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Everything posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. For a while now I've been trying to figure out how "total conversion" mods should work in ArmA and wondering is there any clean way to override configuration for existing class without ripping apart whole pbo and repacking it "hisky" style? In old OFP all it required was providing your own yourmod\bin folder contents but that obviously cannot be done in ArmA because "dta\bin.pbo" holds only most basic classes and actual weapon and vehicle configs are stored in their own pbos in addon directory. I found some success doing sound mod with just extracting config, modifying sounds and then repacking it with different prefix but with same class names and then config.cpp in mod folder managed to override weapon classes in weapons.pbo. However same thing doesn't work when trying to override configuration for Civilian class, which most likely is because Civilian class has access = ReadOnly. Now funny thing is that weapons have even stricter access as class Default in cfgWeapons has access = ReadOnlyVerified and therefore modding sounds shouldn't work at all. Only difference between those is that cfgWeapons inherits access from config in different file and I suspect there is a bug that access member isn't carried over when base class is in different config file. Also setting your prefix to for example "ca\characters" and including only config.bin doesn't work either, because then game doesn't see anything stored in real characters.pbo and apparently every pbo must have an unique prefix and if mod folder contains pbo with same prefix as in main addons directory, the original pbo gets bypassed completely. So short summary: - is there to avoid having ~1GB mod folders even for simplest stuff like modifying sounds or enabling protected classes in editor? - does access member for classes actually mean anything anymore as multiplayer cheats are checked at PBO level? - do prefixes really have to be unique for every PBO or is it just me doing something wrong? - can you override single config.bin's, sound files etc without having to include everything in original .pbo in your mod folder?
  2. feersum.endjinn

    straight objects on uneven ground

  3. It is easier to convert direction + up vectors to transformation matrix, since you can get 3rd column with just doing cross product of dir & up vectors, and conversion between direction+angle and transformation matrix isn't that trivial.
  4. feersum.endjinn

    converting wss to other sound formats

    I'm not 100% certain but doesn't ArmA support WAV files as well along with WSS and OGG?
  5. feersum.endjinn

    The Iraq thread 4

    BBC World is saying he's dead. Good riddance.
  6. feersum.endjinn

    Information for 8800 and PCI-E users

    16x PCIe has more bandwidth than DDR-400 (4GB/s vs 3,2GBs), in practice 8x is just fine since you can't transfer data that fast from system memory anyway...
  7. feersum.endjinn

    Is Voice Over Net working in the demo?

    Are you sure VoIP is enabled on server (admins can disable it)? That said, there is some weirdness with VoIP, on this one server the admin insists that VoIP is enabled and I can hear other people use it and I can get it to work with my onboard Realtek ALC850 chip but not with my Creative X-Fi. It's maybe something ArmA-specific as I can record with Windows' own Sound Recorder just fine and I even tested it with OpenAL 1.1 SDK capture sample application which works as expected as well.
  8. feersum.endjinn

    New Island for ARMA

    It is just the same island as normal Sahrani, just north part is cut off (and half of the big city in the middle).
  9. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    If you can find solution that works in multiplayer as well as in single player, we'll talk. Until that, don't get your hopes up. I think we had like 80% ready model for old OFP, but it was lost or something... and it looked bit retarded ingame as well.
  10. feersum.endjinn

    p3d export tool

    It is pretty trivial to write one in MaxScript with BinStream, I've done MLOD importer (only vertex/face data though) in pure MaxScript, exporter would be even easier. Unfortunately I've just lost the script during these last few years.
  11. feersum.endjinn

    Video files turn black after launching Arma

    Sounds more like driver trouble. Nvidia drivers had issues when you couldn't have Direct3D application running at same time as watching video with hardware acceleration on. It always went away after shutting down whatever game you were running.
  12. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    Not as big as shortage of flight capable NH-90s
  13. feersum.endjinn

    No sound from others

    People other than me have tested it, written long bug report and how to reproduce the bug every time (JIP seems to be the key) and BIS is aware of it. Just hoping for it getting fixed soon...
  14. feersum.endjinn

    No sound from others

    It is somehow related to JIP, and there's no fix that I know of. It's not sound/EAX/Hardware acceleration related bug because when it happens, you don't see muzzle flashes or anything else from weapon either.
  15. feersum.endjinn

    Helicopters in AA

    Since people just love to link their MSFS videos here... Is this what you consider pinnacle of flight model simulation? I could understand posting videos from X-Plane or such but MSFS isn't really that good source for comparison because sometimes its flight model breaks down horribly. http://junk.kegetys.net/Super_Learjet.avi http://junk.kegetys.net/MSFS-physics.avi Videos courtesy of Kegetys.
  16. feersum.endjinn

    Helicopters in AA

    I made short video how helicopter behaves after just reconfiguring controls. Now when you bank helicopter on hover, it will not turn but instead will move sideways as it should. Turning helicopter at hover requires now explicitly using rudder control. http://youtube.com/watch?v=a9FheZALT90
  17. feersum.endjinn

    Helicopters in AA

    Could you please explain how to do this, shorlty? Didn't find a documentation for that by now. Here you go: http://img138.imagevenue.com/img.php....4lo.jpg edit: That is for flying with mouse btw. But same idea applies to joystick, just clear "Links" and "Rechts"...
  18. feersum.endjinn

    Helicopters in AA

    I guess there's always room for improvement but since focus of OFP/ArmA has always been more on infantry combat, I'd say flight model is pretty good after you redefine control mappings so that rudder and bank are not connected.
  19. feersum.endjinn

    Why won't 'createdUnits' move ?

    Editor names are nothing but global variables that hold object reference. Putting unit named "duuude" in editor and "duuude = "SoldierWB" createVehicle getPos player" result in same thing from scripting point of view.
  20. feersum.endjinn

    Tracer & bullef deflection modding fun

    This is tuuba. It doesn't matter what the prefix is, just something that isn't used by ArmA and is unique amongst all addons. As for tools, I use my own ArmaUnbin and ArmaUnPBO (link on my sig) to extract original config and Kegetys' cpbo to pack it again.
  21. feersum.endjinn

    Tracer & bullef deflection modding fun

    Bullet deflection in ArmA is quite impressive, though with default (realistic) values it is sometimes quite hard to notice. But with little bit of config modding, it is a lot more Hollywood-ish http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6747476817134911604&hl=en - bullets can deflect multiple times - deflected bullets can hurt you - it is moddable per bullet type (a class in cfgAmmo)
  22. feersum.endjinn


    With 1.02 it still doesn't display properly on player screen but logos work fine in vehicles and errors about missing texture on joining server are gone. I've only tested .paa texture yet though.
  23. feersum.endjinn

    error: you cannot play this mission, because

    I think it's about missing addon (G85_EditorAddon most likely). I got this error often when I was doing some addon testing work and messed up cfgPatches so that game thought there were some addons required that never existed in first place...
  24. feersum.endjinn

    Sounds in Arma

    It works that way on trees as well, it's great effect but sometimes it's bit funny that lone tree in middle of desert muffles sound when helicopter flies past it
  25. feersum.endjinn

    AI shooting chopper?

    It seems to depend a bit on targets armor value, I found AI just loves to shoot at AH/MH-6 but it more reluctant to target better armored helos.