Snap i forgot one.... Is it possible to make a mine touch off at any time? As in once the unit enters the area?
And that timeout delay if i want to make the delay 5 minutes what do i put down?
Ok thx but im really a noob do you want me to put that in any "On Activation" boxes or stuff like that or into the "Tailrotor.sqs" file?
when you say destroy the helicoptor completely do you mean as in its destroyed before it hits the ground or it blows up when it impacts into the earth.........Srry for all the hassle!
Thx Metal Heart but is there any possible way for the Helicoptor to blow up when it hits the ground?
Because everytime i use this script the Helicoptor spins then touches down and everyone is fine.
If I do this correctly will I be able to use this script in any mission i want to?
And when you say an SQS file do you mean as in Notepad or something?