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de la rocka

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Everything posted by de la rocka

  1. de la rocka

    1.07.5157 Optics bug

    But this effect came up with using (in my case) FDF-Sound-Mod and GTD-NV-Mod. All weapon optics were still original. So what can we do to use the Mods again..?
  2. de la rocka

    1.07.5157 Optics bug

    I had the same problem. After Suma mentioned possible Addons, i tried ArmA without any. Now it works... Thank you
  3. Hi all, didnt found anything bout it via the search function. My english sucks a bit so i hope you understand what i mean... Every time i use binoculars or Sniper rifles the sight is often kinda blurred like a camera that has to focus. And its luck if i can see something cleary unblurred. I love the PPE and want it "on", but it should be disabled on Binocs and Scopes (for Snipers)! Greets
  4. de la rocka

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Wow! Fire looks definately better than in ArmA! Hope you workin on this for ArmA when times come Any movies out with this mod?
  5. Hi all For some designing experiments i need to change the OFP world to one color. As i am not a modder or something i just ask how to make it possible. My goal is to have a kind of greenscreen world where i can put in all models Should be possible right? Can someone help? Rocka EDIT: Damn. Earth and sky was meant!
  6. thanks m8. I'll try that way. But you said i have to provoke invalid textures.. How i do that? K, now downloading wrp-tool
  7. What you say sounds already good to me. Isn't it possible to decompile an existing *PBO and color every texture to the desired nuance? As well for a sky.PBO? Other thing is like i said i never modded or edited something in OFP. Its probably very easy to do if you know how. Could you or someone give me a quick tutorial for doing this. That would be absolutely great. Maybe someone have even a simular file that i can use or modify already? Big thanks, Rocka
  8. de la rocka

    CSLA 2 Update1

    I think,its johns effects wheres included this fire too The fire looks more realistic than in ArmA
  9. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    LOL! Seems i need to take some English lessons again. Youre the next who didn' understand what it was about. I'm sure you would if i had discribe it better. But this starts going OT. So no further comments on this from my side. Think what you want to think. Maybe the one or other understood the message and positive thinking between the lines.
  10. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I was just making fun of the typical reactions less-than-amazing screen shots get from gfx obsessed gamers (aka gfx whores, not prostitutes). And yes, I guess I am a bit stupid, I simply can not deny it anymore in light of recent events. I am of course referring to ever replying to your post in the first place while I could've just passed it with a long sigh and forget I read it. I've certainly learned my lesson here so good day to you sir and my apologies if you feel that I insulted you or your contributions to the community. From Heavy Metal to Heavy Metal. I just understand the half of it and i'm not sure if everything is meant in a cool way. But you apology. And when you apology yourself than you probably meant everything in a way i didn't understand as well. So my apologies back. (Damn language barrier) End the end were all on the same side and want the best for all. No reason to argue here Â
  11. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    You know what? I'm almost 30 and i'm definitely not the type of guy who needs to argue like this. I think YOU completely missed my point. But i see youre unable to get in touch with it. No! Even better: First you call me a whore and now you're inputing me to have said .Well... i said already in my last post that its important to  critizise in a reasonable way. Why do you try to discredit me again? Are you a bit stupid? How can you assume that i did nothing? Cause of my few posts here? Is your world the BIS-Forum only ? ( And BTW all of my few posting here were subserved to the game..if it were used or not) But what did you do for the com? Is your input to the com only to affront other ppl? Please stop discribing "ME" or i start to discribe you.
  12. de la rocka

    Latest screenshots available

    No its okay... they could even be more "used" and muddy. The BDU's are not brand new right from the factory, so its  realistic. This picture shows that the skinner did his job right. But i would prefer that they use the new MICH-Helmet.
  13. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Oh come on, it's not like BIS needs some whining gfx whores to tell them what looks good and what doesn't or how to program a kick-ass gfx engine. Crying about every little glitch on the early developement version screenshots didn't contribute absolutely anything no matter how much you'd love to believe that it did. Ha ha! That's cheap...flaming and discredit me and ppl who share my opinion as a "whiner" shows it. But you're outing yourself as someone who eats everything he gets on his table. Fact: ArmA wouldnt be this like if noone said anything. Do you seriously think someone do more (Time is money my friend) than he must? On what kind of parameter should BIS measure when not on them who will buy their product? It's very easy to follow... Everyone statisfied = End of development. And sorry if i break your dreams but BIS isn't your personel friend- BIS is a company wich try to make money in a material world. If you're too young to understand this intrust yourself to someone who can help you out. The result proofs what is possible and they even added VBS1 elements into it. It also proofs that fellas like you were and are wrong with your opinion. It's 2006 and of course they have to change their strategy. And they did well. If you are now pissed off because you have to change your old 800 Mhz into a new standart, i don't really care. I just wonder why ppl like you are in the ArmA-Forum at all? OFP gives so much - even for your 800 Mhz! So why leave? If you give a shit about the realism and the look of a game so stay at OFP-CWC..we are fine with this decision. The Rest of us who enjoying the technolgic possibilities wont shut their eyes. We will criticize like we did. And because BIS is down with the com they will hear and decide wich critics are constructive and wich are not. People like you aren' good for BIS. Sorry to say that. But its simple. If there noone who pushes you to the limit, you'll never find your limit. I try to get the best from BIS. And again....we can be very thankful that BIS is listen to the com. LOL! If only ppl like you were here, BIS had just created a patch with a new netcode and JIP probably.... ....for free. Okay..seriously. English is not my native language but i hope you and the others understand what its about.
  14. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Its just an effect and nothing more. Other thing... I just want to take the chance and say what i said few month ago to all of you "I-don't-need-graphics...i'm-playin-for-gameplay-guys". I hope you've learned your lesson. If the people wouldn't (and probably as a main scenario in this case - the publishers) said anything about the graphics and had been statisfied with the status in the past, you'll never get this version of ArmA you have today. Those who cheers the loudest today about the look of ArmA now (and it still isn't a crysis or HLË›) would ate the whole cow yesterday. just wanted to mind that
  15. de la rocka

