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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Attachments Pack

    Yeah, one of my concerns in doing camouflage painted scopes was that it's kind of hard to pick a colour palette and pattern for an attachment that's going to fit all manner of different weapons. In the end I copied the colours directly from the .psd files for the Marksmen DLC weapons, mixing a bit of CSAT, NATO and AAF in a disruptive pattern so they look alright on the official content. "When in doubt, copy BIS" - a golden rule of addon-making. I do think it looks pretty good on Toadie's ghillied AWM, but it's not an exact calibre match for a L115 since that's .300WM rather than .338LM LDS colour was chosen by googling the manufacturer of the issued paint for SA80 etc. and finding out that the cans of coyote EC-Paint is sold online as RAL 7006 (approx [118,106,92]) in other countries. If I ever finish any rifles, camo versions would match the attachments as close as I can possibly make them.
  2. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The RPK from Toadie's pack was made by Booly, originally made for CS:S and ported - the model is on Gamebanana. RHS have stated they don't want to use items previously from other games. M249 was Toadie's own work for Arma 3 so that's in there, but the RPK wont be.
  3. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    If you're putting it in the init line of a vehicle in the editor, you do kind of have to modify the garage output a bit. Somewhere in the garage output though you'd see something like: [ _veh, ["standard",1], ["IFF_Panels_Hide",1] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; Which is the part that handles vehicle customisation._veh is used from the createvehicle script that you're not using (_veh = createVehicle ["rhsusf_m113_usarmy",position player,[],0,"NONE"] ;...) so we can replace it with this in the editor init and the ["standard",1] bit is telling the spawned vehicle to use the standard woodland camo texture set so you don't need that either if you're selecting a vehicle with the woodland or desert skin from the editor menu, so we can replace that with a nil value Leaves us with just this to hide the IFF panels: [ this, nil, ["IFF_Panels_Hide",1] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; Check the usage section here for more: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Vehicle_Customization_(VhC)
  4. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Attachments Pack

    I owe Rock many thanks for sorting out the RKSL hosting more properly than my scrappy efforts this morning - I kind of sprung this release on everyone before fully familiarising myself with the intricacies of the fine new setup that Rock has been working on for RKSL's web presence. I'll "up" the addon's online presentation in the next few days when I have more time, and try to do the work he's been doing with the website/forums some justice. I actually forgot I'd left the reticle illumination in - it was something that I was kind of just experimenting with, and considered taking out before release since it's not consistent with the control scheme I had set up to illuminate the LDS reticle (that uses a fake zoom level to switch to the illuminated crosshair instead of the mode switch we have on the 5-25×56 PMII) and it's a bit of a bummer that turning on/off illumination resets magnification to the init 5× setting. But glad you like it - it'll stay now. And yes, I'm very pleased with how the updated mildot reticles turned out - I did my best to make the textures as precise as I could after finding all the measurements for the fine reticle online, and to calibrate their scale at each ingame magnification level so that they worked meaningfully. Thanks for the appreciation :D The hosting on withSix was also (self) updated to the latest version this morning, in case anyone was waiting for a PWS-update specifically before trying the addon and missed it in the feed. Ed:- Armaholic mirror is also updated
  5. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Attachments Pack

    Forgot to mention I also uploaded a new set of plugins for adding ACE3 features to the scopes: http://da12thmonkey.rkslstudios.info/A3/Files/RKSL/@RKSL_attachments_ACEplugins.7z ACE3 compatibility wont be something I strive for since I hardly ever use it, and don't keep track of the various features and changes they make. But I did produce those little config addons as an experiment a while back, and I guess as an example people can use on how to add those features to 3rd party addons. Basically there's one addon for the LDS that reconfigures the sight to use their 2D animated optics feature instead of the regular 2D optics, and also adds two additional LDS variants that use the ACE PiP system for optics. Then there are also addons for each of the Schmidt & Bender scopes, which add realistic click values for sight adjustment based on the real-world spec for the particular models I have made: Schmidt & Bender 3-12×50 PMII: Elevation adjustment range - -1-12 mils in 0.1 mil clicks Windage adjustment range - +/- 6 mils in 0.1 mil clicks Schmidt & Bender 5-25×56 PMII: Elevation adjustment range - 0-26 mils in 0.1 mil clicks Windage adjustment range - +/- 6 mils in 0.1 mil clicks
  6. da12thMonkey

