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Everything posted by domokun

  1. domokun

    Looking for...

    I'd be happy to help but I'm afraid that I'm a Brit, with a rather British accent :o
  2. Any chance that the last patch (1.10) could be released? I know that it's not finished (been stuck at 54% for months now) but I'm sure that it would help. After all it fixes 19 out of 37 bugs!
  3. Has ARMA2 killed this mod? Reason I'm asking is that since's A2's release, I've watched it's development grind to a halt. It's been stuck at 51% for the last month. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/roadmap/ace-mod#1.10 I understand that the developers are volunteers and it's the holidays and all, but how about a point release? I promise you that there are many of us who, while we like A2, still play A1 simply because of ACE.
  4. At only £16, is Zavvi the cheapest e-tailer in the UK? http://www.zavvi.co.uk/zavvi/10044005.product That's 47% off RRP! (£30) Zavvi may have closed its stores earlier this year but their website re-launched in March. FYI I don't work for nor have shares in Zaavi :p I just ordered from them last week and received my copy today! Moreover I'm in France!! Postage & packing (P&P) is free in the UK and only £1 for EU (vs. Amazon UK's £7!!).
  5. domokun

    I bet OFP runs great now

    I also still play OFP and recently built a new PC. So I'm curious to as to which settings offer the best visuals vs. decent framerate (30-60 fps?). total memory I second Sanctuary's question about the swap file. Surely 900MB would offer smoother gameplay right? Texture heap same as above? Shouldn't this be increased to it's maximum? i.e. 16 MB File heap same as above? Shouldn't this be increased to it's maximum? i.e. 16 MB geometry performance why only 408? shouldn't it be much higher? e.g. 3000 or even 6000? textures why only 1024x1024? i.e. why not 2048x2048? I'm so glad to see fellow OPFers trying to get the very best out of OFP on today's hardware. Who knows maybe somebody can somehow mod the engine to take advantage of today's technology? (dual core, GPU, etc.) :)
  6. @sle - I didn't list problems but simple queries. If you can't distinguish between a respectful question and bitching then check the dictionary. By sharing our experiences we'll advance this mod. @Max Power - thanks for the tip about Mark XIII. As for the mods, I'll drop ACE, wait for the next release (v1.05), test JTD and PROPER plants mods, then report back my results. @W0lle - thanks for your succinct replies. It the only other mod that's definitely compatible is Villa's project 85?
  7. domokun

    Turning OFP into your favourite game!

    Does anyone know if FFUR 2008 inlcudes the Mr Burns texture pack? or do you have to install it afterwards?
  8. I'm really excited with what I've seen so far but seeing as this mod seems so wide-ranging (total conversion?) I have a few questions: 1) is this mod compatible with ACE? 2) is it compatible with JTD smoke effects? 3) is it compatible with PROPER vegetation? 4) is it compatible with HiFi NA? 5) Can any of the campaigns be played in co-op? If so is the the co-op like in ARMA, i.e. JiP? Or like OFP, i.e. no JiP?
  9. Hi, I'm playing through the SP campaign and its rather difficult. The reason is that, despite Enabling "Unlimited Saves" in the Difficulty menu, I cannot save more than once in a mission. Is this normal? If not, is there are workaround? FYI, I'm running v1.16 Much appreciated
  10. domokun

    Unlimited saves are limited!?

    @ hamis - can you confirm that you press the left Shift key and the minus key (of numeric keypad) simultaneously and then type endmission?
  11. domokun

    Unlimited saves are limited!?

    @ hamis - neither of the cheats work. I have tired them on the menu screen and during the mission. Maybe they were disabled in 1.16b? @ kju - I created a new profile which seemed to work fine. I then opened up both .cfg files and compared them. They are very different. Not only are values different but so is the layout. It seems very difficult to merge them. Nonetheless I tried (edit my new profile with values from my old profile) and it failed :confused: What's far worse is that the new profile now doesn't work properly! :mad: Last night I started a mission and tried to configure keystrokes. Having saved them (they work) I noticed that certain features are no longer working, e.g. weapon crosshairs disabled in my Difficulties menu but enabled in game!! :eek: It's as if the same problem that happened with my previous profile is now afflicting my new profile!?
  12. domokun

    Unlimited saves are limited!?

