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Everything posted by ed-Dutchie

  1. ed-Dutchie


    Thank's Killswitch Nice job I myself was looking in the wrong addon's Never cross my mind that it would be the Misc addon! I stik to the lav addons it self and was stuck on it. Great job and thank's it all works fine now. ( Only the mortier Lav need some adjustments ) Greetings ed-dutchie and have fun. Baytheway the bug is also in the new version off the Hmmwv's New thing so let nobody bring you in doubt. (maybe the site use the old thing but you never will no!
  2. ed-Dutchie

    ArmA release date leaked out?

    Whell, most off all Be not to happy, to Soon about it. It can be an death bird? ( I'll do hoop not for sure, dont get me wrong about it.) But if you read the magizine's you see or here nothing about it. Noppa, nadda, nothing. just the none picture's and the already none thing's You here A lot over the Elite thing but nothing about Armed Assault. It would not surprise me if it came out in the summer of 2006. Maybe they need more time? I dont no. It seems to me, that there is even an Info stop on it. One day it's there and they screaming it off the roof top's The other day you here Nothing more about it. ( and that is Strange.) If you also look to the Order Site's they have not even Mentioned the game Armed Assault !!! ( this is even more stranger and stranger ) So all this, I find myself very strange and odd. The Order Site's would be screaming it from the roof top's if it's was there. Dont you think? ( it is for sure an smashing Game) So I dont want to give you high hoops on it. That it will soon be released. I myself would be very happy, Â if I can find some more Info about it. Something that give really new News about it. Like: Options: Map making: needed System: Whats new to Editting in Armed Assault: How it work with the Old version: What you have to do. How will Mfcti work on it: ( if it's possible.) How you can save your old missions to the Armed assault version: And more and more. about those thing's Let they give every week an update Item on it. Because if it will be released Soon ( what I doubt ) To lift up the top of the game a littlebit. But my bet is that it will be the summer of 2006. when it come out. Maybe they have problems and solve those first out befor they will bring it out. But the earlier the better.
  3. Hi, I'm working on an MFCTI Coop mission. I have almost everything in Good working order. But One thing give's an error message in the beginning of the game. It say's: '_cost =_cost + ((westPrimaryAmmoCosts Select (westTemplatePrimary Select _count)) * |#| (westTemplatePrimaryAmmo Select _count))':Error Well now I no that there is somthing wrong in the westTemplate thing. I have adjust the westTemplate to fit with my new weapons and the Buy Costomloadout menu that you have in the Barracks menu. ( You can buy an customloadout on the left site of the menu were you buy your weapons.) Everything in this Menu is Working Good. I can Buy my new adjust Units. I Can Buy my New adjust weapons. I Can Buy my New adjust Customloadouts. ( M16A2Law, M82A1sniper,ect,ect.) All Menu's on all Building's are working Oke'. So I dont no wat is wrong with it. when I play the game it works on all the thing's and I have no errors during the whole game. from the beginning to the end of the Game. These line's stands in the Custom westTemplate bit. And some of them I dont under stand. westTemplateNames = ( name of the weapon M16, M16A2 ect,ect) westTemplatePrimary = ( Name of the weapon from the config.file) westTemplateSecondary = ( LAW,AT,AA ect,ect.) still strange this is with [Type ] but I understand it. westTemplateSecondaryAmmo = ( is the amount of Ammo slots 1, 2,or 3. westTemplateSidearms = ( well this speak's for it self. BerettaType, M9Type ect,ect. westTemplateMisc = ( is Handgrenade's Smokegrenade's ect, ect.) Well now I get to the part that I dont understand good  in-off ( So can you help me out on it.) And Specialy on this Line below. westTemplateAmount =  ( you can give in from 0 to 3 but I dont understands this bit.) I think that This bit is the error Note thing. So plaese and please helpme out. Then you have these bits of Line's I also dont Understand. Some far away thing is telling me that this was part of an testing thing in the old day's of Mfcti. but never workt out. westTemplateMisc1 = westTemplateAmount1 = And at last the line that I do Understand. westTemplateCost = ( is the som.) It looks for me that the error note that I have is here in these line's to be found. Well I hoop that you Can Help me On this. In front Thanks and Greetings ed-Dutchie  Â
  4. ed-Dutchie


