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Everything posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Actually we have already decided on deadline for 1.1 release and it seems that maybe we actually can make it too Most of new addons are finished or very close to finishing, most bugs found in 1.0 are fixed and new features seem to work just fine in single player. There is still work to do and many scripts need more testing in MP games but so far it is looking good.
  2. feersum.endjinn

    No color at night

    The only clear green NVGs I know of are those that were introduced by a mod. If I'm not mistaken, the FDF mod's NVGs are a clearer green night image than the game's originals. We did not modify NVG noise textures in FDFMod, as that would need modifying original data files or rebuilding new data.pbo like Kegetys' high resolution sky textures mod.
  3. feersum.endjinn

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Though previous comments are tasteless, there still do not warrant post restriction in my opinion. Couple of previous pages were about anal rapings of royal princes or whether this-or-that prince is gay or not. Jessica Lynch did come public with this information herself, royal servant in question did not have such luxury to have decision in his hand. She could have been silent, and all records of her ordeals would be sealed and never released during her lifetime, instead she accepted book and movie deals and got paid millions of dollars for that. If someone needs to be banned, then ban all posters of anal rape discussion. To allow joking about one victim and disapprove another just because one is just servant in royal family and other is war hero is just hypocrisy, especially when Mrs. Lynch told her story for voluntarily.
  4. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Nothing too fancy, just some extra things for destroyed vehicles. Explosions will be similar to 1.0, ones in Realistic Explosion Mod are way too Hollywoodish to be realistic so if you are expecting something similar, you will be disappointed. OFP doesn't really offer any good way to simulate modern high explosives. Usually RPG/recoilless/tank/artillery/etc shots and stuff produce just quick flash and lost of dust since warhead is at max. just few kilos. All those huge fireballs over Baghdad people saw on their TVs from Iraq were 2000lbs bombs or cruise missiles.
  5. feersum.endjinn

    Lock on: modern air combat

    Well I don't know anyone who has gotten that demo to work properly. I can only get decent framerate when I drop all visual details to low, even on medium settings framerate drops to 5-10fps which is when plane gets completely uncontrollable. This is on Athlon 1800+ which is way above minimum specs (I know, I know... ) published by Ubi Soft but it seems people get same kind of shitty performance even on 3GHz P4s with GF4's or newer Radeons. If this is how final game is going to be, I don't know who is going to buy this game. Right now flying A10 is about just fun as playing CTF with lotsa vehicles on OFP's desert island. Seems like another f**ked up release, way to go Ubi Soft...
  6. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    You can check it out yourself, finnish defence contract bulletin is published quarterly. It lists contracts currently open for bidding and contracts already awarded. http://www.mil.fi/tiedotus/julkaisut/bulletin/june.pdf Some examples from "future possible purchases": - PERSONAL LASER WARNING SENSOR - SHOULDER LAUNCH FLARES AGAINST OPTICAL SENSORS - VERY SHORT RANGE AIR DEFENCE MISSILE SYSTEM (VShoRADMS), ItO 2010 Unfortunately "FDFMod virtual battlefield simulation system" is not included yet
  7. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    We would like to make some never vehicles like NH-90 but we do not have blueprints and/or good quality photos for texturing. In case of NH-90, they haven't even started assembling them Also OFP engine restricts us from making addons about some interesting newer designs like AMOS, since it is wheeled vehicle.
  8. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Also this version of L39 does not have optical sight, so hitting a moving target isn't that easy... In practice, you have to wait until BMP is under 300m from you if you want to hit with your first shot. And you'd better hit as you probably won't get second chance
  9. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Fragmentation only occurs if bullet velocity is still high enough when hitting target, and with newer weapons (like M4) having shorter barrels this doesn't happen nearly as often people think.
  10. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    We have some news for you... 95 S 58-61 "Musti" 15.9.2003 Finnish soldiers shooting domestic made Heavy Recoilless Rifle 95 S 58-61, nicknamed "Musti". Even though considered by some as obsolete, Musti is still very lightweight for a crew-served weapon and it can be mounted on most vehicles. Also new hard-nosed warhead designed in 90's can penetrate T-72 equipped with explosive reactive armor. Though slowly being phased out, Musti is still used in some infantry brigades. Click for a larger screenshot
  11. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Yeah, as SmartDrv already said, someone forgot to resize scope texture during development, it was sized 1024x1024 It will be fixed in 1.1.
  12. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    No. Splitting Mod to different addons would require some work and we have enough things to do already for next version of FDFMod. However if someone else wants to make their own addons based on our work, we are willing to give out models and stuff. Actually there's quite a lot models made by other addon teams in FDFMod which we just retextured and modified and other mods have used our models in their addons.
  13. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    We updated our forum software, so please post all comments/requests/questions here http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~fdfmod/forum/ Unfortunately you have register again.
  14. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Flashpoint.ru now posted english version of their FDFMod interview, contains info about 1.1 and future and couple of new screenshots you might not have seen before. Read whole interview here!
  15. feersum.endjinn

