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About grazzit

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  1. so should i consider it more of a war simulation then? And if so, is it possible to pull yourself out of the action 100% and just issue commands via some command screen ala tribes?
  2. thanks! I only just started playing today and wondered, I've heard soo many great things about this game i'll continue to play, perhaps it's the Mplayer part that makes it truly stand out, dunno but i hope it'll grow on me.
  3. I'm asking a question, are the graphics up to par with the average FPS on the market?
  4. I've got all the setting's set to max except the resolution i'm running at 800 by 600 due to habit. The game won't allow me to enable hardware T/L for some reason which could be causing part of the problem. I'm using an ATI radeon 64 ddr vivo card and win 2k with service pack 2 and dx 8.1. everything is up to date but the graphics on this game don't compare to any FPS I've played and while the gameplay may be superior to ghost recon the graphics on that game are so superior i can't get into this game.