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About eleanor

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  1. eleanor

    New M109A6 and TOS-1 Update

    I got a error last night, something about a missing script for the TOS after I took it out with 4 of your M109's. Might have had something to do its damage effects, anyone else struck this? And anything else new coming our way? anyhow, great job.
  2. eleanor

    Binocular file

    Can anyone tell me were to find the BIS binocular graphic file, is it in the Data PBO? What would it be called. I'd like to have a go at modifing it to have gradicals for estimating ranges in COC artillary missions, or has someone already done one?
  3. eleanor

    I44 Demo help

    Thanks to all concerned, got what I needed to get it going. Wish I'd thought to ask here before 120meg of busted downloads. Thanks again
  4. eleanor

    I44 Demo help

    Thanks for the files, but can someone send inv_m1_gar.pbo this seems to be an impotant one because its the main rifle pbo inv_m1_car.pbo was the file in the batch, and I've already got that one OK.
  5. eleanor

    I44 Demo help

    Hello all can any body help me out here guys, I've downloaded the I44 demo a while ago but the first 5 files would not open, the rest are OK and can be used in the game, but I can't run the demo as such. So I've just downloaded the V1.2 update of the demo, hoping that the bad files might have been included, no luck. So I,ve just spent the last 9hours on my 56k getting the full version only to have it fail twice within the last few k of finishing One unhappy guy can be helped at ([email protected]) Can someone send me, inv_m1_gar.pbo inv_m1_m19a4.pbo inv_m1_willysmb.pbo inv_m1_willysmbmg.pbo inv_m1_invdata.pbo, which are the first 5 files of the demo, pleeaaasse
  6. eleanor


    "Someone should retexture Sig's M1's in the camo the Aussie's will use. How many M1's did the ADF buy anyhow???" 59 was the figure, not many on the world stage I guess.
  7. eleanor


    Is the F88 GLA firing sound broken or have I done something dumb? I hear the explosion at the other end, but no reload or firing noise. Seems to work for me with the M4/203. The sight optic for the F88 GLA are for the 1.5 but I think the 3D model has the Elcan sight. Great work all the same.