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About hntr3006

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  1. hntr3006

    The right to keep and bear arms?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> so are you saying all those moms who lost their kids to gun-related crime like Columbine are not for reducing the crime? excuse me, but easier access to guns, more accidents and crimes are waiting to happen. that's why we need strict control to distinguish a good owner and a bad wannabes. good owners handle firearms with caution, bad ones don't. and with bad ones, there are accidents waiting to happen. <span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you know Hitler believed in gun control, saying it would help the nation, instead he took away the defenses of jews making them helpless. in switzerland, every male is required to own a gun and the crime rate there is the one of, if not the lowest in europe.<span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">nope, Hitler and Nazis gained popularity among most populations who were happy to blame Jews for all<span id='postcolor'> No, i didnt say that EVERY person wanted disarmament, just some, a half, two-thirds of them, i dont know, but alot do want disarmament. i agree that there are people out there that truly believe no guns would be good for America. and about Hitler, of course he convinced the Germans that the Jews were the cause of there problems. i never said that that was the sole cause of his popularity. im just saying that  he took about the Peoples defenses, and they suffered, barly any Jews were able to defend themselves during the krystalnecht (i cant spell it) or any other attacks on them. I didnt say that the Nazis would never of risin to power, im just saying that they wouldnt of been sitting ducks. Im simply using a lesson in history. your saying that i wrote things that i never did. You also seem to think that just because a person owns a gun that makes them a dangerous murderer, thats about the farthest you can get from the truth. some people are saying that a person would have no chance of defending off an attacker with a gun or that is stupid to defend a painting on a wall. well, defending a PAINTING is stupid! but defending your family isnt! just a few weeks ago a woman fought off a kidnapper after her child with a gun. a smart person should know when to defend hisself or when to surrender
  2. hntr3006

    The right to keep and bear arms?

    ya, i DID do a search, but not for gun control, im not usually on the forums, so i didnt need a name, then i had a question so i registered, this came up on the search, anyway, i also think that a good number of gun control guys dont really believe in reducing crime, a good chunk of it is probly about disarming the public. you know Hitler believed in gun control, saying it would help the nation, instead he took away the defenses of jews making them helpless. in switzerland, every male is required to own a gun and the crime rate there is the one of, if not the lowest in europe. I would also feel better with a sane person with a gun next door than an anti-gun person next door. i dont trust'em. Ive lived around guns my whole life and ive never had any break-in, murder next door, or crime in my life, oh, cept for a stolen car, and the theif was un-armed
  3. hntr3006

    The right to keep and bear arms?

    i for one am against any law that would keep a sane, law abiding person from owning any type of gun. i do a lot a reading on this and im convinced that gun control accually increases crime. englands crime rate has skyrocketed since it banned most of its guns, even higher than new york's in some area's. and besides, like some people have mentioned, if you take away the guns from honest people, then the dishonest people will have a major advantage. (oh boy, everybodies helpless and i got a shotgun). also, what do you think the second amendment is about? it gives americans the god-given right to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. dont say "well this is america, were never going to become slaves", ya right. thats what the ancient romans thought before they had emperors. did you know that in endland, its a crime to defend yourself? a farmer injured a murderer in his house once and the farmer was arrested while the killer ran free. guns=good