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About djewt1

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  1. I blew off the top of a control tower with machinegunners on it on a airfield, definitely a "wow that's cool" moment.
  2. djewt1

    Why the USMC?

    If a real war ever broke out between Russia and the US, US soldiers would probably call there advisaris all kinds of names, related to communism. The Russian soldiers will probably do the same, although I have no idea what they would say ;) But I agree, the US as the eternal good guy is getting old and only belongs in a black and white world. I don't think governments are able to be good in general :butbut:
  3. djewt1

    Arma 2 the last game to use this engine?

    Upgrade the sandbox, don't try to reinvent it! OFP / ARMA, even with it's flaws, is the best game series out there IMO :bounce3: