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Everything posted by poweruser

  1. poweruser

    Enhanced Configuration System

    Little update: A new version of the Themis component (v1.0.1) has been released for compatibility with the Extended_Eventhandler addon v1.8 Download as usual on our site: ECS Website - Downloads Note: This update is required when running ECS with XEH v1.8, it is not necessary for XEH v1.7 or earlier versions.
  2. poweruser

    Extended eventhandlers

    Save your efforts Kroky, we (The ECS Team) reviewed Killswitch's request and integrated one of his suggestions into an Themis update v1.0.1 ECS Website - Downloads
  3. Along with the ArmA patch 1.14final, a new version of the BI Tools has been released. You have probably still one of the earlier release candidates installed. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools
  4. You won't find this (or _this, thisList) in the list of scripting commands, because it isn't a command, in the meaning that you could cause anything to happen with it. What is really is: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/this
  5. poweruser

    Ctrl+F multiple sqs files at once?

    UltraEdit got that feature too. When you're lucky you might get the windows search to do it as well. For me the windows built-in "search in files" works only for certain file types, for some reason.
  6. [joking] Basicly that's a 200% chance of spotting a target for a high skilled AI. I guess the AI can predict the future then and will know your future postions even before the mission has started. But this gift of prediction is very rare among AIs, only the most talented ones (with skill=1) can do this. [/joking] Must be a typo. What does ArmA do when you set values out of range? Use the default values from the original ArmA config, or does it use the value in range which is closest to the set one (would be 1 then in this example)?
  7. poweruser

    Object animations

    Example which shows what I mean with: The class name for your tracer object in the cfgModels section has to correspond to the model name. The two names marked in <span style='color:red'>red</span> have to be the same. Otherwise ArmA doesn't know to which model the defined animations belong to. In your config they are different. Your cfgModels class is called: Â brh_redTracerTrail And your model filename is: Â Â Â brh_redTracer
  8. poweruser

    Object animations

    The class name for your tracer object in the cfgModels section has to correspond to the model name. So, either call your class "brh_redTracer" or rename your model file. Source: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config#cfgModels The settings in the AnimationSources class (cfgVehicles section) are different from the ones of the Animations class (cfgModels section). http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config#Animation_sources Examples are at the bottom of that page. Should be like this for your tracer: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class AnimationSources {  class trail  {    source = "user"; //The controller is defined as a user animation.    animPeriod = 0.0125;  //The animation period used for this controller.    initPhase=0;   //Initial phase when object is created.  }; };
  9. poweruser

    I really do give up

    Take a look at ArmA's error report file. It lists all errors created during runtime, not just the first. Might help in getting a better overview. If not then you can at least fix several 'no entry' errors at a time.
  10. poweruser

    Require = Mod; or No Mods at all

    There is another way to solve your problem: - in the server.cfg:   <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">equalModRequired=0; verifySignatures=1; onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)"; onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)"; regularCheck = "";  - in the startup line:   -mod=DBE1 - Both client Mods (ArmAEffects and HiFiFX) are signed  Download them, but dont install them on the server, just browse the archives for those three .bikey files:     Maddmatt.bikey (ArmAEffects)     SLX_XEH2.bikey (ExtendedEventhandlers, a little addon ArmAEffects (and many other Mods/Addons) relies on)     HiFi_sounds.bikey (HiFiFX)  Copy those 3 files into the  ..\ArmA\Keys  folder on your dedicated server That's the way to do it in ArmA, in order to allow certain Mods.
  11. poweruser

    Require = Mod; or No Mods at all

    at the bottom of your server.cfg: The signature verification can't work when you comment out its settings in the config file. I'm not familiar with Fromz's FFAM, but isn't it just a sound replacement mod? If so, the addon itself is not required to be installed on the server machine, as there's noone playing locally on it, who could listen to the sounds. All you need to do in order to allow the clients to use it: Â Â Â - put the key file in the \Keys folder (already done) Â Â Â - enable the signature verification in the server config
  12. poweruser

    Can't get script to work

    Change the line <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Vararray = ["_helo","_int"] to: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Vararray = [_helo,_int] You want to pass an array of objects and not an array of strings. By putting something in " ", you're making a string out of it, no matter what it was before.
  13. poweruser

    isHidden problem

    The command isHidden refers to something else. When a unit is ordered to find cover (ingame: Â 1 - 8 ), then this command returns true as soon as the unit has found a position to hide at and reports "ready". To your case: About 20s after you hide a body, ArmA deletes the body. Meaning that the variables (c1, c2, c3) return NULL then, because the object, they point at, doesn't exist anymore. following codes return true only in the appropriate cases, else false: 1: unit is alive: Â <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">alive c1 2: unit got killed, not hidden <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">!(isNull c1) && !(alive c1) 3: unit got killed, and hidden <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">isNull c1
  14. poweruser

    How can this be done???