    Â Hi, HateR_Kint Very Much Thanks for the tip. It is very useful and also to use in other addons just to see how thing's works. Greetings ed-Dutchie and thanks again.
  5. Hi, I'm Bizzy with on an Mfcti mission. but I stumble in to somthing I dont understand. And I hoop that one of you can help me out on this one. The question: I put in my new Units and that works oke. But this thing down below I dont understand because it is not in the same order as I put in my Units. ( Or as the standard Mfcti units it self.) Now I no that you have an teamlaeder, and I bed that he stands in this list to. I only want to no how this is working plus wat is te working order of it? This only for the units the rest is weapons and flare's that one I understand. But I dont Understand the Units bit. So help me out PLZ. This is standing in the Main\ Â Stats.file. ( The standard Mfcti Units) ----------------------------------------------------------- customTemplate = 0 ;West G3Type = 1 G36Type = 2 M16Type = 3 M16GLType = 4 M21Type = 5 M4Type = 6 M60MGType = 7 MM1Type = 8 MP5Type = 9 SteyrType = 10 XMSType = 11 AAType = 1 ATType = 2 laserDesignatorType = 3 LAWType = 4 berettaType = 1 glockType = 2 ;East GL6G30Type = 1 AK47Type = 2 AK47GLType = 3 AK74Type = 4 AK74GLType = 5 AK74SUType = 6 AK101Type = 7 bizonType = 8 PKType = 9 DragunovType = 10 skorpianType = 1 tokarevType = 2 ;Both flareType = 0 flareGreenType = 1 flareRedType = 2 flareYellowType = 3 grenadeType = 4 grenadeShellType = 5 mineType = 6 rifleMortarType = 7 bombType = 8 smokeGrenadeType = 9 smokeGrenadeGreenType = 10 smokeGrenadeRedType = 11 ----------------------------------------------------------- I hoop that you can help me out on this one. Thank's in front for it. Greetings ed-Dutchie and hopefully till hearing's Â
  6. ed-Dutchie

    Things About MFCTI?

     Hi, MaHuJa. One thing first, yes I have to laugh at myself. Becaus it is also an long time ago that I stumble with the MFCTI file's. And the most odd thing is that I forget these little thing's. Well you no the saying, One day whitout an Laugh is one day witout living. HA,HA. How could I be sO Stu..d How are things going bay the way? I dont see you anymore on the Mfcti Site. The forum of it is very still these days. not much news on it ( bay-the-way). But lucky for me that you bring me back on the right track. In the mean time I solved the First thing out myself and exactly at that same moment I Understand that I ask un very Stu..d Question.  But the custom template Loadout was new for me! I have my Rumble with it but didend figure that one out yet. If you have not help me on this, well I never figured out. (I think.) So Thank's for the Great big help on it. Greetings ed-Dutchie  And when the Mfcti mission is ready for testing I will post it. Thanks and Thanks and Thanks
  7. ed-Dutchie

    Things About MFCTI?

    I found somthing about it. But I'm not sure that I understand it. See here. Wat I understand is that I have to fill in the Templates all of them. But wat I dont understand is were do I put these so cald template files? Do this belong in the [ Main \ Stat] bit of Mfcti or do you have to put it somewere els? in Mfcti Plaese help me out. if you will HELP HELP HELP Greetings ed-Dutchie  and naturaly THANK'S in front for it. But do help me out
  8. ed-Dutchie


    Hi, HateR_kint  I'm sorry that I was to fast in myn justment. If the error is gone afther you did wat you did. Then you are right! We must now follow this on the (watt,were,when) it will leads us closer to the source of the problem. More name's maybe some script's? Could you give me an Idea on wat you have done? I dont think that I understand it with wat you mean by ( comment out those two entries ) could you give an illustration or example of it ? If you will. thank's in front Hi, Sanctuary I agree on this and will search for... When I no somthing I will let you no. Never think of that one, calling"/preprocess But I'm in the right direction is my guess'. Now finding it and see wat it make's acting to. Greetings ed-Dutchie Â
  9. ed-Dutchie


