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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. WOOT!!! :cancan::dancehead::cheers::cc: Im a lil excited to hear that :P
  2. Franklin

    Addon Research Topic 2

    I have one IRL if thats what you mean I dont have a model of one in game...
  3. Franklin

    RH wip thread

    off topic kinda, but imagine you are acting sniper in a 12 man SF team, who is conducting a raid in a city. Your teams mission is to capture some local warlord, and your mission is to take out the sentries at the gate and on the roof of the warlord's compound. Your positioned on an odd rooftop 600m away from the compound to be out of range of AK fire. You initiate fire taking down the assigned guards, and must remain in position to continue providing accurate fire into the compound to your team. The warlord's men dont just wait around to get sniped, and they rush you. Your spotter calls out targets 100m to the right, and you notice targets on the left as well at the same distance. Your spotter takes the targets on the right and begins taking them out, but if you dont immediately fire on the ones to the left, they will take both of you out. A pistol is obviously out of range, an MP5 could manage, but its underpowered against the AKs, RPKs, PKs, and RPGs the enemy is armed with. You need to take them down quickly in order to continue providing support for the team in the compound. Being able to quickly switch to a CQB style sight on the long rifle and accurately engage targets at close range would get you out of this sticky situation and back into the fight in the compound. Im no slouch shooting sniper rifles in CQB situations, i can typically engage at about those distances either with or without using a scope very quickly. However adding a CQB sight on top would make the task even faster, and more accurate.
  4. Franklin

    RH wip thread

    I'm all for a sniper pack as long as they have that kind of setup (rifle scope with CQB sight mounted on top) I made a request for that a while back. The M14 pack has the ACOG setup with the doctor on top, which is decent for short range designated marksmen. Its not really a sniper rifle though, we need some good medium/long ranged sniper rifles with CQB sights on top for the SF guys. that and a minigun!! :coop:
  5. Franklin

    RH wip thread

    Sorry if this is out of place, but it seems like your looking for inspiration for some new weapons based off the last handful of posts. Not really making a request, as much as piggy backing on their attempts to inspire you. it could be a lot of fun to have one of these to screw around with in game, for giggles and kicks.
  6. I cant wait to see all the improvements! I spent a good chunk of my night going through this topic, and gushing about all the cool stuff over skype to my teammates. The screenshots are simply amazing, I'm all kinds of excited to get a hold of this map.
  7. I just downloaded the Lingor beta, and i gotta say its looking very promising! I like the thick woods with lots of bushes and tall grass, and i really like that there are some small villages right on the edge of the jungle/forest. I think it would be awesome to up the amount of jungle or forest, with lots of bushes and tall grass throughout them to allow for some really sneaky assaults on some small villages. I like what you got so far, and im a huge fan of your other islands!! keep up the good work, its very appriciated!
  8. Franklin


    I understand I'm not entitled to the work of another person, especially when they have no advantage where I do not. I'm not socialist and will not demand to be given something that I did not create. Yes, I could go and build my own island and play on it. It would most likely look like a giant dog turd because of my lack of skill and time to produce the island. That still is no argument for why I should be able to use ebank's work, nor am i really here to make such an argument. It really is none of our business what he or the mod team he is with does with the work produced by him and the mod. They can keep it in house and never let it see a public server, ever. Cool, whatever... have fun with your shit. The point is, if they are going to build something, and talk about it like it will be the best thing to ever grace this community, but yet it will only reach a small fraction of the community. Then why not release it wholesale to the rest of the community for them to use and drool over like the retards co-op players appear to be to these people?
  9. Franklin


    So if by using PR content to make my own mission wouldn't cause you any undue stress that my slap happy mission with poor scripting is gonna make the PR mod look bad... then why not let me make my mission?
  10. Franklin


