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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It's planned. Working with the game's system of handling proxy IDs on pylonPod magazines and pylon mirroring may drive a portion of our developers to commit suicide before work is completed though.
  2. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No No we're not. I can't expand on this technically accurate information any further: Boss said no more spoilers.
  3. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Looks like the proxies are spawning at the plane's origin. What model are you pathing the pylon proxies to in your aircraft? An existing BIS one, or a new pylon model you made? Does the target proxy .p3d have autocenter = 0 in the geometry LOD? So far as the setting up the proxies correctly; I'm assuming that means has a class proxy#ModelName# entry under cfgNonAIVehicles, with simulation = pylonpod; And proxies are given numbered indexes 1 to 10, even if they don't have the same model path.
  4. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    this setPylonLoadOut [8,"PylonRack_1Rnd_Missile_AGM_02_F",false,-1] The "forced =" and "turret path =" are comments. You only need the values
  5. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Jets? I thought we were making Cyber Turbo Fighters? Hard work is right though. An accurate depiction of my state of mind this evening upon trying to figure out how to deal with all the now-obsolete proxies and magazines for air weapons in RHS:USAF:
  6. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The only sensor that the basic Su-25 has in real life is the RWR (provided by the SPO-15), and a rangefinder for the HUD symbology/FCS. So don't expect very much in that regard. Ed:- reyhard ninja'd me
  7. da12thMonkey

    CSLA Studio - A3 WIP

    Runways don't have to be completely flat. Ever been to Birmingham airport? BHX runway
  8. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It's an inheritance issue with the new sensors update. The BIS missile that our hellfires use as a parent class has been updated with IR-locking sensors and no laser-locking, which means that it overwrites the old behaviour I've just been in and configured our Hellfires with proper laser sensors (and radar for the AGM-114L "Longbow Hellfire"). So all should be fine and dandy in the next update Perhaps you missed Soul_Assassin's Twitch stream earlier ;) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/140499385 And so that others might not miss out on RHS' various other social media exploits. Today gfelton provided a first look at the G33 magnifier he has been working on Or try without facebook's nasty image compression
  9. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sort of. Not the Spec4 vests you're probably thinking of. At least not for the next version of RHS. We have the MLODs for the Spec4 CPC and they were used by MARSOC, so the Coyote ones will probably get added in future when one of us has time to optimise them like the current crop of unreleased stuff. We don't have models for the LBTs.
  10. da12thMonkey

    Error: Sum of weights should be 100

    Note it says sum of weights. You can of course paint verts to have weights less than 100% but presumably it expects the skeleton's total vertex weight to be 100% - like if it's weighed 30% to one bone, it should be weighed 70% to the connected bones. Or at least not exceed 70% and create like a 110% weight or something. For certain when you're animating a weapon or vehicle with regular mechanical animations rather than ones with weights, the skeleton breaks when you have a bone selection that has verts that are also part of parent selection. e.g. if you have a tank with a "gun" selection for elevating that is included in the "turret" selection for traversing and try to animate it with the skeleton set up as "turret","", "gun","turret" I suppose that would be equivalent to 200% weight of some of the verts in the "gun" selection to the "turret" bone. So that will break the skeleton unless you separate the "gun" and "turret" selections completely in the model.
  11. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Nah, those will be included in RHS too. Cunico made them. I've been trying to finish them off with LODs and all that boring modding stuff so that we can include them in the next version of the mod, along with a few more of his items.
  12. da12thMonkey

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    As Jonny boy says, the issued L131A1 Glock holster is a Radar 1957, 6661 and 6611 6661: 6611: Details: http://www.ukarmourers.org.uk/General Documents/glock brief.pdf
  13. da12thMonkey

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Aye, I noticed that was added when flying around earlier. Took me by surprise the first time the boom echoed through the cockpit as I hit ~1250kph. Also if you pan the camera around to the front of the aircraft when flying at Mach, engine sound from the rear of the aircraft cannot be heard because of speed of sound simulation. I thought that was pretty neat I'm not certain, but it also felt like altitude was a factor in the speed at which the planes would break the sound barrier? Also pretty cool if that is indeed factored in
  14. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    SPO-15 radar warning receiver
  15. da12thMonkey

