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Everything posted by general

  1. general

    Nogova 2004

    holland won with (donno what the name is). there wasn't eny ass kicking here. sweden was very close to do some goal. holland was to. pretty good match, but both holland and sweden did some very bad thing. lost the bol sometimes on an inbaresing way.
  2. general

    Nogova 2004

    and we need a bio, a library, a warehouse, food store, and we need a gulfcurt, a motorcross park bla bla bla bla bla . (joke)
  3. general

    Troublemakers MP Campaign

    fick det och funka dom e rätt sĺ balla. specielt motorcycklarna och jävlar vad 750 gĺr fort jag fick upp den i 197 KM/H. otrologt
  4. general

    Ecp released!

    this was the biggest thred I ever seen
  5. general

    Troublemakers MP Campaign

    fĺr jag frĺga varför du svarade halva mailet pĺ engelska och rästen pĺ svenska?
  6. general

    Vulcan out of ammo

    It can be beacuse there is no more ammo in the ammo truck
  7. general

    Troublemakers MP Campaign

    can you sent me the files. the addon and the MP mission. you see evry time I use winrar the program chraches. or ca I download teh files in winzip somewhere? edit* du va ju frĺn finland va kul att träffa nĺn frĺn grannländerna.
  8. general

    Nogova 2004

    no it's not the sims but this would be realistic. it's not realistic without a school
  9. general

    Nogova 2004

    then make one you know I' not the athour
  10. general

    Nogova 2004

    would you be happy if you had a broken leg and get transported to a TENT I think you had been happy for a hospital. and Nogova reminds me about Orust that have a hospital. but Orust is maybe a little bigger. it's very inportant that nogova have a hospital. it doesn't even have conection with mainland
  11. general

    Nogova 2004

    a hospital is a must for nogova. I mean if it was a car accsident. and the ambulance is there. what are they going to do with him. -ahhhh ahhhhh take me to hospital!! -we don't have a hospital.:p after 3 days this poor guy dies off he's untreated wounds. he would have survived if there had been a hospital. and no school? how do they get joobs in Nogova then???
  12. general

    Troublemakers MP Campaign

    looks good. didn't read it so carafuly but it looks good.
  13. general

    Doomsday - part i

    nooooooo this is not true! I can't extract the mission beacuse it's winrar. the the program chraches. can you do so it's downloadble with winzip
  14. general

    Hold the southern road

    to end the mission go to the hospital near Torone
  15. general

    Operation manhunt? (guba's escaped!)

    guba is probably at the seachore. if the boat is destroyed he pas that waypoint and then he have a waypoint in the sea. he can be on two places: 1 somewhere at the cost 2at the botto off the sea. when he had the waypoint out there in the sea he maybe jut wen't out there and drowned. maybe
  16. general

    Doomsday - part i

    you can test my mission if you wan't one. need some1 to test it. there are still some thing left to do. identities ya know. but it's playeble. it was supposed to be a campaign but I've only made 3 or 4 good maps. hurry up with domsday:;):
  17. as you may guess I wanna giva a soldier a name. I seached and I copyed the text but it didn't work. I used this<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">setIdentity "JohnDoe" I got verision 1.96 if that make eny diferens thanks in advanse
  18. general

    set identity on a unit

    OK thanks it works:D do you know eny russian names?
  19. general

    Doomsday - part i

    it's the addon and you can do nothing about it.
  20. general

    Doomsday - part i

    that bug message doesn't matter. I have it to but it won't do enything to the zombies
  21. ok a big problem if some1 else are testing my mission. for example I have mission were I shall protect a village and must retret later. so I got two objectives in my mission. defend the village retret to the north I'm using a trigger to hide the second objective but that gets activated after I've started the game. so it's visible in the breafing. how can I hide this objecive in the breafing??? thanks in advanse
  22. does eny1 know a record program that records the souns in O.G.G?
  23. what is a description.ext and how do I create 1? I tried to make a new document and neme it discription.ext but it didn't work.
  24. general

    Retaliation campaign now available in English

    I would like to help but I think you think I'm useless if I show you my skill.