    I voiced my opinion, that I was looking forward to this map, and am no longer... because I thought it was a dumb decision. If that is offensive, oh well, its my opinion and the opinion of about 50 people whom I've talked about this to on my co-op team, which is 100% against PR because of its policy against modding it. Destructive buildings and terrain and all that sounds cool, and would be a great addition to most servers. But few servers are dedicated PvP (though that number may go up by a small handfull after PR), so the decision to totally cut off Co-op servers from that content is retarded. If you are only concerned with PvP, why say that your hard work must be left untouched by those who dont want PvP? All that work, and its desired by many, but alienated by you. Most of the guys on my team were very interested in the work ebanks was doing, and most were looking forward to expanding the number of terrains we had to play on, more variety is always good. Now that terrain will never grace our servers because a selfish few think their work is better than everybody elses. Get rid of the policy for co-op, or deal with the fickle masses.
  11. Franklin


    WAS looking forward to this. Hope the few people that download PR get enough enjoyment out of it to make up for everybody else... :(
  12. Franklin

    PMC Somalia

    I know this doesn't really add to the discussion that is going on here, but... I have to say I am extremely impressed with the level of research, and the effort being put into this mod. I normally hate to see anything related to "black hawk down" in this game. Typically because to me it signifies ignorance, and a false sense of importance in those who use the reference. Every person in game flying a Blackhawk who wants to call themselves "Super 6-1" drives me nuts, and i see it as disrespectful to the men who actually were there. But having seen the work done so far, and the direction this mod is going. I have to say that this is a superior effort to do it right, and to do so with the intent of honoring those who fought and died in that hell hole of a city. Major Kudos to you guys that are working on this mod, and to those who are contributing to it. I can't wait to see what comes of your excellent work.
  13. Franklin

    RH M14 pack 1.0 for OA / CO

    I own one myself actually, It is a bit stuffy but not that bad if your used to being in the heat.
  14. Franklin

    RH M14 pack 1.0 for OA / CO

    these are awesome! and holy hell I want those masks!!!
  15. Why was this comment needed? it offered no help at all, and only criticized my effort to help. First off, this has nothing to do with helping the OP directly, since he obviously doesn't know much about scripting. secondly the one example that BIS posted doesn't mean anything to me. I have no way of knowing how to include that in a script in order to make it do anything, so how can somebody with less knowledge than I make it work? The sarcasm isn't appreciated, refer to #4. Obvious insult directed at my lack of knowledge (or intelligence), which I did not appreciate. On top of that, you added nothing towards creating a solution for the OP. post #2 didn't offer the OP a solution, it just told him that sometimes the AI fire rockets at groups of infantry. He didn't ask for a lesson in tactics, he asked for a way to force AI helicopters to fire rockets. I'm sure you've offered lots of help to others in the past, I've seen your name many times in the past years. But it doesn't matter how much you've done in the past to me anymore, since you've come into this post only to insult me and offer no help at all. All that great work you've done, but this guy isn't good enough for you huh... how do you decide who is good enough and who isn't? if they understand a little scripting, you'll take your time to help? I do understand that I have a long way to go to understand the arma scripting language, I don't pretend to know everything. My limited knowledge and experience leave me asking questions here and doing hours worth of searching. But i still do it, and because of the many that do offer great help to me, I give back to those who I can help as much as I can. So what if my script isn't perfect, or doesn't use some scripting function I don't understand. it works, and it works better than anything else posted in this thread. Since were playing "holier than thou" with the "I've been here helping for years blah blah blah", At least I took my time to help the guy. Its incidents like these that make me believe this community is jacked up. People who just want to enjoy this awesome game and create something cool for their friends, but have a hard time grasping the scripting language get treated like shit here. People like you that understand all the scripting functions think that just by providing a link to something it will magically be understood by the person with a question. Sorry dude, but i have the BIS wiki in my favorites page too, but that doesn't mean I can clearly understand everything that is there. Come down off your high horse and remember what it was like to be learning this stuff, and just want an answer to your question so you could get back into the editor.
  16. 1. I don't see they guy having any more questions, so obviously it worked well enough for him, as it did for me. 2. I don't see any of you guys giving any better answers or trying to help the guy at all. 3. Not everybody on this forum understands every little piece of code in this scripting language and how to use it properly, otherwise questions like this wouldn't be here. So don't poke fun at other peoples attempts to make something work, just because it may not be the prettiest or most optimal way to do something. 4. How about you offer a better solution, and an explanation of why it works better the way you've shown. Or even better yet, post some examples on the BIS wiki, so when your arrogant ass posts a link to something there, it can be understood by others who don't come from a background in computer languages. 5. You three are a prime example of why this community is so screwed up. People are here for help and answers, but typically they just get passive aggressive flaming for simply needing a little explanation or help that your too lazy to give. Your comments directed at me are uncalled for and immature. So damn me because I had the audacity to give what help I could to another person and that help wasn't good enough by your standards huh? well you three can assume that you rank among the lowest scum to bless this forum for your actions in my eyes. happy gaming gentlemen.
  17. It would be sweet to have an Elemental from Battletech in the game. They were only about 5m tall, and pretty much had infantry style weapons. The animations shouldn't be too difficult and configs for weapons already in game could be used to arm it. Might be a good place to start because the model wouldn't be that difficult due to its size. And if a Jumping script could be made and done well it would be a really fun and tactically useful addon, albeit unreal. http://www.mektek.net/forums/gallery/1/gallery_6935_1_10857.jpg
  18. Franklin