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    Personally, I have but one gift to give today: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/168597-rksl-attachments-pack/?p=2955212
  7. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Attachments Pack

    I decided to release an updated version of this today, since it's Christmas (or near enough that there's a risk I'll be too drunk or hungover to do it later). It doesn't have as much stuff as I had originally planned on including in v.2.00 but I haven't been able to finish all the models I was working on, and it seems a bit of a shame to continue sitting on the improvements I made rather a long time ago. The pack now contains four optical sights: A Schmidt & Bender 3-12×50 PM II marksman scope (available in two variants both with black, desert and woodland colour schemes) A Schmidt & Bender 5-25×56 PM II sniper scope (with black, desert and woodland colour schemes) A Trijicon RMR mini red-dot sight, (variants for both rifles and handguns, both with black and Flat Dark Earth colour schemes) The UK Armed Forces' new Elcan Lightweight Day Sight (LDS) (in black and RAL 7006 coyote brown). An additional (optional) file is included to allow attaching the RMR handgun variant to the game's 4-Five pistol - RKSL_RMR_4Five.pbo Summary of changes in v.2.00 New optic attachments: 5-25×56 PM II and RMR Collimator sights updated with BIS' latest shader technology (from Marksmen DLC) Reconfigured FOV/magnification values and reticle sizes according to the new standard set by BIS Mod.cpp and class cfgMods add custom logos to help find our attachments in the editor and virtual arsenal (compulsory RKSL_attachments_core.pbo) Multiple colour variants for all optics Backup RMR sight for the 3-12×50 PM II Darker textures for the LDS and improved specular map Improved reticle/crosshair graphics You will find full changelogs, more pictures and most importantly; the download link in the first post of this thread. F.A.Q: "Will you upload it to Steam Workshop?" No, the workshop EULA doesn't satisfy me completely at this time, so I'd rather not. "Can I upload it to the Steam Workshop myself?" Please don't. It's in the EULA that Valve do not permit you to upload content that is not your intellectual property, so it will have to be removed "Can I use this addon on my monetised server?" No. "Will you make ...?" Extremely unlikely unless you read my mind and know what I plan to make already. However, if I am planning to make it, I probably won't say so because I may not finish it, and then you'll get all disappointed. I certainly don't take requests for things to model - at most I can take in to account suggestions for changes to my existing work. Anyway, have fun and enjoy the Christmas period. da12th
  8. da12thMonkey

