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Posts posted by gunterlund

  1. Sickboy

    Sorry for the confusion

    6th sense has 3 packs out. pack 1, pack 2, pack 3. Is 3 a combination of all three or is each a discrete pack in itself. Very interested in your stuff but dont want to duplicate functionality. I have pack 3 and am looking to improve tracers. Do I also include pack 1 then? Thanks for the clarification.

  2. ArmA Group Link 2 Plus! is the latest official version, but a new version is on the way and very close to be released.

    I was working all the time on making GL2 as an stand alone AddOn, so that you don't need to call each group with ge1=group this, ge2=group this and so on...

    So far the project is looking very promissing and Group Link is getting better and better. smile_o.gif

    The second really important thing was to convert the whole Group Link from .sqs to .sqf, what also is already done. smile_o.gif

    In the next version there will be still only ONE Target Group supported.

    Thanks for the info Snk. What advantage is there in an sqf format vs. sqs. Also sorry to hear about 1 target group. That limits the application to your immediate group vs dac large system. Problem is DAC keeps crashing on me and Im trying to find an alternative. Keep up the good work.

  3. I noticed in a mission if bad weather is on some smoke goes with the wind and some doesnt. Any thoughts.

    I left a little difference in drift behavior between config and scripted effects to give some amount of visual interest, but it sounds like in extreme weather they might be too different?

    correct. Black smoke goes straight up. Gray smoke goes with the wind in bad weather.

  4. dont know if it´s a bug but... AI doesnt seem to engage properly..

    i had it in a quck mission with about 10 vehicles (unarmored) and some 40+ soldiers on the opposing side and well.. AI shot a couple of guided missiles and some random burts with the cannon (mi24D) but mostly just flew around waiting to be shot down..

    i would have hoped AI was a bit more aggresive with it..

    like.. throwing unguided rockets at the soldiers, and rapidly changing targets with its cannon after defeating the previous target..

    but as i said, not sure it´s a bug..

    Witnessed the same problem. You need to put the heli out some distance from the target for it to engage AT missiles. Once those are gone, it wont engage inf with rockets or guns.

  5. The auto cargo doors and landing gear is something i would rather control with the action menu since i like having control over these things, somehow i like the extra interaction but this is just an opinion.

    I know a few people wanted this but honestly I see it as an acceptable compromise so the AI can use it easily.

    I would second that. I would prefer to have myself the control over the landing gear and the cargo doors. It was something already bothering me on the KA50, always lowering gear when just hovering low to prepare next popup attack.

    I guess that should be optional wink_o.gif not everybody really need such "action menu spam", especially those who don't have USB joystick xD autoretracting gear keeps my mind concentrated on other tasks, f. e. ArmA "autorotation" with keys & mouse is a pure nightmare.  However, if it's do-able, it should be done as an external addon disabling this automation and adding manual gear operation.

    OK in an attempt to explain the automatic gear issue:

    I don’t think you all appreciate exactly how much of a problem making helicopters with “manual gear†is.  First of all I assume you all want something that works like a plane?  Nice little action menu that allows you to drop and retract gears just like a harrier.  Well here’s lies the problem.  The way that BIS setup the animation sources on helicopters you do not have that ability.  The animations use the same “gear†source as the planes.  But in a “helicopter class†they don’t function in the same way.  They are fully automatic by default. No action menu options at all.

    So to make a manual gear system you need to write a script to do it.   Now this isn’t a problem, well not really it’s just a bit of faffing to rewrite the model.cfg and define some custom animation sources. Now the awkward bit comes when you want to get the AI to use it.  They cant.  So you now need to write a looping script to check who’s in the aircraft, either player or AI. If it the player then it doesn’t need to do anything.  Just keep checking.  If its an AI then you need to check for altitude and speed, set a condition that will then raise the gear and a further one that will lower it when its low and slow enough…

    Its not possible to make “an external addon disabling this automation†To make a manual system you would need to make a special version of the models, one with a customised model.cfg and config to provide the appropriate animation sources.  You’d also need the scripts etc. Somthign that i really dont have the time or scripting skill to do myself.  if someone else would like to try the models will be made available in MLOD format once we've killed the last few bugs off.

    Now you have to remember that looping scripts are “badâ€.  They add lag desync and all sort sof other MP problems.  Personally I don’t mind the auto gear.  The AI can use the helo effectively and there are no MP compatibility issues.  I don’t think it’s a bad compromise.

    leave it the way it is. We dont need more loops.

  6. Does anyone ever have problems with a mission CTD and getting that damn "out of memory" error/virtual memory error, when creating missions using DAC v2.0?