    Both ways are possible. When scripting it, create a tankshell with createvehicle at the barrels position, set the direction with setDir and accelerate it with setVelocity. Then you need something that triggers it. That could be a useraction on the object or a triggerarea which runs the script when a target enters the area. When doing it through the config, set your object up as a cannon like the D30 and M119. In its turret class you can set the elevation degrees of the barrel to 0, so it's always aiming horizontal. And as ammunition give it some sabot rounds instead of heat shells. To make it shoot, move an AI in as gunner moveInGunner, let it aim at the target doTarget and tell the AI to fire a round with the command fire.
  15. poweruser

    visible enemies on map

    This will print a chat message like this:     1-1-A 1 (VanhA): "[EAST 1-1-B:1,EAST 1-1-C:1,EAST 1-1-D:1,EAST 1-1-E:1,EAST 1-1-F:1]" Not really helpful to find them. or <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">({_x in thisList} count thislist) <= 5 or does neither of them work? Simply <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">count thislist <= 5to check the number of units inside the trigger area. ================================================== I played around with your idea and created this: It creates markers on the map for the units inside the trigger area. Adds markers for units which enter the area and removes markers for units which have been killed or leave the area. the sqf file "showEnemies.sqf": <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private["_a","_b","_x","_trigger","_markersAll","_markersOfAliveUnits"]; _trigger = _this select 0; VanhA_showEnemies = true; _markersAll = []; while { VanhA_showEnemies } do {    _markersOfAliveUnits = [];    {        if(!(format["%1", name _x] in _markersAll)) then {           // creating a marker for a new unit in the trigger zone           _a = createMarkerLocal[name _x, getpos _x];           _a setMarkerColor "ColorRed";           _a setMarkerSize [0.5,0.5];           _a setMarkerType "Arrow";           _a setMarkerDir getDir _x;           _markersAll = _markersAll + [_a];           _markersOfAliveUnits = _markersOfAliveUnits + [_a];        } else {           // updating the triggers of units which already have a marker           _b = format["%1", name _x];           _b setMarkerDir getDir _x;           _b setMarkerPos getPos _x;           _markersOfAliveUnits = _markersOfAliveUnits + [_b];        };    } forEach list _trigger;    sleep 0.5;    // deleting markers of dead enemies or units outside the trigger area    {        if(!(_x in _markersOfAliveUnits)) then {           deleteMarkerLocal _x;        };    } forEach _markersAll;    _markersAll = _markersOfAliveUnits;    sleep 0.5; }; // markers got disabled, delete them {    deleteMarkerLocal _x; } forEach _markersAll; true In the init.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">VanhA_showEnemies = false; - Create your Area1 trigger, leave the default "Condition" and "On Activation" - Create 1 radio call trigger   Condition:   count list Area1 <= 5      On Activation:  if(!Vanha_showEnemies) then { vanhA_handle = [Area1] execVM "showEnemies.sqf"; } else { VanhA_showEnemies = false; };
  16. poweruser

    Is a car locked?

    Somewhere in your mission, you must have overwritten the script command locked with something like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">locked = true; That's the only way I could reproduce this error message. If there were anything wrong with the parameter car: 1: not set, command "locked" returns bool (neither true, nor false; no error message) 2: some other type (bool, number, string, ... ), you get a meaningful error message
  17. This bug has been fixed already. Update your ECS install to the latest version ( ECS Team Website - Downloads That's because of not using the XEH addon, which delays the information coming from the game's eventhandlers and going to the ECS engine, a little bit. This becomes worse the more addons/mods you got loaded that use XEH.
  18. poweruser

    Enhanced Configuration System

    The 2 setting files in the @ECS\Bin\ folder allow you to disable almost all of the "other things". The ECS Settings Table explains what each setting is good for. No
  19. poweruser

    Enhanced Configuration System

    This bug has been fixed in v1.0.1.51 ECS Team Website - Downloads If you're already using the latest version then give us more details about this issue, like - what mission (version + d/l link) - what exactly did you do in this mission
  20. poweruser

    Everything is grey and black

    This "beta shortcut" is in the ArmA root directory called: "Launch ArmA Beta Patch" the target line looks like this: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta -nosplash
  21. poweruser

    1.12, ECS + SLX

    You forgot to load the beta modfolder. The beta patches 1.09b, 1.11b and 1.12b install the updated game files into a modfolder called "beta". When running one of these versions, then you have to load this "beta" modfolder as well. And run the game with the ArmA.exe in the beta modfolder. "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=beta;@Addons;@SLX;@ECS Right now, the way you've set it up, you're running ArmA v1.08. ECS is compatible with v1.08. But as far as I've read it, SLX is currently not.
  22. poweruser

    Enhanced Configuration System

    It's setting number 6 and 7 you're refering to, probably just a typo. Check in the properties of the file, whether the write protection flag is set. Uncheck it, if it is.
  23. poweruser

    Enhanced Configuration System

    yes yes, you need themis as soon as you have one addon installed that uses XEH.
  24. poweruser

    Enhanced Configuration System

    @[WWS]WarWolf put this line at the start of the init.sqs/init.sqf of the mission: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] exec "ECS_adjustSettings.sqs"; and create a ECS_adjustSettings.sqs script file with this content: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;wait for ECS to finish start up @ECS_initialized ;disable dynamic viewdistance ECS_local set[6, false]; ;force dynamic fog off ECS_public set[16, false]; ;disable dynamic weather ECS_public set[2, false]; exit; you can also adjust other ECS_local or ECS_public settings here. See here for details: ECS settings table One thing you could add here, that you put something in, like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player sidechat "This PvP mission adjusts your ECS settings to restore the equality of opportunity. ECS Features that have been disabled: ""dynamic weather"", ""dynamic fog"", ""dynamic view distance""."; So that players who don't know about this, don't start complaining why this and that is not working in this mission. Please report back, if it's fully working (it should). You might test it for JIP, too.