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About doc1236

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  1. doc1236

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hey again, sorry being a bit noobish this morning Where do I put these codes? In the folder of the mission file or on a soldier? of Gamelogic? Sorry, just a bit of a noob when it comes to coding
  2. doc1236

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hey I got a problem that I need solving! I've put EVERYTHING in the right place in my arma folder, i've put the contents of the Dta folder in, and I've put the @RTEditor in my icon BUT! As I load up arma, nothing happens...I press esc and the bar isn't there! Can anyone help?
  3. doc1236

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hey man, great job on making a new one, I loved Version 3, and now 4! Can't wait But as I went to start it, I encountered a problem... As I start ArmA it says this "Include file Dta\ION_RTE\ION_RTE.h not found" Please help me!
  4. doc1236

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hey man I was wondering, is it possible to play this online at all? Say like the two of you want to quickly place somthing then quickly open the RTE? Or do you need coding or somthing like that?
  5. doc1236

    Band Of Brothers Mod

    Hey Kris, I got your email, and sure I'll be a part of it, just send me what to do and I will do my best towards it
  6. doc1236

    Band Of Brothers Mod

    Hey dude, looks great...just so you know, if you want me to do some modeling, I would be willing to do it, I have experience in O2 and love the BoB Series...If you want me to then PM me, would love to man!