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Everything posted by elpep

  1. elpep

    Red Hammer Mission 2

    Has anybody managed to crack this mission. I came close a few minutes ago, elimianatered all the personnel, was in the middle of taking out that tank and bang - no I didn't get killed the game crashed.
  2. elpep

    I completed Red Hammer, today.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FireFox on 1:04 am on Dec. 8, 2001 #######--Spoiler--######## Yeah, for me it was easy and over fast. Planted bombs and grabbed some more charges, moved to hill. Set all off and boom, then took out mg chap and saw some guys running down to the base (Americans), used the radio trigger anyways after having some problems due to 0 also acting as copy for some reason. Then base is clear officers dead and message ' Oh well at least they cant tell the americans lies' or something lke that. Jumped in boat and off to go with a mission complete and poor outro. Then the credits movie. not to tricky or hard for an end mission, some nice scripting with a custom action. about 17hrs playtime to complete the campaign over 3 days. All good fun <span id='postcolor'> What drugs are you on. It took me seven days of fairly solid playing but then again my PC seemed to crash more times than I got killed. I think its time I invested in some more RAM.....
  3. elpep

    Who finds Red Hammer....

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from mads bahrt on 5:08 am on Dec. 12, 2001 Just wait until you get to the alamo - the thing i until now has missed most is a mission where you have plenty of time to prepare a defence. Now i got it. Being a combat engineer I also worshipped the idea of beeing able to fortify a whole town in the game. If someone could make a coop conversion of that mission it would be quite cool. Which brings me to: You can get the 1985 campaign as coop missions - can someone make a conversion of the Red Hammer Campaign? (Edited by mads bahrt at 6:09 am on Dec. 12, 2001) <span id='postcolor'> Having completed all 60 missions Alamo is the one that I'll never forget. Â All my squad but 1 was killed by the first M60 platoon...... and the guy that was left wouldn't do anything I told him but I did it eventually. Â Only annoying thing about Red Hammer is that after everything you go through with Lukin he changes sides........The early missions are pretty tough but they get easier about half way through. You have to use your head in a few of them though, especially 'savior' ;-) (Edited by elpep at 7:17 pm on Dec. 12, 2001)
  4. elpep

    Why are there no missions in the Red Hammer list ?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 3:50 am on Dec. 6, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Shadow ATWAR on 4:11 pm on Dec. 4, 2001 hmmm seems none of you have tried scrolling upwards eh use your mousewheel or click the arrows. I really can't see the problem here except that the list starts too high up :confused: <span id='postcolor'> I just came to this thread to write this. But it seems that you figure out, first. Just move the arrows up. To make things clear. Click on start in the 1985 campaign and don't do anything(no need of clicking on that start in the future. Just move the list up, when you open campaign game). Then just click that little arrow and all missions from the Red hammer will be there. Easy as ####. And, true. The only problem is that mission list in Red Hammer starts too high up.<span id='postcolor'> Me too. I'm a bit slow, only noticed that a couple of minutes ago. Oh well at least I cleared Red Hammer this morning.
  5. elpep

    Red Hammer Mission 2

    I've come a long way since then (mission ") and I'm on the 19th mission, Race against time. Which route should I take, there's armour everywhere.
  6. elpep

    \'Picking up the Pieces\'

    On the mission in Red hammer where you have to nick the Hind to get off Everon do you have do destroy all the US helicopters to complete the mission? Why are they in white on the vehicle scanner as well when they are not disabled? (Edited by elpep at 10:02 pm on Dec. 8, 2001)
  7. elpep

    \'Picking up the Pieces\'

    Yeah got that one but now I'm stuck on 'Return the Chopper' Â I have no problem taking out the first convoy but then I run out of ammo when I'm taking out the second one thats headed towards the lighthouse. Â Is there any ammo truck in the area then i could use to re-arm the hind? Forget that, I started from scratch and kept my medic friend out of harms way. What a difference a gunner makes instead of having to use manual fire. (Edited by elpep at 5:56 pm on Dec. 9, 2001)
  8. elpep

    \'Picking up the Pieces\'

    Cheers Mate. I didn't see the cutscene though. I only took out one or two of them (helicopters) but then it went 'Wait for Others' so I landed on the airstrip, got out and was shot.....
  9. elpep

    Red Hammer missions

    I am having this problem too but in the 'Picking up the Pieces' mission I crashed the repair truck into the tank and it comes up as white writing when i look at it ie. it must be disabled. Then i hopped into the tank and as soon as i hit 'repair at repair truck' it updated my retry position. Problem is 'repairing' comes up but stays on the screen for ages. I reckon this is because i crashed the truck. Anyway I can't revert because of that bug so i may have to start all over again. Does anybody have a solution to this. I want to play the original campaign and red hammed under the same user name.
  10. elpep

    I really need to know?

    Do bears s**t in the woods?
  11. elpep

    Why are there no missions in the Red Hammer list ?

    Does this mean that after I clear Red Hammer I won't be able to go back and replay say the tenth mission because there will be no list?? Having said that BIS will have to bring out a patch and hopefully they'll include a couple of weapons with it as well!!!!
  12. elpep

    I can\'t find red hammer?

    Why don't you just go a normal bricks and Mortar store? No pun intended!!