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Looks like the weapon has no named point/vertex in the memory LOD set as the deployedPivot, or the point is too close to the weapon. Most, rifles inherit deployedPivot = "bipod"; from class Rifle_Base_F, so often just adding a memory point in the weapon called "bipod" will provide you with one. BIS weapons have this point even if they don't have an integral bipod, or option to attach bipods via the UNDERBARREL proxy - when a bipod attachment is added to the weapon it uses an alternate point defined in the attachment instead of the one in the weapon. You can name the point something other than "bipod" if you want. Or use an appropriate point that already exists in your memory LOD. The only difference is that then you'll have to write the deployedPivot = "XYZ"; parameter to your weapon class (replacing "XYZ" with the name of the point you want to use) rather than simply inherit it from BIS' base weapon classes. Obviously, if your weapons don't inherit from any of the game's base classes at all, or it inherits from one that doesn't already have deployedPivot = "bipod"; set within the class tree; then you'll need to add the parameter anyway. But if you do have a bipod point there already plus deployedPivot defined and it's still doing the clipping when prone; it might just be that you need to move the point further down, and suck up the fact that the weapon will deploy slightly higher up when deployed in a standing or crouched position on something like a window sill or wall.
  9. They already said how they're going to be handling this, in the link I posted before: Basically this seems to read as: If you bought the Arma 3 Supporter Edition - well done; you already purchased Apex No Apex purchase - no Tanoa for you whatsoever, even if you own Arma 3 and the other DLC Own Arma 3 but not Apex - can try new weapons and vehicles from Apex for free in the Virtual Arsenal and have limited access to them in missions, same as previous DLC content All other features and enhancements to the game engine are free for everyone - stuff like this https://twitter.com/maruksp/status/677891075487453184
  10. AFAIK no. BIS have said it's only a perk for people who bought the original Supporter Edition before the game came out since that edition was advertised as including all DLC and non-standalone Expansions (Apex is an Expansion but not standalone). The Special Edition, Digital Extended Edition and DLC Bundle were only ever advertised as including the DLCs; not expansions. http://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00111
  11. Increase the unhideValue setting in your type="hide"; animation (it's there under class magazine_hide in the example I wrote before). hideValue = value of the source controller (in our case the reloadMagazine source) when the selection will hide unhideValue = value of the source controller (in our case the reloadMagazine source) when the selection will re-appear after it's been hidden Value 0 would be the instant the reload sequence starts. Value 1 would be the instant the reload sequence ends. So you want to shift the values along that 0-1 scale to get them closer to your beginning or end point of the anim.
  12. Can't be done any more. BIS patched it out in 1.42: http://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00040
  13. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    To my knowledge the only ACOGs in US military service that are issued with red dot sights are the TA11SDO-CP for the M27 and M249 and the TA648MGO for the M240G and M240L in the USMC. Both sights have a Trijicon RM05 red-dot (an RMR variant) but neither of which are in the mod yet. Never seen a TA31 fitted with a red-dot, in use by regular marines or soldiers.
  14. da12thMonkey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Pixels don't lie
  15. da12thMonkey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yeah, it's definitely Miller in his FIA outfit from The East Wind campaign I_G_Story_SF_Captain_F. Not a new unit
  16. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    But the military buys the scope rings with different heights for different weapons. It's desirable to minimise the height of the optic above the bore since it reduces vertical elevation which has an impact on accuracy at range. Taking the SR25 (Mk11 Mod0) as an example: Nowadays the USMC equipped them with the same M8541 (made by Schmidt & Bender with a Premier reticle) or M8541A (made by Premier) as are issued with the M40A3 and M82/M107. However, the Mk11 and M107 rings are 1.49 inch high and the M40 rings are 1 inch high. There's not really a "one size fits all" solution. My understanding is that the SR25 was something that was donated by Kiory, rather than something the RHS Team sought to add. So currently a scope hasn't been made with the weapon in mind unlike the M2010 and Mk14
  17. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It means you can write a config.cpp to retexture the M4s via hiddenSelectionsTextures[] and hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] arrays
  18. da12thMonkey

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    Nah was mostly using the mouse on the pen tool in PS or Illustrator - dragging them anchor points to fit curves. I did use a stylus+tablet on some of the older .png graphics I had (like for 36 Stormo) and might still use a couple of those because I think they're big-enough resolution for what we need them for this time. However I wanted to make most of the newer decals with vector shapes so that I could save them as .svg or keep the .psd/ai path files and scale them to almost any resolution - it makes them easier to work with if I need them again in future for other things, or to edit/correct them when I find better ref images. Fortunately there are .svg images for Germany's Eurofighter squadron emblems on Wikipedia, but I had to make new ones for most other operators.
  19. da12thMonkey

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    Do you really want boring updates like learning that I've spent days making vector graphics for things like this because I couldn't find a font that matched my reference images? If there was interesting news we'd probably have posted it already. Unfortunately, most of addon-making isn't particularly exciting. Drawing cool shit like falcons in photoshop is mildly more exciting than making numbers but then you have to go and do something like a flying can-opener...
  20. da12thMonkey

