to do you know. Try more like a couple thousand rpg carrying sobs. We could take them all out easily, but we discipline ourselves, it would be so eay to just roll in with all we got and kill those fuckers but we show restraint. Doing so lets them sit safe and sound in mosques, restricts or ops and makes us carefull to avoid collateral damage. If we didnt show restraint we could put them down in days. We destroyed one of the worlds largest armies in a matter of hours, the only reason the insurgents remain is cause we show restraint. Its stupid and we should go balls out in there and get them, but we dont, so dont accuse us of killing civilians intentionally when we go through all that trouble to preserve lives. They basically kicked them out. They werent cooperating so do you think they would stick around?Oh sure just cause of American spies, so the others werent spies either? http://www.fair.org/extra/0210/inspectors.html So what? They had 12 years to comply(ship or hide their wmds) so all of a sudden they start to cooperate when we are about to go to war? You dont believe that do you? If he had nothing to hide he would have opned up to us, he had 12 years to do it, his time was up. All we hear about is the bad stuff. But its not as widespread as the lib media wants you to believe. Weve done allot, in most places they have electricity when they didnt under saddam, more than half of gov jobs are run by iraqis, their economy is resurfacing, they have more freedom than ever, etc etc. Tell me why its a failure? Tell me why even before power is turned over and after such a short time you think its a failure? These things take dacadesm but we are rebuilding in years. Check out these sites and ask yourself if its a failure. http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/iraq/introduction.html http://www.christiansciencemonitor.com/2003/1020/p09s01-coop.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0%2C2933%2C92778%2C00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/07/31/wmd.search/ http://usinfo.state.gov/mena/middle_east_north_africa/new_iraq.html http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/20030603-084008-6883r.htm http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20030808-115950-1720r.htm http://www.brookings.edu/views/op-ed/ohanlon/20030929.htm Bush is a danger to the peace of dictators. Why you hate that? I dont know. Saddam invaded an allied country and we came 12 years late, but we still came in both cases. He would have to deal with russia, we would be below that. And I doubt he could invade sucesfully. Troop ships on the open seas against worlds best navy? Sounds like a doomed invasion to me.
  22. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    You watch the news? These guys arent exactly friendly to us you know. And isnt the guy they elected as pres some kind of cleric or very religious? You have yet to prove that were going to colonize iraq or something. The age of imperialism ended a long time ago. Again do you even grasp the concept of an empire? Empires claim other lands as their own and run the place. But were handing over everything to iraq as we speak, so again, its not about imperialism. Where is this empire you speak of? I sure as hell havent heard of it. Why is it a disturbing change in foreign policy? Were doing what we always do, liberate the opressed and stand up to dictators. Whats so disturbing about that? Wrong, his regime wasnt so stable. If it were there would be no revolts or defections of his closest generals. You have any proof of your outrageous statements? Can you prove hes doing it for his coorporate cronies(if your going to make up shit atleast specify and tell us who is telling him to go to war). Elaborate? How would war please his buddies? Give me one reason why they would want him to go to war? And explain to me exactly how they MADE him go to war? Think you can do that? Probably not, just another stupid conspiracy theory. Your probably going to bring up the whole war for oil bs, but think about this, if all this was for oil and contracts, why not just tolerate saddam, turn a blind eye(like the un) and buy his oil? Thats seems more easy than going to war and rebuilding the country? But noooooo its a big conspiracy. Seriously, the things called op iraqi FREEDOM! Were over there to rebuild iraq and keep it free of dictators and terrorists, where is all the oil this was for? What the fuck would his coorporate buddies want? Halliburton employees are getting killed and kidnapped, their equipment is getting destroyed, why the fuck would they want to go to war so that could happen? THEY WOULDNT! Noone would. They have plenty of work in afghanistan, kuwait, and soudi arabia, its not like there desperate enough for work to want war. You come up with some interesting theories. LOL, starting a war cause tanks look pretty in the desert, brilliant. Seriously what are you smoking? Name these other dictators. All I got are DPRK, and iran, mmm on the axis of evil as well. But nooo its all a conspiracy theory and the war was for oil or whatever you believe. Is it so hard to believe that we did it to take out a ruthless dictator(even by your standards hes one of the worse) and to liberate 25million people and to try to make the world safer? Why is it so hard to believe when we have been doing it for hundreds of years?? NP, tests suck gj.
  23. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    What? So we have to stick to ONE single contingency plan? You know countries change and plans need to be altered. Maybe there was something wrong with teh old one. Oh I get it, another liberal conspiracy theory. That one has been thrown around for a while and theres still no evidence its true.
  24. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    The pentagon is always drawing up contingency plans for invadinghostile neighbors. Whats new? The CIA was asked to find a iraq-aq link, last time I checked wasnt it their job to find links and stuff like that?
  25. homerj

    The Iraq thread 3

    Clinton paved the way for regime change when he made it our policy. Oh really? If containment worked how the hell did al queda affiliated terrorists get there? Remember hitler? We though contaiment would work with him too, boy were we wrong, and we didnt make the same mistake twice.