    @ kju - nice idea. I tried it and it worked! however I lost my progress in the SP campaign, as well as all my keystrokes. I tried using the -endmission cheat to get back to the mission I was on but it doesn't work. Any suggestions? @ hamis - I meant BIS SP campaigns. First encountered the problem halfway thru default campaign. Struggled through without Unlimited Saves. However when I started the Rahmadi campaign I started getting fed-up (currently on The President) @ Zipper5 - thanks for the tip. I hadn't realised that all these changes aren't applied unless you use Revert rather than Resume. While I can understand it technically, there's no indication within the in-game menu!
  13. domokun

    Unlimited saves are limited!?

    Hi guys, Thanks for your help. I tried your recommendations and I'm afraid that Unlimited Saves doesn't work at all. So far I've tried: a) changing Unlimited Saves from Enabled to Disabled and back to Enabled b) changing from Cadet to Veteran and back c) manually editing my .cfg file d) reverting to the start of missions rather than resuming And none of the above work at all!! Ideas?
  14. Very interesting. Thanks for this research. BTW what kind of hardware makes up your servers?
  15. @The.D Looking forward to your update! My (small) contribution - AFAIK the only mods that you've listed that have been integrated into the ACE mod include: - MadMatt's FX So I'm thinking of running the following target line: mod=beta;DBE1;ACE;prop+lowplants;JTD_smoke;GDT_heli;D+D_CA;crows;real_desig;HiFi_NA;SenChi;GL3 Do any of those seem redundant or in conflict?
  16. domokun

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Does anyone know if you need to install Mr Burns Island pack after installing FFUR 2008? i.e. is the Mr Burns Island pack included in the FFUR 2008 installation?
  17. domokun

    Lowplants v1.1

    Hamis: thanks for the clarification. I just thought that because it was in a mod folder and was called through a reference in the target line, it was a mod like the ACE mod. OK then, so what is the difference between this and the Proper plants mod? Are they complementary?
  18. domokun

    JTD Smoke Effects MP Beta 5

    I really like this mod. In fact its one of my top 5. I also like the ACE mod. So, I was wondering, is it redundant to run both the ACE mod and JTD Smoke together? i.e. does ACE mod already include JTD smoke?
  19. domokun

    WW4 Modpack 1

    I visited their website but couldn't find any mention of this settings. Would you mind sharing them with us OFP die-hards?
  20. Another vote for adding "ACE mod compatible" tags where necessary. It would also be good to add "ACE mod included" to denote mods that have already been integrated into into the ACE mod.
  21. domokun

    Lowplants v1.1

    Dumb question maybe but is this mod integrated in the ACE mod? If not, is this incompatible with the ACE mod?
  22. Hi Solus, I really enjoy FFUR 2007 & SLX (FFLX?). So I'm wondering, is there anyway that I can add this latest release (v1.1?) to my v1.05 install of FFUR 2007 & SLX ? BTW I just want to point out that of all the mods that I've tried over the years, this is right up there with ECP, FFUR and Tonal Redux; its simply brilliant! Take care
  23. domokun

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Hiya, I've just installed the latest udpate (v1.05) and I'm not sure if I've installed it correctly. The reason is that although everything seems to work fine (no errors), the loading screen (photo showing half a dozen soldiers silhouetted against a orange sky) displays v1.01. Is this normal? Thanks, Charles
  24. domokun

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    Just wanted to add my humblest congratulations to Sanctuary. This mod is simply brilliant: * small * easy to install * stable * effective I'm using it with ECP to great effect! However I noticed that earlier you replied: In OFP, you can't use 2 mods that have both their own config together, there will always be only one mod config that will be used. Does that mean I cannot use it Tonal Redux? If so, that's a real shame as I love the african environment but really miss the lean and roll animations...
  25. domokun

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Is the latest version (v1.01?) of FFLX 2007 MP compatible? Despite trawling the last 25 pages I couldn't seem to find the answer...