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Everything posted by general

  1. general

    Lost-World Returns

    does it beat this? http://files.turbosquid.com/Preview....rge.jpg I know it's no Deinonychus but still... it's awsome and no, it's no animatronic reconstruction or something like that
  2. general

    UK Weapons

    guess I'm just impatient
  3. general

    UK Weapons

    is this little project abandoned?
  4. general

    Lost-World Returns

    They were slower then hens ? Nah, jokling. Well look at us human. Compared to the rest of out body our legs are pretty long. And we are slow as hell. A hippo with their short legs can outrun us easely. But bushmen doesn't hunt down their preys by out running them. They follow them the entire day and then kill the prey when it collapses on the ground and then kills them. According to BBC's walking with dinos their short legs made them pretty fast but they weren't able to follow their prey for very long. Not saying that this is gospel either but these are two different throries and untill somebody clones a dinosaur or invent some sort of DNA creator or make's an incredible animatronic dinosaur nothing's confirmed Yes I do sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about I havn't studied this area so why should I be
  5. general

    Lost-World Returns

    ummmm... are you shure about that? a hippopotamus weights from 1,5 to 3 tones
  6. general


    How about some really big sniper... like... the NTW 20mm antimateriel rifle http://membres.lycos.fr/abpw....odo.jpg
  7. general


    How about some really big sniper... like... the NTW 20mm antimateriel rifle http://membres.lycos.fr/abpw....odo.jpg
  8. general

    UK Weapons

    Yes, well, that's jolly nice for you, but not everyone can justify spending thousands of dollars on Maya for just this. O2 is perfectly OK for making the sort of low poly models that this application uses. *deleted
  9. general

    UK Weapons

    @ sasyboy 100 to 200... that's what I guessed Anyway it is quite low end. Would work for the lower lods. 1000 to 2000 is what I'd try to reach for the highest lod. For myself, I really have a problem getting the models below 3000 pollys If you're not happy with the result of your model, remodel it. The best way to learn is to watch a pro ( Not saying that I'm a pro. I'm not even close ) edit your model and correct your misstakes. You do it in o2 aswell. O2 lacks some of the very key tools that I use all the time which is why I model in maya instead.
  10. general

    UK Weapons

    No worries I'm not trying to be an asshole. Just giving some contructive criticism.
  11. general

    UK Weapons

    @granQ if something looks low poly and it highpoly, something is really wrong. I've heard serveral times that I should show the wireframe cuz it can be difficult to see the flaws otherwise. especially if a texture is applyed. The elevations that you can see on the pic used as texture can't be seen on the model and it makes it look pretty flat. a lowpoly model with good textures can look very detailed. a model with more pollys can look like it's got fewer pollys if a bad texture is applyed. You really can't just look at a textured model and figure out the pollycount. And if I think something looks bad, I will say that it look bad and what looks bad on it. If it looks good I will say so. Everyone's got right to express his or her opinion right? I said that it looked lowpolly and that's what matters. If you make a weapon with 50 000 pollys that looks like shit it's not very good is it?
  12. general

    UK Weapons

    ok, as I said: it's hard to tell by just looking at it. But by the look of it. you've only done the major shapes and not the smaller ones which makes it look pretty low detailed. Still, it can be the textures hiding the fine details. BTW what's the polycount? If my guesses are way off, I would like to know Edit*. Looks like you fixed the maping. I can't see that stretshed out textures Hope we will see more improvements soon
  13. general

    UK Weapons

    No offence but judging from the pics, it doesn't look very good First: The weapons look very low poly, maybe you should pay more attention to the actual 3d shape of the weapons, not just craeting blocks to fill out the basic shape ( I might be wrong, it's hard to tell sometime by just looking at a pic. would be easier to see if you posted the a pic of the wireframe). Second: The textures are pretty bad. With a little tweaking in PS they'll probably look much better  Can't tell you more than that cuz I suck at PS But I know that good PS work can hide many flaws in the model. Third The maping... well there's almost no maping at all. It looks like you just made a planar maping and apllyed (spelling ) a pic onto it. As you can see it only gives you a good result on the sides while the textures at the other views (front, back, top, bottom) gets very streched out. Mapping is very boring but still nessesary to get a good result.  It's called constructive critism folks
  14. They wont, but it's very appreciated in the zombie mod Give us more zombie anims
  15. general

    Ka-50 cannon

    They are wrong compared to real penetration and armoury values mate. Â For the sake of argument: But ArmA doesn't employ real armour penetration. Â It doesn't even encorperate real projectiles or real materials! Â Moreover, it doesn't even pretend to simulate real armour penetration. Â It's engineered in such a way that you can have a good time playing it. Well they said that the 505 verision will have. What you are playing on now is not the finished product. It's got lots fo bugs (most can be fixed) and is right now just a graphical upgrade of the Elite engine. I can only hope that all those things they promised for the 505 verision will be there. or ellse..
  16. We're making progress as we speak :pistols:And there is alot that we've done that you havn't seen and you will never see untill we're done But we gotta get the tools before inporting anything into ArmA since there's more to it than just retexturing.
  17. general

    Suggestion for Better Server Performance and AI

    get the APEXX8 key features: 16 processor cores Up to 128GB of memory 8+ TB of local storage High bandwidth I/O APEXX 8
  18. lidingo in sweden:O I'd love to have lidingo in arma.
  19. general

    Lost-World Returns

    for no missunderstandings to me made
  20. general

    Lost-World Returns

    ok then I give up
  21. general

    Lost-World Returns

    well if you would manage to clone a sauropod today do you think the amount of oxegyn in the air today would make it possible for it to even stand up?
  22. general

    505s version

    motocrosses yay hope they are capable of climbing a 10 degree hill in terrain which they couldn't in ofp but why are they so bad looking. looks like a 95 design. I would like this type of design KTM450 not those collors tough but that shape.
  23. general

    Found a cheat :/

    yes, indeed this the case. you can see that when the sprint animation slows down and the sidesprint does not.
  24. general

    ArmA soundtrack

  25. turn off hardware accel, the choppers are way way too loud (except after the patch), but the tanks are at least a bit more OK. I'm making a tank patch hopefully very soon, probable release before the end of upcoming weekend. do so quickly beacuse they sound like tractorpulling machines