    ----------------------------------------------- class AIM9: Weapon {}; class SEF_AIM9: AA model="\SEF_Misc\Rockets\AIM9.p3d"; class SEF_AIM9x4: SEF_AIM9x2 count=4; class MaverickLauncher: HellfireLauncher {}; class SEF_AIM9x2: MaverickLauncher count=2; sound[]={"\SEF_Misc\sound\aim9_fire.ogg",1,1}; ------------------------------------------------- class AGM65D: Weapon {}; class SEF_AGM65: Hellfire model="\SEF_Misc\Rockets\AGM65D.p3d"; sound[]={"\SEF_Misc\sound\shot_stinger.wss",3,1}; class SEF_AGM65x2: MaverickLauncher displayNameMagazine="AGM-65 Maverick"; sound[]={"\SEF_Misc\sound\MaverickLaunch",3,1}; class SEF_AGM65x8: SEF_AGM65x2 count=8; -------------------------------------------------- Well I don’t think that the SEF_AIM9 and AGM65 will be the problem. the Config.file it looks Oke. Error note ( 'o|#:': error unnone operator' ) But there is something wrong with it. An sort of Eventhandler.(thing) it begins wrong, it get an "o" and it need something ells as the right answer. that’s way the error note. you just cant point your finger on it. on wat it is.  Or it is in an script. file  were the outcome of it is wrong "o" and it need something ells as an answer. To solve this thing you need to no The Watt, When, were. plus outcome, is answer. but if you can not piont your finger on it. It will be searching for an needel in a haystack. So I do hoop that he find it and will come up with an Fix on it. It wil be pity if not. Because people will not use the addons because of this little bug thing. And that’s not wat we want. they are good addons. It is even an break in the Mfcti community to deal with something totally new instead of the none trucks. the light factory will have nice addons to begin with. But we cannot use them because the little error note. well lets hoop for the best and that he will Fix that problem. Or that someone came up with an Fix for it. It wil be pity if not. Greetings ed Dutchie Â
  10. ed-Dutchie


    Help  Hi. I need help on the following thing: I have downloaded the Lav addons Pack. and install it. whell now if I start Ofp, I get in the start of Ofp, an error note that go's Like this: 'o|#:': error unnone operator' I think its an misplaced thing in the config.file of it. But want to be sure so can you give me some idea's about it. Or better help me out on it. I tested Ofp firmly and it is only, afther I install these  Lav addons. With everything that is needed. If I can fix this problem error of it then I can use them in myn Mfcti mission. I'm working on. Bay the way, do have more folks this kinda problem? I'll hoop that you can help me out on it. In front verry and verry much thank's Greetings ed-Dutchie Â
  11. Help Hi. I need help on the following thing: I have downloaded the Lav addons Pack. and install it. well if I start Ofp I get in the start of it, an error note that go's Like this: 'o|#:': error unnone operator' I think its an misplaced thing in the config.file of it. But want to be sure so can you give me some idea's about it. I tested Ofp firmly and it is only, afther I install these  Lav addons. If I can fix this problem error of it then I can use them in myn Mfcti mission. And can place an Fix file for it on the Site of it. In front verry and verry much thank's Greetings ed-Dutchie Â
  12. ed-Dutchie

    help on Addon and an Error Note

    Hi. Yes, (Sanctuary) I use the SEF LAV pack. And guess what, I'll was searching in the wrong addon.file's Becaus as you say there are three addon folders. 1) SEF_LAV-X.pbo ( this one I have search the Config.file) 2) SEF_LAV-XCfg.pbo ( this one I have search the Config.file) 3) SEF_Misc.pbo ( And yes this one, I forget.) Â Whell I hoop that I found something on it. But in the meantime I'm thinking that it could be an outcome of some class eventhandlers like ( Trapper say's) If it is an sum like ( if\then \goto)more or less Then I'll will be very bizzy with it. And I'm not sure if I can Fix the problem. Because if "o" have to be an number and it stay's on "o" Or what ever. then you have to work through the whole script. And must have to no the (wat,where,how,when.) But Ill will give it an tray. You never no. Very much thank's for the info and fast Repply on it. I will fill you in on the founding's that I make on it. And maybe that I have more call upon's. on you Greetings ed-Dutchie
  13. ed-Dutchie

