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Everything posted by firemane

  1. Nice. Now, if I could only keep the spawning going in a dedi server...
  2. I love the idea, but I just can't make it work on a Dedicated Server. I made a new, plain vanilla mission on the Zargabad map to see if somehow on of my additions to the mission was causing the problems. By plain I mean a bare-bones PC squad of four guys and four same-type WICT flags per side. That one still stops spawning altogether after a while. Usually after the some of the PC's respawn, but not necessarily. Questions: 1. Do any of you guys have a mission that is stable on a dedi box? If so, I'd like to try it in ours. 2. The only addons we run on the dedi box are jayarmalib and CBA. However, I run those on my own machine too and the mission works without problems there. Are they known to cause any trouble with WICT? I'd truly hate to abandon WICT and go with WARFARE or MSO.
  3. I've been working on a MP mission. It works allright locally when I set up a Lan game. When I put it in a Dedi Box the spawning stops as soon as the players are dead. After they respawn WICT seems to stay paused. I read something about this being fixed on the changelog but there is no explanation. At first I thought it was due to a collision with Norrin's Scripts. I disabled them but I still have the problem. Any ideas? WICT is such a fun tool. It is a shame that nobody supports it. Do you guys know about anything similar that is still supported? (Apart from MSO!)
  4. I am still baffled by the vehicle removal. Is there a way to force the cleanup script to ignore specific vehicles (such as named vehicles)?
  5. I love this tool set. I am having a small problem, it deletes named vehicles when they are barely damaged. So, it takes away the resources I am giving to the player and leaves them stranded. Is there a way to prevent the cleaning script from taking away specific vehicles? Also, Is there a way to stop choppers from capturing the flags?
  6. firemane

    Sahrani Life

    This is a nice mod. I like the principle behind it and I've spent a lot of time playing it and having fun. My main concern is that playing a civvie is much easier than playing a cop after the game is on for a few hours. So, I find plenty of servers with lots of civvies and few or no cops. The ability to tranfer stuff from a cop to a civvie causes some problems. I've seen players team up to abuse the early resources of a cop and then transfer a big inventory to his civvie friend before "retiring" from the force. Also, civvies doesn't have to play smart after they have a loaded stryker and half a dozen armed workers dressed as cops. Perhaps the civvie workers should wear some other garb and be unable to carry weapons, and civvies should be limited to the kinds of resources a civvie or a terrorist may have realistic access to. (unarmed vehicles and gun trucks at best.) As I said, this is a great mod. These are just some minor areas that could be adjusted to make it even better.
  7. firemane

    Do I suck at leading?

    It is reasonable to presume that everyone in a squad should know what to do. Reality is a lot more like a session of ARMA BERZERK. People just go nuts at the first shot. Some guys run forward, some run back, some hide behind a bush, and some even come out of the engagement without firing a round. Some will do things that will make you wish you could trade them for a couple of ARMA AI's. That is why we have a leadership system in place. The first thing I do when breaking in a new Squad/Team leader is to take away his personal weapon before throwing him into a squad-level engagement (Using MILES or military lasertag). That drill gets the guy/gal thinking (his new job) and keeps his/her head out of the sights and into the bigger picture. Those picture perfect teams depicted in the movies can but only after exhaustive training and/or battlefield experience. ARMA has its flaws. However, give or take, it puts you before a pretty accurate picture of what you'll find for real.
  8. firemane

    You know when you have played too much ArmA

    You've playing ARMA too long when... ... you see someone carrying an AT4 and you wonder; Where is he carrying the reloads? ...you imagine pressing 'G' before opening the trunk of your car. ...you try to soften the fall from a second floor window by looking for the prone key. ...you go prone and crawl behind a bush when your wife is calling you. Actually, I spent a night dreaming about ARMA the first day I played Evo. Darned Evo!
  9. firemane

    Do I suck at leading?

    A leader's weapon is not his rifle, but his men. This is a difficult point to understand, even after military training. A squad leader's job is to maneuver and target his element, not to score kills with his weapon. BTW, the tactics described by Baddo and others above are right on the money. I find ARMA pretty close to what I found in the real military. There the best squad leader was the one that often came out of the fight with a full magazine because he spent all his time.. well.. leading. Â
  10. firemane

    A question about ping.

    Thanks for the answers folks.
  11. firemane

    A question about ping.

    Here is a really noob question for you folks... I live in a remote location. So in order to play online I have to endure pings that range from 150 to 210. That is not really a problem for me, as I seem to be able to play just fine. I often rank in the top third on the servers I play. I see some players skipping a little on high lag activities (like flying a chopper over paraiso) but not much beyond that. However, I've had a couple players tell me that my "incredibly high pings" are causing lag for them and affecting their game. Is this true? Will a 210ms ping will affect other players? If so, How? Thanks in advance for your answer. F.
  12. firemane

    A question about ping.

    I only play COOP.
  13. firemane

    Pilot - wait for me!

    I've been shot down several times by this kind of player. It is just as effective to shoot at the ground. The pilot will usually get the message when they hear the sound and see you running like a retard.