    Latest screenshots available

    Yeah! You mean this? A mil second before it is even worse! Â
  16. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    LMAO! Yeah wooden planks discribes it well  But not every anim is odd. They modified nearly every anim in a better way than it was before. The "hit the dirt" anim was the first anim that really impressed me... very authentic. And today it was the disarmed running (Time: 00:48). For those who think its because DIVX. It's not. This issue exist longer and were already discribed in earlier threads somewhere. An other thing thats a bit bemusing is the "Fleshcolor" of the soldiers models. It has to be a bit more brighter or fady  imo -however you like to say. Its a bit flamboyant or even "pinkish". Look at a real picture or at your own arm and you'll see what i mean. this is a good example: hxxp://www.ofpmdb.de/phpkit/engl/content/images/armapics/GC_beta_55.jpg
  17. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I just saw the trailer and its really cool (But the music sucked). Its really fascinating how BIS always surprise with awesome elements, effects, graphics and on the other hand there are always some things are really lame like the awful looking sprinting wich is still represent - Please BIS..fix it. Don't want to use an anim-pack if not necessary . And this is a good example. Did you see this guy running without a weapon? THIS looks realistic and cool! It's kinda like two teams were developing this game. One team has got an eye and the other not. But nice to see that have modified the weapon-view wich has looked also terrible few month ago. Conclusion: 50% incredible and 50% terrible. Nothing in between... Â EDIT: I'm afraid that those cool soundeffects (the battlesounds) are just an soundfile for this trailer. Or do someone know if ingame-sound is really like this? *Sorry for my horrible english But they'll do it! GO! BIS GO!
  18. de la rocka

    Custom Faces

    Didn't read all postings but i want to say i'm a realisim-maniac...but i'm also an individualism-maniac. Like others said, i hope as well there will be more and good improved custom-features in ArmA and Game2. As for the faces i must say i have a bright pink face...yea - right! The simple reason is i didnt get TK'ed anymore cuz the ppl see me 3000m away. So its a tactical reason as well and the only reason why i dicided once to have this kind of face. And as long OFP doesn't have JiP and youre usually spend more time in waiting than in playin, its very handy to have a "clown-face". But this is only useful in vet-coop's. Of course i wouldnt play with this human vs human. Â
  19. de la rocka

    French Radio Voices

    You have to modify the PBO where the voices in. But the server and other players must also have the modified PBO-file (Like in an MOD-pack). Otherwise only you can hear the new voice. (Hope there will be more and better individual customable features in ArmA and Game2 then ) Â
  20. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    agreed Ah okay... i want to see you running this style and speed fully equipped. Damn, are all blind here? Sure there will be mods for running then. But the problem is if the mods fit with the server you playin on. Or if you can even use a mod. But by hook or by crook the speed-running is unnatural. You guys can agree among each other so much as you want. Same goes for the weapon-view.... the OFP-one looks much more natural than the 90 degrees-corner-arm now. :P :P :P
  21. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    What do you mean by this? It sounds like you have an other definition of the frog thing than me? In my opinion they still run unnatural like idiots. They make steps like if they have 7miles-boots on. It just looks stupid. imo.
  22. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Well, as far i can see it's still the "FROG-RUN". lmao bout the scene where bout hundred of them doin the Frog-Run Please BIS, new Animation for running and new Weapon-view!!!
  23. de la rocka

    ArmA Progress Updates

    is think this Thread is more compatible
  24. de la rocka

    Just some things... (From 160mb Demo Vid)

    Hi there! didn't found the topic what's related. I have my problems with "Running" and "Weapon-view" Fortunatly it's still in progress. So i hope they fix it in any better way. One of the many good things i loved in OFP was the completely different weapon-view. It was just more realistic. And now it seems BIS try to make an average FPS-view (even in a more worse way) out of it. (i made some quick exsamples of what i mean... Yes, they could be better, but i'm lazy ) Running first: The "running" must be a joke. looks like a cartoon. i wish some original motion-captured moves. in VBS i think the moves are more authentic as well <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=120><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://home.arcor.de/de-la-rosa/my_shit/arma/run.swf><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://home.arcor.de/de-la-rosa/my_shit/arma/run.swf WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=120 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT> the view Original: The arm looks more than unnatural in position and holding These are some tests and of cousre they are just coarse examples of what i mean. Just to imagine that even my "shitty" examples looks more improved. Even the old view looks better real gun *Sorry for my english. I have better formulated arguments in german. So hope you ppl know what i mean