    Reload animation for revolver

    You'd need to add an extra selection for the shell casings and have them linked to the cylinder via cfg Skeletons, and an axis for them to move along. Something like this: class CfgSkeletons { class MY_Revolver { pivotsModel=""; isDiscrete = 0; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = { "cylinder","", "bullets_axis","cylinder", "bullets","cylinder" }; }; }; You probably don't need to add the bullets_axis to the skeleton since I think in your case you'd always want it along the Z-axis of the weapon anyway - i.e the axis doesn't really need to move with the cylinder since its direction is always the same whether the cylinder is in the open or closed state. But It's something I do out of habit. Anyway, one would then add a couple of extra animation stages to the reloadMagazine sourced animation so that you have the cylinder open, casings fall out and hide, casings reappear and move back inside the cylinder, then close the cylinder. class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]={}; skeletonName=""; }; class Revolver: Default //classname must match .p3d name { skeletonName = "MY_Revolver"; sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {"muzzleFlash","Camo"}; class Animations { class cylinder_reload_open { type = "rotation"; source = "reloadMagazine"; selection = "cylinder"; axis = "cylinder_axis"; minValue = 0.135; maxValue = 0.170; angle0=0; angle1="rad 90"; }; class bullets_reload_move_1 { type = "translation"; source = "reloadMagazine"; selection = "bullets"; axis = "bullets_axis"; minValue = 0.175; maxValue = 0.190; offset0 = 0.0; offset1 = 0.5; }; class bullets_reload_hide { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="bullets"; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.00000; hideValue=0.190; unhideValue = 0.550; }; class bullets_reload_move_2: magazine_reload_move_1 { minValue = 0.573; maxValue = 0.602; offset0 = 0.0; offset1 = -0.5; }; class cylinder_reload_close: cylinder_reload_open { minValue = 0.700; maxValue = 0.900; angle0=0; angle1="rad -90"; }; }; }; }; The minvalue/maxValue, hide/unhide settings need tweaking to alter the timings and match the hand animation but you can see they are sequential. The offset values in the bullets_reload_move are related to the distance between your two bullets_axis memory points - if offset1 = 1; the bullets will translate the whole length of the axis, if offset1 = 0.5; they will move half the length of the axis. Using -ve values will move them in the opposite direction
  21. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No, they have a highly advanced escape system called "Dismounts' Outer Opening, Rescue". Otherwise known as a DOOR:
  22. Might be that the Arma 3 samples on Steam moved from being bundled with the tools, to being a separate download. If you want them again: http://store.steampowered.com/app/390500/ But basically the updated anims used on rifle magazines are of the format: class magazine_hide { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.00000; hideValue=0.188; unhideValue = 0.550; }; class no_magazine { type="hide"; source="hasMagazine"; selection="magazine"; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.00000; hideValue=0.5; unhideValue = -1.0; }; class magazine_reload_move_1 { type = "translation"; source = "reloadMagazine"; selection = "magazine"; axis = "magazine_axis"; minValue = 0.145; maxValue = 0.170; offset0 = 0.0; offset1 = 0.5; }; class magazine_reload_move_2: magazine_reload_move_1 { minValue = 0.573; maxValue = 0.602; offset0 = 0.0; offset1 = -0.5; };
  23. Would help if you posted the model.cfg but so far as I understand what you want, that particular feature is handled by having a type = hide animation that uses the hasMagazine animation source. From the official BIS weapon example's model.cfg, under class cfgModels\class Animations: /// Hiding of magazine if weapon has none class no_magazine { type="hide"; source="hasMagazine"; selection="magazine"; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.00000; hideValue=0.5; unhideValue = -1.0; };
  24. da12thMonkey

    Crye JPC & AirFrame Mod

    Looks like an alpha sorting problem. Should be an easy peasy fix: Select the faces that are covered by your alpha texture in Object Builder (easiest way is to ctrl + double-click the texture name in the Texture Library window) then go to \Faces\Move Top\ in the toolbar or use the [Ctrl+Shift+Home] shortcut and it will move those textures to the top and stop the ghosting effect on parts of the mesh that are behind the borders of the alpha.