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Everything posted by hobson_matt

  1. hobson_matt

    Removing radio chatter

    I have come up with a solution, but it isnt very good: Set the units as East, but change their skins to be that of a West Soldier. Set the unit to be careless and hold fire, then they wont shoot you, maybe get rid of careless to make sure they run around like mad! Not very good solution though, would be better to have them as west
  2. hobson_matt

    Creating invincible units

    Brilliance, sheer brilliance, thanks guys! works a treat, anyone with Winter Everon + winter units can try the mission so far if they like, either pm or email me, Cheers!
  3. hobson_matt

    Creating invincible units

    Still get same error if i put it in a trigger, the error changes if i delete "select 0"
  4. hobson_matt

    Creating invincible units

    Still have an error, here is the situation: Truck named "Truck2" Â init field: [Truck2] exec "supertruck.sqs" Code called supertruck.sqs: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _Truck2 = _this select 0 #start @ (getdammage _Truck2) > 0.5 _Truck2 setdammage 0 goto "start" <span id='postcolor'> Error: '_Truck2 = _this select 0|#|': Error Select: Type Object, Expected Array
  5. hobson_matt

    Creating invincible units

    Is getdamage supposed to be getdammage? I get errors both ways, with one m i get "unknown operator _Truck2" with 2 m's i get "Error select: Type object, expected array " Damn if only i was better at scripting!! Any ideas?
  6. hobson_matt

    Creating invincible units

    yea, allowdammage false used to work, but it was removed, need an alternative!!
  7. I know that part of this has been covered but i have been unable as of yet to find exactly what i want. I am creating a large mission where you are to hold an area underattack for about 10 to 15 mins non-stop. I only have a p800, so i cannot create too many unit on the editor. I am hoping to create groups as others get killed, but am not too good at scripting. Any ideas guys? Cheers Matt
  8. Hi, quick mission question, i want to re-supply my troops mid-mission after a radio call, to wherever my troops are. Am thinking of some sort of link with moving a "H" to where my troops are and having a waypoint in the area, but is there any good way to do it over a large area? Is it possible to "setpos" waypoints? I did try searching, but got nothing!!
  9. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Hi, i am trying to put together a few Gulf War missions, and was wondering if anyone knows of any good desert islands that are FLAT! Very similar to the original Desert Island or the new Mogadishu island would be good. The initial island is a bit small and mog has a huge city on - not complaining as i love this map, but am looking for a LARGE map which is relatively flat to try and make it as much like Iraq & Kuwait as possible. Any ideas people???
  10. hobson_matt


    Hi, i am creating a Gulf war mission in which there is a full on assault on the Iraqi border, is it possible for me to re-arm my tanks after the front line? i Know i can set healh to full, but can i set ammo back to how it was at the beginning?
  11. hobson_matt


    Why when i try to set a waypoint as support does the driver get out of the ammo truck???
  12. hobson_matt


    Never knew that about the support waypoint, was thinking of making some choppers bring support vehicles underneath to the area, would prefer to be able to have more control over the re-arming tho, have still not found a list of ammo
  13. hobson_matt


    i know about this command and have used it for infantry, can i use it for tanks? if so where is the list of ammo names?
  14. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Hi, i am trying to put together a few Gulf War missions, and was wondering if anyone knows of any good desert islands that are FLAT! Very similar to the original Desert Island or the new Mogadishu island would be good. The initial island is a bit small and mog has a huge city on - not complaining as i love this map, but am looking for a LARGE map which is relatively flat to try and make it as much like Iraq & Kuwait as possible. Any ideas people???
  15. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    This is fantastic!! thanks a lot! where can i d/l wrp edit from? must have a go, cant believe you did it so quick!
  16. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    This is fantastic!! thanks a lot! where can i d/l wrp edit from? must have a go, cant believe you did it so quick!
  17. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Cheers have downloaded it, will have a look now
  18. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Cheers have downloaded it, will have a look now
  19. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Really?!! that would be great, am looking for an island with loads of flat land with some small hills & valleys, similar to that of Iraq and Kuwait, my best email to use is Matt_hobson@Yahoo.com as my hotmail is being very strange. Is the wrp edit easy to use, i have some programming background (but work better with nice GUI's )
  20. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Really?!! that would be great, am looking for an island with loads of flat land with some small hills & valleys, similar to that of Iraq and Kuwait, my best email to use is Matt_hobson@Yahoo.com as my hotmail is being very strange. Is the wrp edit easy to use, i have some programming background (but work better with nice GUI's )
  21. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    i dont have version 1.91 so it wont run. Â When i tried to upgrade it found some errors and stayed at version 1.75, any suggestions?
  22. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    i dont have version 1.91 so it wont run. Â When i tried to upgrade it found some errors and stayed at version 1.75, any suggestions?
  23. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Thanks, am downloading as i type, will let you know.............
  24. hobson_matt

    Desert islands

    Thanks, am downloading as i type, will let you know.............
  25. I have heard that it is possible to change my own squad callsigns to appear in radio chatter, but have not yet found how to, can anyone help me?? Can i make up any name??? Matt