    It seems there comes a point when I have to many units/vehicles in a zone and next thing I know I'm getting CTDs when I preview the mission.

    Basically it starts to happen if I create zones with user made units/vehicles. And besides that, pretty much using the same parameters/setup as the example missions, or the original dl'd files.

    Could it be that certain user made content could cause this? It doesn't seem to happen if I just use vanilla units in an example mission. Sometimes it CTD just after initialization and other times it seems to happen after few minutes of playing then driving into a crowded zone or flying to location by chopper.

    My computer is a beast and practically brand new components, and usually the CTD/virtual memory errors occur without a major decrease in FPS. Many times the FPS is between 30-50 and then bam! that damn CTD error pops up? I've checked all the drivers, etc and everything is up to date.

    Hopefully someone else has had this occur and can provide some insight on a fix.

    I believe there is definitely something going on here. I run into the out of memory problem as well, even though I have a new system with 2 gigs. Im running vista with latest everything. Mission flies along nicely then all of a sudden, BAM back to desktop with out of memory error.

  7. I think the best idea for mod makers is to not say anything about their project at all until it is ready to release. Then everyone is surprised and they look like a hero. If you announce your mod and never make it then people just get disappointed and dont believe the hype, ie Marfy's stuff, Invasion 44 etc.

  8. Turo

    1 question and 1 idea

    1. The SU 34 that flies around - it doesnt seem to do a whole heck of alot other than get shot down. What is its purpose. It doesnt seem to attack anything. The kamov will actually chase you down if your in a vehicle. I had it chase a buddy of mine and I on a motorcycle for several km's. If the SU isnt doing anything, lets replace it or get rid of it. It annoying.

    2. I know this goes against the addon rule but have you thought about using the map that has all the OFP islands combined into one map. It would be awesome to have to go to different islands to win. Or perhaps capture each island in a series to clear all forces out.

  9. Turo

    Still looking through the scripts to try to understand where it assigns AI nme troops to guard the town. Im using your current version of the game for Blue side. I looked through x_soldier and dont see any class names being added for east troops. I also looked through x_createguardpatrolgroups and it references alot of group creating but where do the troops come from that populate the group. Is it in x_serverfuncs ?

  10. turo

    the tow missle works fantastic. Its easy to use as long as you dont get confused with the keys. Dont know how many times I fired a FFAR rocket instead of the tow because I kept using the arma keys.

    I like the time value for availability better than rank. Also I really like the idea of attaching an object to availability ie a laser designator or computer. Glad the Sams are in there as well.

    My next mission is to see if I can incorporate the esp mod for infantry and weapons into this system.

  11. Hi Turo

    Had a chance to play your version of Domination with Mando missles in it. What a great experience it was. We did not have many people on the server we played (maybe 4) so framerates and such were very good. One thing we found is having the Mando missle pack in the game was a little over the top. In particular the air asset control screen. Essentially one player could lay waste to a town before we even got there. The Tow missle on the cobra worked exceptionally well. Somehow the control screen needs more control, perhaps specific ranks can use it. If we get this asset then maybe the ai should have the ability to create a larger counterattack. The only one we saw were spetznats parachuting in. No armour counterattacks. The game is very fun however. Keep up the good work. Xeno did a great job with the base game. And you added to it.

  12. Turo

    That was a great explanation and helps alot. My friend and I have been playing on an evo server and have had fun but its getting a little old. Especially when you cant take vehicles and go. Its a long wait for a helo to get to the last towns. Especially when there is a guy who thinks he can fly but ends up killing us all before we make it to the town :-)

  13. Hi all

    Ive created a mission in which I keep getting an out of memory message which blows me our of Arma. The game runs fine til I hit a threshhold then drops. Im using DAC to create units. Does Arma use virtual memory or is this a hard memory limit. I understand the -nomap and -maxmem dont work anymore, is this correct?

    Im using @esp,@zcommon,@ffaa,@DMSmokeEffects,@cex

    My system

    Asus Striker II extreme mobo

    2 gigs DDR3 mem

    WD 500 gig HD

    Asus 9800gx2 card

    all the latest drivers for everything.

  14. I was able to get some missions from the Zeus server and I have to tell you I am really impressed with the amount of work you all have done to create a working networkable mission template. I pulled down esp_co_32 and went through the scripts and the radio system is really ingenius. The mission itself seemed pretty straight forward but the components and network facilities you all created are amazing. I am going to try to create a mission with this system but hopefully the mission set up wont be too complicated for my feeble mind.