    Beer thread

    It's all about air humidity, it can get really uncomfortable even at wimpy 70 degrees Celsius when you throw enough water at kiuas and get enough steam going around. And of course even 120 degrees doesn't feel at all if there's not enough "löylyä" (water steam in air for you uninitiated ) Funny enough, 100C isn't anything in sauna but now we've got 30C outside and this heat is killing me
  16. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Might be something to do with order in which addons are loaded. I got some funny missing addon-errors when I had most of my addons organized in separate mod folders. You could always try to switch order of folder in your -mod parameter, that worked for me (until I got bored with all these addons I never used and deleted most of them - no more problems)
  17. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    If you're having problems with your dedicated server and BMP2 in missions try deleting s_o_fdf.pbo in finmod/addons folder on your dedicated server (or move it to some other folder so you've got backup if something goes wrong). Game will still complaing about missing addon "finnish_defence_forces" for clients but server will load mission and works otherwise just fine. Clients do not have to delete that .pbo. This bug happens when there is BMP2 in mission but not any FDFMod units.
  18. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    MiG-21bis Finnish and Soviet MiG-21bis flying a 'friendship' flight over the frontier sometime during the Cold War. MiG-21bis fighters were purchased for Finnish Air Force between 1978 and 1986 and they replaced aging MiG-21F-13 fighters dating back to 1963. In March 1998 last MiG-21bis fighters were pulled from FAF service as they were retired along with Saab 35J Drakens, both types being replaced by the versatile F-18C Hornet. MiG-21bis is capable of reaching Mach 2. Typical armament includes GSh-23 cannon, rockets and AA missiles. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~fdfmod/newspics/mikkeli2.jpg <100kb
  19. feersum.endjinn

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    There are various screenshots from our squads, LDDK Kyllikki's website Finnish F-18C Hornet taking off Finnish Jaegers assaulting enemy positions at Winter Nogojev Kegetys' A10 doing a strafing run on enemy base Sergeant Goeth just has to relieve himself in middle of the battle Evil looking people trying to shoot us in Kegetys' mission Passionate Peace
  20. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    We have updated multiplayer mission pack. Now it contains 23 MP missions, mostly coops but few Attack&Defend missions too. DOWNLOAD here Note that some missions may have briefings in Finnish only. This mission pack contains following missions: a&d@ 32 fdf overlord a&d@ 36 fdf armoured base a&d@ 40 fdf artillery base a&d@ 40 fdf supply lines a&d@ 40 fdf surrounded co@ 10 fdf strike force co@ 12 fdf cleaning the enemy airspace co@ 12 fdf huoltokatkos co@ 12 fdf paradrop of death co@ 12 fdf reservists co@ 14 fdf kahina co@ 16 fdf hunting the bear co@ 18 fdf red snow co@ 20 fdf coast raiders co@ 20 fdf drop of hope co@ 20 fdf maskirovka co@ 24 fdf forest of bludow co@ 47 fdf lddk retki part1 co@ 6 fdf afternoon surprise co@ 7 fdf ambush co@ 8 fdf as an eagle flies co@ 8 fdf pro patria
  21. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    I believe that the voodoo4/5 cards handle 2048x2048 textures. In the error message "Invalid Texture aspect ratio (1024x64)" i think the important part is aspect ratio : That is the relative proportions of horizontal and vertical resolutions. Maybe FDF uses some 1024x64 textures that the voodoo5 would not support as every hardware has its limitations, for instance, some older graphic cards could only use squares as textures, that is, if you had to use a 256x128 texture it would fill the memory of a 256x256 (1:1 aspect ratio)... I can't tell much about voodoo5 as i dont really know it but i'd agree with BlackDog that it is quite outdated now and i would add that OFP deserves T&L Voodoo cards only support maximum texture aspect ratio of 1:8, while other cards support max ratios of 256 to 4096. We are trying to find which addon has this 1024x64 texture, we found couple of textures with invalid aspect ratio from Leopard but they were only 8x256. Any information would be very helpful.
  22. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    We have made available some multiplayer maps for FDFMod. Some are new, some conversions from old coop missions and some are just fixed versions of maps released with FDFMod. Download here (1,5 MB zip file) edit: web server f***ed up those pbos, so here's single zip file
  23. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    I don't see any Mig 29 in our mod? hmmm...interesting??...i used your exe which should only acess your folder?...i had my regular addons folder deactivated by renaminging it XAddOns???...also the Vit mig pbo isn't even in the XAddOns folder...strange It does load all your other addons too. What our exe does is just load flashpointresistance.exe with parameter -mod=finmod, which causes game to use our configs etc. instead of default OFP stuff.
  24. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    We didn't want to delay releasing mod just because lack of single player missions. Of course if anyone has quality single player maps, just notify us and we could include more maps when we are going to release 1.1. We are also probably going to release more MP missions soon. It is a known bug. We didn't have enough time to fix it They are NATO standard map markers. He's Mazikainen of LDD Kyllikki.
  25. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    Here is short Perl script for fixing texture problem in Leopard which causes dedicated server to crash. This fix is necessary only for dedicated servers!. Run this script in finmod/addons directory. This script works also in Windows, assuming you have Perl installed. Filename can also be given as an argument to script. Make backup of original .pbo file before running this script, no warranty is given and everything you do is your responsibility blah blah... 1b0250e245e8182236d0e749ef7453f5 md5sum for original file 0a93e2fbeec003b8d1c0502171e18b8e md5sum for patched file ------------script starts here----------- #!/usr/bin/perl use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :seek ); use strict; my $pboname = "fdf_v.pbo"; if ($ARGV[0]) { $pboname = $ARGV[0]; } sysopen(PBO, $pboname, O_RDWR) or die("cannot open $pboname: $!"); sysseek(PBO, 0x2405, SEEK_SET) or die("cannot seek $pboname: $!"); syswrite(PBO, "X", 1) or die("cannot write $pboname: $!"); sysseek(PBO, 0x2453, SEEK_SET) or die("cannot seek $pboname: $!"); syswrite(PBO, "X", 1) or die("cannot write $pboname: $!"); close(PBO) or die("cannot close $pboname: $!"); -----------script ends here--------------