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Everything posted by froggyluv

  1. froggyluv

    [Poll] ArmA Reforger / Arm4

    Although im a somewhat vocal *cough* critic of the lack of AI progression as well as the seemingly want to turn towards MP only -godamned if that promo didnt have me swipin my credit card within minute -it was that fancy APC going over the trench in the rain at night....i feel cheap. Seriously tho, im kinda swaying between mixed emotions, but i gotta say, im pretty optimistic for the future of Arma with this necessary stepping stone platform. Man did we need more fluid animations, better interiors, a more robust reactive AI, and the lighting (!!). Seems like the AI had been in a sense simplified -maybe its because theyre not a slave to stay oriented to their squads formation , i dont know - but almost seems like theyre going to build modular AI off of this simplistic model -to fit the scenario/campaign/Dlc whatever. That Tool set looks sick but im totally befuddled by it and also miss eden, as long as we get our SP at some point -im pretty pleased if not perplexed. I dont mind paying to help the progress of this series.
  2. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    I think they like the decentralization- takes away accountability
  3. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    At my age I’m lucky I’m not trapped on AOL Dialup
  4. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    So we ARE the proverbial Red headed stepchildren....alas
  5. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    Has discord displaced this place?
  6. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    Can some kind dev named Maruk or Ivan scrap up us a simple repro on how to build "Steal the Car" with the Workbench? Its all i need to get going but as it is now its purely convoluted
  7. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    Ahh thanks -found another way to as well - if you click or right click on unit you get a PLAY option. Doesnt seem like you can lead or command your squaddies yet. Also dont see a way into using IronSights yet
  8. froggyluv

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    I dont understand Game Master as i never messed with Zeus. I like things baked in -not materialized instantaneously as how can you possibly recon an area that will soon have fresh new teleported-in enemies? Anyways my question is -can you take the role of a soldier in Game Master? SO far i have no clue how to just be a soldier and move around where i wanna go...ya know, like basic S*
  9. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Wow I recommend everyone watch this fully. It should be the official explainer of whats been released. Overall, without any playthru yet -im very encouraged with the progresses here ie the Lighting (!), Shadows, PiP scopes, streams (!) vehicle handling, and YES even the AI stuff. Apparently they now react to things on their own like a truck racing at them, they can fire while moving, and navigate the landscape far better. Im curious what happened to the Action Menu (vomits), of course its good not to see it but where are actions such as Detonate stored? Also good to see the Original Ol Man hisself -Marek at the meeting
  10. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Thing don’t get is - why all the vagaries and subterfuge. Obviously a huge question on arma’s players minds - it’s not like the devs aren’t aware these are our concerns and really not one question during the Q&A - starting to feel bamboozled over my purchase
  11. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Have you figured out if possible to lead an AI SQUAD in the workbench editor?
  12. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    So mission editor or no? I remember a time in which a developer or at least community liaison would come in here and explain primary concerns to us. Gone are those days
  13. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Ive heard that despite some sort of editor -that you cannot lead AI squads or anything like that -is this true? Why does it say SinglePlayer on Steam page? Playing a tutorial dont equate with Singleplayer. Please tell me your not doing this Bohemia..
  14. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    SinglePlayers Id hold up before buying - it seems like its another version of ZEUS but i dont see an Editor in which you can create and save missions and then play it in a linear fashion. Obviously i could be wrong but thats my first perception
  15. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    On STeam -insta bought. Looks beautiful and it said SinglePlayer -WOOT!!
  16. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    If they bring back the original voice of Papa Bear with the High Pass Filter'ed radio voice -all will be forgiven
  17. froggyluv

    Why is Aiming So Easy

    One thing about this series that always struck me was -why is it so easy to hit an enemy even at 400m+ out? Im an old timer (51yo) and yet its really no biggie to 1 shot an enemy tank crew who's head is turned out at 150m with just iron sights. I feel like something in the world of Parallax? maybe is missing. Like its just a 2d world and i merely have to align pixels and blam -kill shot no problem. Almost like a part of the 3dworld dynamic is missing. For instance in some other games like Insurgency and many of the new VR FPS games, I cant hit anything easily outside of 50m. I mean I can, but it feels like i really had to work for it. So what is it that missing in Arma? I know the recoil/hand shake setting has some effect here and maybe the default one is just set to easily
  18. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Not sure if just being glib or... Because the trajectory has been to move away from AI development for a long time. Because moving to a Console and more "accessible" market usually spells disaster for PC intensive aspects like advanced AI especially on a large scale. Because Enfusion or whatever DayZ is using hasnt shown us any promise of any AI besides mindless Zombiebots. You have to admit there is far more reason to be apprehensive or Negative than positive on this angle. As far as "because theres Co-op" -could easily just be Arma3 which is Arma 2 which is a convoluted OFP AI slightly rehashed. Anyways I hope your right and im 100% wrong here- but i been here a while..
  19. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    If you've been here from the beginning -you'd have seen and heard the definite downshift in the planned development of AI since Arm2 -with Arma 3 basically still coasting on its roots. Youd have heard devs basically state that they've lost full control of the AI -hence why we always had animation problems ie. civs holstering rifles, dying on 100mm curbside fall, inability to stay orientated on target, calibrating realistic fighting/spotting skills, absolutely zero distinction if fighting Urban, woods, in a house etc etc etc.. Bohemia than blatantly started ignoring AI going into Tanoa giving us a map that the AI cant traverse as well as a Multiplayer only scenario/campaign So where exactly are you drawing this optism from - just blindly? The PDF clearly states they want to connect with their TargetBase -they would need to address that AI development/overhaul is at least on the table to keep the Ol Bohemian Grognards happy. But if you've noticed -they've tended to ignore any and all questions about AI since they actually had an AI dept -i dont believe that exists anymore ...and I have a sneaking suspicion we arent their 'TargetBase'...
  20. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    The one thing ive noticed missing for a loooongtime -where is the Dev who loves Operation Flashpoint and wants nothing more than to advance that first Lightning in a Bottle to standard technologies -AI and all?! Are there still original Devs present who remember what it was that made the initial title (and sequels) so popular and want nothing more than to advance that foundational stone of an idea? Or are these a new younger breeded Developers (hired guns) with faded memory of a quirky campaign but see dollar signs rather at the idea that out of this came the hugely profitable Royale PvP games and they need to find a way to (re?)claim its resource?
  21. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    If theres one thing ive learned in my 40+ years of PC gaming is that "AI will come..." -never, ever happens. The reason? AI needs to be built right in there at ground level -the object designers, the level designers etc.. all need to be working in cohesion with the AI dept so that they can thrive and interact synergistically. Did we learn nothing from the the stagnate AI that hasnt been given a featured improvement since Arma 2's "crawling under fences"? And Map after Map that was built without AI intent whatsoever leaving all kinds of "dead zones" with nothing less than a Dev shrug? Be wary, no outright run when you hear "Oh we havent addressed that yet, its pre-alpha > its only Beta, We'll get there> its functioning tho, we hope to improve post-release> we're too far into post release, its all feature locked, wait for the next installment" -cycle of death
  22. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    So a consoled PvP shooter? Boy the world just doesnt have enough of those...What was Vigor anyway or Argo or Arma 3 PvP servers...? That'd be the end of the road and goodnight for the longterm OFP fan
  23. froggyluv

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Already in my bomb bunker preparing for those fateful words “MP-Based”…meaning no AI
  24. If this forums was in Moses's time -THAT ^^^ would be the 11th Question/Commandment