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Everything posted by hyakushiki

  1. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Here are URLs for bug fixed versions. JAM2 only version (Requies only JAM2) <span style='color:red'>http://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_153.rar</span> JAM2 + LSR US Weapon Pack version (Requies both JAM2 and Laser's U.S. Weapon Pack) <span style='color:red'>http://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_153.rar</span> (Updated: Jan. 16 2005) Reported bugs such as binocular problem and loadout probrem are all fixed! Â @Mr Reality Thank you for detailed bug report.
  2. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Thx guys for downloading. But I found minor bug on LSR version (inncorrect magazine setting on config), so I updated LSR version. I'm sorry for guys who downloaded older version, however, I believe that current version have no bugs anymore. Â <span style='color:RED'>Newer versions has been uploaded. You can download anytime you want. Please try my new version.</span>
  3. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Hi guys. I've finished my work for new version at last! Here are 2 types of new versions to download. Copy & paste your liking URL into adress bar of your browser. JAM2 only version (Requies only JAM2) <span style='color:red'>http://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_153.rar</span> JAM2 + LSR US Weapon Pack version (Requies both JAM2 and Laser's U.S. Weapon Pack) <span style='color:red'>http://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_153.rar</span> (Updated: Jan. 16 2005) Special thanks to Laser for excellent weapon addon. Here are shots of new version. (Click for larger image.)
  4. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Hi all. Firstly, I must apologize to all the people who e-mailed me. Because of my parsonal life and my poor English capacity, it was difficult to respond all of the messages. And of course, it's OK to use my soldiers in any kind of MODs and ADDONs without my permission. But please credit the name of RyoGuGu, the original author of soldier body, and the leader of BOH mod. Finally, here's a news for you. I 'm currently making a new version of US soldiers pack. As a picuture below, I made many fixes to existing units, and I'm going to add some new units. Best greets from Japan.
  5. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Hi all I'm very happy to get good evaluations from so many guys. And according to some advices, I made some updates on WoodLand and 3 color desert textures. Changes - WoodLand textures are darkened. - Color balance of 3 color desert textures are corrected. DownLoad big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_102.rar
  6. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Yes, see the left shoulder of my soldiers. I referred US Army infantries and equipments to make this addon. [edit] @Cpt. FrostBite I'm glad to correct textures as your image. thank you again. [/edit]
  7. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    @Cpt. FrostBite Here is a shot of new version. http://users72.psychedance.com/up/img/4/20040311/20450562.jpg @UltraGuns... Just a extra bonus. Please ingnore if you don't like them. @Russian Units (sorry for my bad English... ) I was thinking about making modern Russian infantry addon at the beginning of making this addon. But I have no resources about Russian Infantry equipmants from '80s to current days... So I gave up making Russians and concentrated my time into making 4 types of US infantry units. [edit] @robbo Thank you for Mirror!! But current version is now 1.01. Could you update addon file if you are free? [\edit]
  8. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    THX guys for download my addon and much valuable advices (Especially for Cpt. FrostBite) I made some changes to Woodland BDU textures, only arm, leg, and body. Helmet and Body Armor textures are not changed at all. [edit] DownLoad big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_101.rar [/edit]