    RH wip thread

    edit whole post... http://peosoldier.armylive.dodlive.mil/2010/04/20/making-the-army%E2%80%99s-first-titanium-machine-gun/ check it...
  19. Franklin

    Taskmaster 2

    your the man... :notworthy:
  20. I used this script to get a Mi-8 with the rocket pods to shoot a ton of rockets into a general area. The rockets never really hit the exact spot, and they really do pretty much go wildly anywhere... try it out and see if it works for you. Also, if you wanted to time the sleeps, with the up and down motion of the chopper I'm sure you could maybe dial in the rocket hits a little better, but good luck with that. note: h1 is the name of you chopper and target1 is the name of an empty marker placed in the editor, where you want your rockets to roughly hit. I recommend placing target1 a few hundred meters in front of your actual target, closer to the chopper since it seemed the majority of rockets overflew the target. shoot.sqf
  21. Franklin

    Taskmaster 2

    thank you for that bit of info, solved a problem I didn't know i had yet. so Thanks. However my question was in regards to how to basically address the same groups (squads 1-4) to update a task and create a new one at the same time while using a trigger. I cant use the _x in the on act area of the trigger. would you recommend just setting the previous task to succeeded, and then call a separate script that has the new task creation in it?
  22. Franklin

    Taskmaster 2

    I'm having a bit of a problem with creating a task mid mission. this is my init.sqf portion in regards to the taskmaster. As far as i know this should all work, I haven't checked it using a dedi server yet. notice the "TCP" task and who its going to. Later during the mission I have a trigger setup so that when the SF group destroys an armored convoy, it triggers all kinds of fun stuff. A script goes off calling in a mortar strike near the SF guys, and forces them to move to a small nearby town for cover. I have the task update set for them to set the first task to succeeded and assign a new task telling them where to run. However I need to tell my infantry platoon that they no longer need to sit on their traffic control points, and now they need to rush to save the SF team before they are overwhelmed by the horde of enemies that are surrounding them. Its very important to me that this be done so that they cannot see the task pending, and that it just suddenly appears for them. this is the code i have in my trigger on act area: I couldn't use the (group _x == squad1) because it said that was a local variable in a global space, how do work around this?
  23. I'm trying to figure out how to create local markers for a certain group only. group name is "sf". I've read a few posts about creating the markers in the editor and then deleting them for some players, or creating them from scratch. I don't mind creating them from scratch in a script as I really need the practice anyway... so I'd like to go about doing things this way. But I need a bit of help getting the if-then statement and everything else correct. I'm pretty sure I'll need a "foreach player group sf" or something like that.... but I have no idea where to even begin, or if something like that is even necessary.
  24. Sometimes the solution is so simple it hurts...
  25. No, I'm not using the -showscripterrors param although it possibly could have told me what was wrong with this script seeing the comments you guys are making... I'll give it a go and see what happens. EDIT: I made the corrections to change "Move" to "MOVE", and took the second quotation out of the "AWARE" part, and its working fine. They move to all waypoints as intended. In regards to the typos in the classnames, in all honesty i don't know where that came from... I went to make the corrections pointed out in regards to those, and the errors are not in the script at all. Thanks to all for the help, even if it was simply pointing out minor typos... I'm gonna go hide for a while now :P