    help on Addon and an Error Note

    Thank's for the Fast Repply. I will dig in to the Config.file of it. And start my search for the "o" and Yes the error is that short I hoopt that it would be bigger so that I have more to go on. But that is not the thing. You speak off addon? but would this not be found in the Config.file? ( of the addon.) Becaus if it is an addon, then I'm lost.( the addon.file it self p3d and so on.) Dont no how to rewrite or edit them or where to look for. The config.file, it self is no problem to me. Whell thank's for the answer and I'll fill you in on the founding's that I make on it. Greetings ed-Dutchie
  14. Hi, All. I have downloaded the new Liberation 1941-1945 Barbarossa Mod. It is an great WWII addons mod. But it is full with scripts and more of these things. Most of al some things are not working well in it. And as you maybe no I’m a member of the Cti44-WWII mod. ( An game based on MFCTI with only WWII Addons.) But now first the thing that don’t work well in the Liberation Barbarossa Mod. Example. 1.The Russian tanks are to strong with there shells an T-26 can destroy the most heavy tank on the german site. 2.The German tanks cant shoot straight at the enemy your shell will go right or left or drop down in to the ground on halfway down from the target. ( Even when you are close at the enemy.) 3. Do to some scripts this and more is not working well yet on this Liberation Barbarossa mod. So I have some Questions. I found the Addons folder in this mod and want to strip down all the extra things from the addons in it. So that I have left, The single addon of an tank or vehicle or some units or the weapons bit of it. Then make an addon out of an Singel addon of the Liberation mod. With a new config.file for just one addon ( a tank or an vehicle, So that I no how it will be done and works) Put this together again PBO it back, And tray it this single addon out in OFP with the new config.file. So now I have a single addon from the Liberation mod. Let say a tank. When I unPBO’t  the  lib-pzIVg addon there is No Config.file in it. There is only PAA.file’s and PAC.file’s. So now my question. What do I have to do to make this an Singel addon that works in OFP without the Liberation Barbarossa mod. Or how can I greate from those addons an Singel working  addon  that works in OFP? Please Help me out on it. I need your help because I have never done this befor. So if you can give me some extra info on howe to do this, I’m will be verry happy about it. You can give also some extra info to it with where and howto’s I will please this at The Forum of Cti44-WWII. And wil Build an Tutorial out of it. So that I never ask you again for it. ( Well sometime’s maybe, just kidding) In Front VERRY much thank’s for it. And please do help me out with it. Greeting’s ed-Dutchie. And Hopefully till Hearing’s If this is all possible then we can use it in the Cti44-WWII mod. And put some extra addons to it. Plus we can build better missions for it. With weapons that are more accurate of the time.
  15. Hi, All. I’ Am working on a MFCTI mission, And need some help on how to put in, The “TeamRespawn† in MFCTI. Example: When you get kilt by the enemy , You will Respawn at your Base. And when you wore far from the base, this is not so Great! your attack stops And your AI team go ask questions on where you are? Then most of the time your Team is walking back towards you. When you give not the halt order, so that they keep in place. This I want to change in an TeamRespawn thing in MFCTI. So when you get kilt by the enemy you can shoos your Respawn setup By Respawn in a Team member or Respawn at the base. This works on Cti44 mod, But not on MFCTI. So there for my question. What do I have to do to make this TeamRespawn in MFCTI And how do it works. In front Thanks for it on any answer on it. I hoop that you can help me out on it. Greetings ed-Dutchie hopefully till hearing’s
  16. Hi,All I'm very new on this forum and folks say if they dont no it nobody no's. But they surely no a lot of it. so tray your luck. My Question is: How can I change the weapons outfit on un a singel Unit? in MFCTI.? Or an couple of units.? Example: I want to give a unit un binocular, un gun, and un bazooka, plus some grenade's Again It is just un Example to see how this go's in MFCTI.  What do i have to do, To get this done in MFCTI (or better said) how do this go's in MFCTI? ( how it works) I find the Main\Stats bit and the loadouts bit. But what I dont no, Is how do I specified the created unit in MFCTI? So how do I make the switch to my created Unit with the waepons of my choosing? how can I create this In MFCTI And what do i have to change in it. I no the Teamleaders have somthing like this. But what I dont no. Is how do this work on un singel unit. That you can buy from the Barracks? In Advance very much Thanks for it and Greetings Ed-Dutchie  And I hoop that some of you can help me out with it. Because I'm stuck on it Â
