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Everything posted by domokun

  1. Whatever you do dont spend your cash on a new mobo and ddr3 cos if you do youll find your CPU doesnt fit your new mobo (AM2 vs AM3) your better off either replacing your 955 with a faster AM2 CPU or upgrading your graphics card given that the fastest CPU compatible with your mobo (Phenom II X4 940) is only 30% faster (3GHz quad vs your 2.2GHz quad) and it costs almost £100, Id suggest overclocking your 955 (+10% easy, +20% likely, +30% tricky, etc.) and putting your cash in a new graphics card such as a Radeon 5850 @ £150
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I was actually just suggesting that we (TIR community) get you a TrackIR, not so much as an invitation to develop this aspect but more to thank you for all you work ;)
  3. Glad you released this as with the correction of the alpha texture bug I was wondering only other day when you'd get round to implementing your "proof of concept" fog.
  4. domokun

    JTD Hide

    Love the idea but is there any way that it could just enable itself automatically? I mean if I dive into long grass or a bush, I'm not sure how I'd "hide" short of breaking out my trenching tooth and breaking off nearby undergrowth to camo myself... In all due respect (love your other addons btw, especially JTD Flies)
  5. I guess then that the TrackIR community are going to have to offer him one. Mando: you got a PayPal account?
  6. domokun

    WarFX : Blastcore

    OK I've tried this in SP and I'm well impressed but has anyone tested it in an online environment, i.e. how what's the impact of all these effects on A2's already script-sensitive architecture?
  7. domokun

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Are Blastcore tracer effects compatible with BD's Tracer Lights mod?
  8. I recently purchased BAF pack for OA. After the initial awe had worn off I began to feel as if something was missing. Soon afterwards I realised that I was missing the banter from the squaddies that I so enjoyed in A2. So is there BAF version of this mod? If not, what is required? And how?
  9. Now that the Fallujah map has been updated, any chance of an update to this mission?
  10. domokun

    Deadfast's FPS Counter

    Anyone know how to get this to work with OA?
  11. domokun

    ASR AI Rearming

    OK fine but it might help others to know this. Perhaps add a mention in the first post and/or the next readme? e.g. "Requirements: OA (A2 might work but test at your own risk)"
  12. Thanks VERY much. It seems to work a treat!
  13. domokun


    anyone know if this is compatible with OA?
  14. domokun

    ASR AI Rearming

    Sorry if this sounds dumb but does this means it doesnt work at all with a2? Or is it just degraded?
  15. I think you're getting confused with the titanium bath-tub in which the pilot sits. THAT offers protection of up to 12.7mm/.50 cal but NOT the canopy. AFAIK canopies have always been a weak point.
  16. Hi after all this feedback and videos, I'm dying to test this mod. I have just a few questions : 1. Does the new version require OA? 2. Has the long-loading been of Normandy been fixed? 3. Have any good co-op missions released? 4. When is the next release planned? BTW though I've never fired a Tommy gun, the recoil looks pretty realistic. Don't forget that although it had a high rate of fire, it was heavy and fairly controllable. Many thanks
  17. domokun


    justement mon pauvre! There's no mention of arma2 1.08 in Jaynus' changelog. Hence my question...
  18. domokun


    Does this mean that JayArma2Lib is only compatible with OA ?
  19. domokun

    A2WarMod Release

    love your work but how does the choice of OS influence a mods stability?
  20. chargeur = magazine (although possible, I doubt it's using a clip)
  21. Not 100% sure I'm pretty certain that dogs also "benefit" from this mod. Recently I was playing the "Behind Enemy Lines" mission and I swear I heard at least one dog uttering some of the soundbites from this mod! At first it scared me but soon it cracked me up, somewhat suspending the disbelief. So is there any way to run a check to avoid this?
  22. I think that a coop option would be nice as it would make it more fun if you could enjoy it with others. However I fully understand if it wasn't possible in certain missions.
  23. Mate you're a f00kin legend!
  24. Great idea. Any chance you could make this a light source? Reason is that, in ideal conditions, you can spot a burning cigarette half a mile away in the dark! That's just using your eyes (not IR). Given that it's hot, you should also be able to spot it using IR optics but given that a human face is already warm it would probably be difficult to distinguish (even if the lit end if MUCH hotter).
  25. Beta 75666 and 1.55 Patch are both for OA. Any chance you could build a version for vanilla A2's 1.08 Patch ?