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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. Hey, that's pretty cool!
  2. ebns72

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    completely unedited-only changes made were quality loss from jpg. Addons: HYK US Infantry AEF Treben demo island INQ NVGS (pic taken with Y2K3 mod)
  3. ebns72

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    Another problem with ai I have noticed is that even when speed is set to full they drive relatively slow when compared to the speeds that a human driver is capable of reaching.
  4. ebns72

    A little rowboat

    I couldn't help to notice that the low lods of the sailors were nothing but black, floating objects (their hats??)
  5. ebns72

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    anyone know a script or trick to get an entire ai train (engine+wagons) to connect easily? I have having trouble getting ai to form an entire connected train to move around.
  6. ebns72

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I would just like to see the ability to take the backpack off through the action menu (somewhat like lower goggles) and maybe take a helmet off too to reveal a beret.
  7. ebns72

    Guess the name of the game

    yep, zork and lode runner
  8. ebns72

    Guess the name of the game

    This thread is getting too long to read it all, so I apologize if this has already been mentioned. Got two really easy games here: And...
  9. I want to stick with nvidia on this one.I have $200 to spend, so the $299.99 geforce 6800 is out of the question. I was wondering if nvidia had an equal to the ati x700, which is one step below x800? In other words, what is one step below the 6800? Obviously, I want something with all the almost all the bells and whistles and is ALMOST top of the line. As said above, looking for something only 1-2 steps down from the best. Did a quick look, I noticed that they have a geforce 6600 which looks pretty good and is only $149.99? Or is the 5000s series any good? Saw some pretty cheap 5800s and 5700s. Okay, so I know nothing about vid card stats. All these pipeline and shaders and stuff I don't understand, and thats where I need help-choosing which is best. So I got the fx5800, 5700, and 6600-or OTHER (please make other recommendations if there are other cards in the $200 range!) Which should I go with?
  10. ebns72

    2 questions

    Thanks for the help everyone
  11. I am a n00b to mission making, and I have two "how to" questions regarding some commands and scripts: #1-how do you include more than 1 unit in the NOT alive command (I.E. NOT(alive xxx).) I want to require that 3 tanks must be destroyed for an objective to be met, but I am having trouble because flashpoint seems to be picky when it comes to these commands. I tried NOT (alive xxx); NOT(alive xxx) and things like NOT (alive xxx, yyy) but none of them seem to work. How would I include more than two variables (is that the "professional" way of saying it? ) in the NOT alive command? okay, second question-In the original CWC, I noticed that in some missions, when the enemy became alert, all tank crews and pilots scrambled to their tanks or aircraft. How do I do this. Hell, how do I make it so the enemy becomes alert.? usually when a tank crew (in a group) they don't do anything (obviously, no command was given to them.) but how would I make it so when they detect the enemy they get in their tanks ASAP?
  12. ebns72

    Need help on getting a new vid card

    Radeon 9800pro 256mb I have a FX5500 256mb card from BFG (overclocked) and I love it. I play FarCry and Joint Ops at relatively high settings with no lag. And for $150 at Best Buy (meaning I am sure you can find it on net for $120 ) you can't beat the price . $279.99 Okay, I need this question answered from someone who knows what all the card stats mean comparing the 6600 to the 5900xt, which has better graphics at a performance above 30 fps?
  13. ebns72

    Need help on getting a new vid card

    ...so I guess its 6600 if the 5900 isn't that good? Also, radeon only has 128 vid memory...the 6600 has double that. 6600 a good choice? The reason I don't want the ati card is that it only has 128 memory and I heard it had some problems with several games.
  14. ebns72

    Need help on getting a new vid card

    radeon 9800 is $250 :P I am somewhat leaning toward the FX6600, because isn't the FX660 a lot newer than the FX5900 (updated technology?) Also, doing a search on newegg.com the 6600 has double the memory and is $30 cheaper. Does anyone know which has better stats compared side to side: FX 5900 (NOT ultra, too expensive) or the 6600? Basically what I am asking now is which will give me prettier graphics at a framerate above 30: the 6600 or 5900 (non-ultra version)
  15. ebns72

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    Is there more information on the game itself, not the steam? Pics?
  16. ebns72

    Atlantis found?

    hehe, I was being sarcastic in my post above Do I think they found Atlantis? Probably not. There are too many buried ancient cities to decipher which one would be Atlantis if it was found. Do I think they found an ancient city? Definately possible. Do I think they just found a weird old volcano formation? Most likely. The point of my other post was that I think they are jumping to conclusions too fast. It doesn't bear enough distinction as of now-it is simply a few sonar hills. It would need to be investigated. Do I think plato was lying when he wrote the legend? I don't think a man like himself would make up bull. I think he wrote what he thought. Does Atlantis really exist? That is the mystery. Personally, I think it did exist, but it is so ancient and buried and ruined that it will never be recognized or found.
  17. ebns72

    Atlantis found?

    OMFG!!!! ATLANTIS!! There is like no way that could ever possibly be the remains of an old volcano! I mean, like its physically impossible that that wall is just the edge of a crater. I can't believe it, a hill underwater...it MUST be atlantis. What other explanation is there? That canal...omg...that was definately man-made, no way pouring lava could have made something like that... WOW! If it is in fact an old city, this is the first time an underwtaer city has ever been found!
  18. ebns72

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Laser weapons are earl's weapons with some modified sounds
  19. ebns72

    Generic OPFOR

    Any updates on these guys? I'm looking forward to them
  20. ebns72

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    WOW. Excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W00t! These guys are great! Excellent work! After playing with these a bit, I cannot help to notice all the improvements . You obviously put a lot of effort into making these guys perfect-I noticed that the "fat arms" are gone, not to mention you made the soldiers look less short and stubby (something I liked about LSR's soldiers) plus several other visual improvements. The hard part now is, which to choose: LSR's men for SF missions, or HYK's?
  21. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Hmm well yes I know that, but what would I change and what would I replace it with? (I am a total config noob )
  22. ebns72

    Embassy for ofp

    I'm sure someone would pick it up if you put it up for grabs as a d/l link.
  23. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Hmm..how would I go about doing this?
  24. ebns72

    Game physics

    @that cool demo EXACTLY!!! except not as elastic, but I am sure that could be modified by changing some values in the config of that physics engine but that gives the whole idea of what I am thinking of perfectly! @IL2 Not really the same...you see, IL2 has preset damage. The developers, while making the aircraft, go in and put certain areas where it is possible to for the wing to break off. However, what I am saying is have it so the physics engine calculates at which polygons it breaks off. Ahh..if you imagine that scafold like the side of a tank, it makes dynamic non-decal bullet holes, and if you hit it enough it causes it to split and crumble realistically
  25. It looks like a problem with transparency. Check to make sure there are correct alpha channels and if it is .paa