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Everything posted by general

  1. just wonderd what kind of co op mission that is popular
  2. general

    what kind of co op mission do you like?

    damn spec op missions is leading! nearly no1 voted on it the first days.
  3. general

    Working smoke grenades?

    now it's you who mades me confused
  4. general

    Working smoke grenades?

    blocking the sight for AI tanks with smokegranades IS IMPOSSIBLE! it is like this. the tank commander gives the gunner cordinates to the gunner like this. -target t72 3 o'klock 05. the gunner turns the turret so it's pointing to the right of the tank. 05 mean witch height the turrit is pointing at. then it's a bit strange that the gunner follows the target even if it not can see it.
  5. general

    Working smoke grenades?

    how does the smoke screen looks like to you. can YOU see thrue it?
  6. general

    Working smoke grenades?

    if the AI know that about the enemy on the other side of the smoke screen they WILL engage the enemy. or you might have 1.46 where you can see thrue the smoke
  7. general

    Working smoke grenades?

    It does work. smoke greandes extreamly good in open battel fields and when you're aproaching an enemy base
  8. general

    what kind of co op mission do you like?

    coop= cooperation. if you play online and evrybody's playing at the same team agains the AI you're playing co op. like desert ambush. it doesn't mean that you play co op if you play team deathmach agains the AI
  9. general

    What makes a good co op mission?

    I love co op mission were you HAVE TO USE TEAMWORK. Ã slso like spec op missions. they should be att the night. and of course it must happend things randomly. so it could be like this. there is a cam with a lot of enemys and it's inposible to just run in a shot. so 1 gey gets ready with a flare, two other guys with machine guns gets in posision. 1 grenanider gets ready to bomb them. the rest will sneak behind them and cach them in the cross fire. but when you do something like this there musn't be eny noobs in game that destroyes evrything.
  10. general

    Maximum fun in Rage.

    what a bug he he the russians lost nearly evryting they got lol
  11. general

    cut sene scriptings

    it's not working
  12. general

    cut sene scriptings

    and I get an error message
  13. general

    cut sene scriptings

    a file or a document can't have " in the name
  14. general

    cut sene scriptings

    I don't get it. I'm saving the document with the scripts as intro.sqs and then I putting this into a init field.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] exec "intro.sqs" nothing happens! what's wrong?
  15. general

    Too Hard?

    have you seen black hawk down?
  16. general

    Retaliation campaign now available in English

    in the first two mounth I played a lot of american missions but got tired of that the americans are the heros and the russians are the bad guys, killing sivilians and shit like that. so I started to make some russian missions. but they wasn't so very good. then I found retaliation!! witch made me very happy beacuse I hadn't played eny russian missions for 1 year!!! exept for my own missions. but the campaign inspered me to make my own campaign. so now I got 6 good missions that could be a campaign. it is about the resistans campaign. but now your're a russian. Â
  17. general


    damn I can't lower the paths!!!!
  18. general


    you know there are some small windows in the BMPs working as shotglugs. you can't use them. it would be good if you could shot thrue them. and be able to get shot thrue them.
  19. general

    Doomsday - part i

    and where can I get this Bas_opfor?
  20. general

    FDF mod

    in FDF mod evrytank has a new weapon. smoke launcher. how do I make an AI fire them? using the fire command<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit fire "smoke bla bla bla something like that thanks in advance
  21. general

    Retaliation campaign now available in English

    will the second episode be on OFP2 or OFP1?
  22. general

    Where can I find the following mission types?

    FDF mod campiagn contains no leader ship
  23. general

    Doomsday - part i

    same happens to me. it might be a little addon in the map that you forgot the delete? I'm missiong the addon BAS opfor strange
  24. general

    Troublemakers MP Campaign

    men jag sĺg att du var finne efter jag hade skrivit hälften och orkade inte skriva om hela skiten Â