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Everything posted by hamis
Well,looks like it's working!Very big thank's for you.
Well,i have been working with my own replacement mod for long time,but there is one problem.I get missing addon messages for about all addons i am using.Do you have this problem,if not how did you do it?I am using ECP 1.085.
Well,i can't find your Nogova Nature Replacement Pack anywhere!
Well,i tried to apply forest(every kind of them)with WRPTOOL but all textures were missing.Also some objects were hanging at about 1-2 meters from the ground.What's wrong?
Hi.I have replaced resistance t-54 with RHS T-55 AM2.There are scripts for ramdom numbers in EECP,but they don't work then the tank is on resistance side.Could someone make working script?
Where are all the talented scripters then you need one?
Thrustmaster topgun afterburner II has software where you can specify  individual controls for every game you have! With this stick(software) you can reverse throttle for games of your choice!
Hi.I have replaced resistance t-54 with RHS T-55 AM2.There are scripts for ramdom numbers in EECP,but they don't work then the tank is on resistance side.Could someone(EECP Team?) make working script?
Well,then you play with this addon on east side,there is numbers and unit marking on the turret.I have replaced original T-54 with this tank and numbering does not work because it is on resistance side.I don't know much about scripts,so i need instructions to make it work.
Here is RAE_numbers.sqf: private["_path", "_pathNum", "_tank", "_name1", "_name2", "_name3", "_type", "_typeBeg", "_var", "_num1", "_num2", "_num3", "_gvardA", "_emb", "_gvard", "_rnd", "_leaves", "_net1", "_net2", "_typeBeg"]; _path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\"; _pathNum = "\SIG_T55\Nums\"; _tank = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; _name1 = "n"; _name2 = "in_"; _name3 = "g"; _typeBeg = "none"; if (_type == "random") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _var = random 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _type = "randomArabic" } else { _type = "randomNormal" } }; if (_type == "randomNormal") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _type = "normal"; _num1 = random 9; _var = _num1 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1 } else { _num1 = _num1 - _var }; _num2 = random 9; _var = _num2 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1 } else { _num2 = _num2 - _var }; _num3 = random 9; _var = _num3 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num3 = (_num3 - _var) + 1 } else { _num3 = _num3 - _var }; _emb = _this select 2; _gvardA = _this select 3; }; if (_type == "randomArabic") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _type = "arabic"; _num1 = random 9; _var = _num1 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1 } else { _num1 = _num1 - _var }; _num2 = random 9; _var = _num2 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1 } else { _num2 = _num2 - _var }; _num3 = random 9; _var = _num3 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num3 = (_num3 - _var) + 1 } else { _num3 = _num3 - _var }; _emb = _this select 2; _gvardA = _this select 3; }; if (_type == "randomResi") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _type = "resi"; _num1 = random 9; _var = _num1 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1 } else { _num1 = _num1 - _var }; _num2 = random 9; _var = _num2 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1 } else { _num2 = _num2 - _var; }; _emb = _this select 2; _gvardA = _this select 3; }; if (_type == "none" || _typeBeg != "random") then { _num1 = (_this select 2) select 0; _num2 = (_this select 2) select 1; if (_type != "resi") then { _num3 = (_this select 2) select 2 }; _emb = _this select 3; _gvardA = _this select 4 }; if (_emb == "random") then { _rnd = random 3; if (_rnd < 1) then { _emb = "emb1" }; if (_rnd >= 1) then { _emb = "emb2" }; if (_rnd >= 2) then { _emb = "none" } }; if (_emb == "none") then { _emb = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] } else { _emb = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _emb] }; _gvard = _gvardA select 0; if (count _gvardA != 1) then { if (random 10 > (_gvardA select 1)) then { _gvard = "none" } }; if (! (format ["%1", _gvard] in RHS_T55s_Possible_Gvards)) then { _gvard = format ["%1.paa", _gvard] } else { if (_gvard == "none") then { _gvard = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] } else { _gvard = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _gvard] } }; if (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials) then { _var = random 2; if (_var < 1) then { _leaves = "\o\tree\borovice01.pac" } else { _leaves = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] }; _var = random 2; if (_var < 1) then { _net1 = "\data\mask_sit_2x1_ridka.paa" } else { _net1 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] }; _var = random 2; if (_var < 1) then { _net2 = "\data\mask_sit_2x1_ridka.paa" } else { _net2 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] }; _tank setObjectTexture [2, _leaves]; _tank setObjectTexture [3, _net1]; _tank setObjectTexture [4, _net2] } else { _tank setObjectTexture [3, _emb]; _tank setObjectTexture [4, _gvard] }; if (_type == "normal") then { _tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num1]]; _tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num2]]; _tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num3]]; } else { if (_type == "arabic") then { _tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num1]]; _tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num2]]; _tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num3]]; } else { if (_type == "resi") then { _tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num1]]; _tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num2]]; } } }; Could someone try to make it work?
