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Everything posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. feersum.endjinn

    How do I change the sounds?

    Yes, if you run standard OFP missions with FDFmod enabled new sounds are there. There's no reason why it wouldn't be same way in ArmA as well.
  2. feersum.endjinn


    Those numbers seem bit random at medium range and don't really line up with hardware people have got... Better benchmark probably would be to have various complex scenes with units in them and have camera runs through city/desert/forest terrain at walking/land vehicle/aircraft speed and then have Fraps take minimum/maximum/average frame rates throughout whole thing.
  3. feersum.endjinn


    Imagevenue sometimes gives out broken links and it just redirects to random image instead With amount of not-safe-for-work stuff people upload there results can be interesting indeed. Should be fixed now tho.
  4. feersum.endjinn


    3110.36 ArmaMark http://img11.imagevenue.com/img.ph....5lo.jpg AMD Athlon X2 4400+ Nvidia 7900GS 256MB (clocked 550/700MHz) 1 GB DDR memory It seems to be very heavily dependent on amount of system memory and video memory and results can vary around 20% between run times because every test is in different part of island. Using "camPreload" command before each timed test would be better measure of real ingame performance since no vehicle is fast enough to zoom around island in just few seconds. It would also reduced need to have one dry run before actual measurement run to get everything cached.
  5. feersum.endjinn

    ArmA animations

    If and when modding tools are released, would it be too much to ask to make one basic man model in available Maya/Max format with skeleton information attached, so we could craft animations in 3DSMax and then use maxscript to export them into RTMs?
  6. feersum.endjinn

    ArmA uses only one core!

    At least Nvidia display drivers have dual core optimizations that throw rendering code running inside driver to other CPU if they recognize it's idling away, so it's not always like your other core isn't doing anything.
  7. feersum.endjinn

    Moves descriptions

    Something to consider: you can add "AnimDone" event handler to unit and start playing next animation in event handler for smoothest possible results instead of relying on playMove/delay/playMove/etc type of code.
  8. feersum.endjinn

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    There is no point making JAM for ArmA because of proper cfgAmmo/cfgMagazines/cfgWeapon system in place now.
  9. feersum.endjinn

    How do I change the sounds?

    How about you take a different approach and look at config.bin for ammo/weapon you want to modify sound for since full sound file path is listed there.
  10. feersum.endjinn

    Where are downloaded MPMissions?

    It's there because then you can run game without being administrator, which is common sense nowadays with all browser exploits out there.
  11. feersum.endjinn

    Total conversion mods, access & prefix

    You can inherit, but not override - two completely different things. When I am talking about mod I mean things that modify existing classes in game, if it only inherits and adds new classes it is not a mod, it's an addon. Anyway, overriding class works to a some extent but not always and when and where it works seems to be bit inconsistent.
  12. feersum.endjinn

    Where are downloaded MPMissions?

    C:\Documents and Settings\youraccount\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA or whatever your localized user data directory is.
  13. feersum.endjinn


    So what's different about this one when there's Eliteness and cpbo out already? Nothing really, except this tool is especially designed for unpacking few files out of big PBO (it can rip out full archives too). Extracting config.bin out of PBO of 500+ MB should take less than a second. - Prefix header is saved into file "$PBOPREFIX$" file where it is read again by tools like Eliteness and cpbo when repacking PBO. - Compressed files are not supported as ArmA cannot read them. - Should work with OFP:Elite (Xbox) files as they use identical PBO format. Download link
  14. feersum.endjinn

    Tracer & bullef deflection modding fun

    Yes, and helicopters as well (all vehicles with some armor basically).
  15. feersum.endjinn


    It seems to be shareware program... Sorry but I don't think I'm willing to pay $40 for privilege of coding an addon for it .
  16. feersum.endjinn

    Game actually runs at a max refresh rate of 60Hz

    Force ArmA to use triple buffering in your driver settings.
  17. feersum.endjinn

    Weird Graphic Errors

    Do you have AGP video card? Some motherboards are completely incompatible with "AGP fast writes" and some ATI cards, I had all kinds of video corruption problems with my old 9600XT if I enabled that option.
  18. feersum.endjinn

    Weird Graphic Errors

    Sounds like driver bug or overheating graphics card. I had similar issues in Gothic 3 as Asus likes to overclock their 7900GS's way over Nvidia reference design and I had to drop GPU clocks down a notch and it went away. It would only happen in some games that rely very heavily on pixel shaders.
  19. feersum.endjinn

    Some ArmA tools

    FYI, the Photoshop plugin uses same Nvidia DXT conversion library as PAATool, so consider PAAtool deprecated now
  20. feersum.endjinn

    camcreate Smoke

    Shell_73 won't work because there is no such class in ArmA! Try instead: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "Sh_105_HE" createVehicle (getPos trig1); As for creating smoke, you might find following one useful: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"#smokesource" createVehiceLocal (getPos yourobject);
  21. feersum.endjinn

    Arma bugs Czech PK iron sight is way off, bullets hit below sight even at really close ranges. This video demonstrates the bug, shooting targets at range of 300 -> 64 meters (assuming one map grid still = 128 meters), even at 64 meter target aiming at head will hit at feet of target instead and when shooting target that is lying down, you need to aim gun so much up that target isn't even visible in sight anymore. My guess would be that gun begin and end memory points are misaligned in P3D. http://media.putfile.com/Armed-Assault---PK-sight-zeroing-bug (12MB, 640x512 XviD AVI so it might take a while to load)
  22. feersum.endjinn

    camcreate Smoke

    Don't use camCreate, there is new command createVehicleLocal which should be used instead.
  23. feersum.endjinn

    German Version out!

    Even in original OFP textures were only loaded when required by mission, and ArmA takes that even further by loading them on the fly when object and particular LOD are on visual distance. Unfortunately BIS didn't forget any MLODs in data files for us to rip apart this time like with Chinook in original OFP
  24. feersum.endjinn

    Motion Sickness ?

    More.... more!!!! I want to see more of the new commands in use. Well, this is getting offtopic but we don't really have scripting forum yet either... I would need to brush up on my vector math before I can do anything serious with them, but if you ever wanted to have that car wreck lying sideways, it's now possible... Helicopter modders probably find it most useful. http://youtube.com/watch?v=pAOeD8SiZoo
  25. feersum.endjinn

    Motion Sickness ?

    If you have motion sickness, just wait until mission and mod makers find about setVectorUp scripting command... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUxI40u6Wyw