  17. Hi,All I'm very new on this forum and folks say if they dont no it nobody no's. But they surely no a lot of it. so tray your luck. My Question is: How can I change the weapons outfit on un a singel Unit? in MFCTI.? Or an couple of units.? Example: I want to give a unit un binocular, un gun, and un bazooka, plus some grenade's Again It is just un Example to see how this go's in MFCTI.  What do i have to do, To get this done in MFCTI (or better said) how do this go's in MFCTI? ( how it works) I find the Main\Stats bit and the loadouts bit. But what I dont no, Is how do I specified the created unit in MFCTI? So how do I make the switch to my created Unit with the waepons of my choosing? how can I create this In MFCTI And what do i have to change in it. I no the Teamleaders have somthing like this. But what I dont no. Is how do this work on un singel unit. That you can buy from the Barracks? In Advance very much Thanks for it and Greetings Ed-Dutchie  And I hoop that some of you can help me out with it. Because I'm stuck on it Â
  18. Hi,grunt249 Yes , you got it Right. Rewrite the Units Bit in MFCTI so that I can give them my own shoose of weapons, binoculars, grenade's ect,ect,ect. It means that i have to build this up from skrats. One by One at the time. ( No mistake's or less Mistake's that can happen) But till I get stuck on it. The teamleaders have a Binocular, and a Law, plus Some Handgrenades. Well this I'm trying to do with the units that you can buy from the Barracks. To find out what kinda waepon they use. Use Ofp editor pluns down the units you want to have or they have the weapons things and so on and save it. Open up the just maked mission with notepad or better in use Chris Ofp editor. (Then you have olso Line Numbers so you no where you are in the mission tekst.) And look for the weapons name's class ect,ect,ect. This cant go wrong. then you have everything of this bit. But where I go stuck on is how to place this in MFCTI where what and how. This is the Yik/Yacking bit of it. Then test and found out that you mist somthing.( but what?) This take a lot of time testing and notworking again but are close on it. So I hoop that this explane's alittle bit more to it. I'm useing WWII addons thats way i have to change waepons and other things. Loadouts from vehicle's,tanks ,Amphibious vehicle's ect,ect,ect. If you no the Cti44-WWII Mod then you no what I'm doing. On this way of learning I can wipout some of the Errors that do Somtimes occur in it. And make my own Missions with it. Hoop that this clearup the ? about it. Greetings Ed-Dutchie and Maybe till hearings Â
  19. Hi,HuNtA. Well I think that I have make my questions ask clearly? But I will take an look to it. But for un Hollander it looks to me that i ask it in the right way.? The Makers are also here on this Forum looking somtimes around for new things that come out. For OFP. And maybe They can use those olso in there mod. Or finds New items,scripts ect,ect,ect. But i do hoop that they have the time for un explanation on my Question. So that is way i place olso here the Question. ( You never no!) Is this olso for The MFCTI Mod? or only for the OFP bit. And my Question was how to build this soort of thing in. In the MFCTI bit. And dont worry about advertising for an other big editing Site (The Operation Flashpoint editing site.) these are the god fathers of scripting. and feedback on it. They build the first book ( In German) of editing OFP and go's back to 2001 the beginning of it. Both site's are the site's that make's OFP as what it is nower days. But it is  looking for an needle in an haystack if you want to find somthing that you can use for your own mission or mod. So thats way I ask first around and hopefully they give me the right directions of where to look for. And finding it. like (not to badmouth this forum, advertise another, ect.) But give the right directions of help out so Nothing to shame for. Is my thinking. Well You never no. ( I tray it, already done it.) Greetings Ed-Dutchie.