Well,you should compare original ofp config with some replacement configs.There are many like ffur,eecp and others.
Thrustmaster topgun afterburner II has software where you can specify individual controls for every game you have!
Here is EECP_RAE_init.sqs: _path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\" _tank = _this select 0 _line = "T55" ? format ["%1", RHS_T55_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_NoScripts = false ? format ["%1", RHS_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_NoScripts = false ? RHS_T55_NoScripts || RHS_NoScripts: exit ? format ["%1", RHS_smokeOff] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RAE_smokeOff = false ? format ["%1", RAE_serverCount] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RAE_serverCount = 0 ? format ["%1", RHS_T55_FctLoad] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_FctLoad = false thisIsServer = true thisIsMP = false ~(random 0.5) + 0.5 #afterMPCheck ? ! RHS_T55_FctLoad: RHS_FctLoad = true; RHS_T55_Numbers = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_Numbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPN = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_MPN.sqf", _path]; RHS_countedCargo = loadFile format ["%1RAE_countCargo.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPNumberFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_MPNumbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_TriggFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_TriggerFct.sqf", _path] RHS_T55_throwOff = objNull RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sGDR = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sCz = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sChina = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sIraq = [""] RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers = [""] RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials = [""] RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies = [""] RHS_T55s_Possible_Gvards = ["russ", "czech", "finn", "gdr", "none", "resi"] RHS_T55s_Possible_Embs = ["random", "emb1", "emb2", "none"] ? ! (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies): _tank exec format ["%1RAE_T55_check.sqs", _path] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "random", ["russ", 3]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sGDR: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["gdr"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sCz: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["czech"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sChina: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["none"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sIraq: _array = [_tank, "randomArabic", "none", ["none"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomResi", "none", ["none"]] ? ! thisIsMP: _array call RHS_T55_Numbers; goTo "loop" #loop ? isNull _tank: exit ? format ["%1", RHS_T55_throwOff] == format ["%1", _tank]: [_tank] exec format ["%1RAE_T55_throwOff.sqs", _path] ~0.5 goTo "loop" I'm sure someone can edit it to make it work!
You can also use @ECP 1.085 config.
im using the nvg from lluma sky pack, they are also great, but i have also a question, can u download only NVg replacment or u have to go with packmod ?
There are good nvg's in latest EECP.Also dxdll have some option for nvg effects.In ECP 1.085 you can select from many nvg's. ************************************************** * TO THE END USER (choose you Night Vision view) * **************************************************/ // The following comments describe the available NV screen layers. // In order to select your favourite model, you may comment out // the current uncommented definition and then remove the double // slash from the definition of the model you want to choose. // You can add different screens. All you have to do is defining // the macro "NVGMODEL" with the path of the respective model. // NV screen with statics and sharp edge shadow //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_stat" // NV screen with statics and faded edge shadow //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_statF" // NV screen with sharp edge shadow and no statics //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_shad" // NV screen with faded edge shadow and no statics //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_shadF" // clear NV screen with statics //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_stat_ns" // clear NV screen //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_clear" // Monocular NV screen (for realism maniacs) //#define NVGMODEL "\ECP_Effects\models\optics_nv_mono" // BIS' default NV screen //#define NVGMODEL "optika_night" Just remove // before one line(lower)and try it!
Are you sure you have g36a.pbo in res/addons?
Well,i tried to apply forest(every kind of them)with WRPTOOL but all textures were missing.Also some objects were hanging at about 1-2 meters from the ground.What's wrong?
If you want lots of shooting videos,go to this site:http://www.aardvarkfirearms.com/
Hi!I played pmc_heros path campaign,it didn't go to next mission,i used "campaign" cheat but mission didn't end!Since then @ecp version have started about every fourth time,but normal resistance starts always.What could cause this?
I think your cd have scratches or fingerprints.Try also to clean your cd-drive.
Hi!I played pmc_heros path campaign,it didn't go to next mission,i used "campaign" cheat but mission didn't end!Since then @ecp version have started about every fourth time,but normal resistance starts always.What could cause this?
Hi!I played pmc_heros path campaign,it didn't go to next mission,i used "ccampaign" cheat but mission didn't end!Since then @ecp version have started about every fourth time,but normal resistance starts always.What could cause this?