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    You have to turn the radar on to lock when using the Centurion manually. Issue for the autonomous AI might be that they can't use the radar properly. Someone on the A3 Discord mentioned that placing an empty Centurion down (holding Alt when placing it in the editor) and putting a normal AI human unit in it, allows the Centurion to engage targets. I notice they have a tendency to spam several missiles at the same target though.
  16. You have a bunch of semicolon ; in your skeletonBones[]= and sections[]= arrays that should not be there. They're array values, not class parameters. Items in the skeletonBones[] array are in pairs (second entry in each pair defines the parent for the previously named bone), and all values are separated by commas , only. No semicolons until you close the array with }; skeletonBones[]= { "Bone1","", "Bone2","", "Bone3","", ... "BoneN","" }; Items in the sections[] array do no need to be in pairs, so you can get rid of all the blank "" entries. Should be a simple list of values. sections[]={"section1", "section2", "section3", ... "sectionN"};
  17. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Only the US Army's "desert" UH-60M and UH-60M MEV have hidden front doors. The "woodland" ones and both ESS versions have the doors. However, you can restore the doors on the desert ones through the Virtual Garage / Edit Vehicle Appearance options in Eden editor, if you don't want to just change the crew of the woodland ones.
  18. da12thMonkey

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    They should install when you opt back in to the dev branch through Steam. Installing dev Branch to a parallel location via Game Updater does not appear to allow the Steam API to register the Jets DLC as being installed, since Jets isn't active/compatible with a main branch installation that is handled by Steam. At least that was my observation after redeeming the product, and seeing nothing change in my steam library or on my parallel dev Branch installation until I switched my main Arma 3 version through the Steam 'Betas' tab.
  19. da12thMonkey

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Mk21 Centurion's normal map (_nohq) looks like it needs the green channel inverting to flip the Y swizzle. Convex edges like the illumination radar(?) modules on top and the hand-screws, currently have concave shading.
  20. da12thMonkey

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Previously posted about alpha rendering problem in R77 missile's textures/materials which causes SSAO/HBAO shading to appear though the surface and create a shimmering effect. Also affects parts of the Shikra MFD and BIM-9X (or whatever the version of sidewinder on the Black Wasp is designated as) Proposed some potential fixes or troubleshooting considerations in the original post.
  21. da12thMonkey

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Agreed, in the viewPilot LOD, the glass panel of the Gryphon HUD is sometimes very difficult to see through. I'm not sure that it's a matter of the green tint to the texture and how that might affect colour contrast of objects observed through the HUD or the strength of the green-tinted env-map. But more likely that it's just too opaque and the alpha channel needs darkening. Might be sensible to make the _ca texture dark in greyscale and quite transparent. And tint it more subtly with the env map/fresnel. Or like appears to be done on the Shikra using the specular[] colourspace
  22. Proxypod doesn't use selectionFireAnim. You need to make a reload sourced animation to hide and unhide the flash selection. There isn't currently an ammoRandom source for proxyPods either. So you'll have to use reload again to rotate the flash, or maybe revolving https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_Loadouts#Animation_sources PylonPod_Minigun_Heli_Light_02.p3d uses reload
  23. da12thMonkey

    Jet DLC?

    [this, ["CamoGrey",1]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; "DigitalCamoGrey" is the name of the other grey one in case someone wants that as well
  24. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Might be because the pylons are normally controlled by the gunner rather than the pilot. Firewill previously mentioned that using the last variable in the array to change the owner of the pylon, didn't appear to be working as expected. Try changing the turret path in the last value from -1 (pilot "turret") to 0 (first crew turret) instead
  25. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Hence why I'm okay with having a checkbox for expanding the loadout menu beyond its normal behaviour. I just don't feel like it should be the default behaviour of the loadout menu since without the initial conditions, there is no point of reference for what loadouts might be more realistic. And various presentation elements of the new aircraft and weapons, such as their side and category become less well defined. The fact that the smaller outer pylons can load only small single missiles inherently gives the designer the impression that these are lighter, potentially more manoeuvrable munitions with a shorter range than bigger missiles like the Macer and less damage than sticking a GBU on the pylon. And if a plane can only load small, light munitions while another can load lots of big heavy ones on multiple pylons, it creates a characteristic that asset and how it would realistically scale on the battlefield. Remember that not all planes and helicopters in the game have all the necessary sensor types to employ every weapon effectively. So there is some importance to what planes can load what munitions.