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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Stinger and Strela in RHS don't have a particularly wide sensor field of view, so should be possible to outrun/outmanoeuvre MANPADS if you're not flying straight and slow. And they can't really detect much at all if the aircraft has terrain behind it. So flying low gives a distinct advantage. One should be dropping flares when popping up during attack runs anyway, regardless of if a lock is detected. Our aircraft have various timed flare release modes (cyclable with the "next countermeasures" key) for that purpose.
  2. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    None of the aicraft in RHS should be able to detect lock from IR sensors. It's not possible to do in real life since IR-seeking missiles don't emit radiation until they are fired (visible, IR and UV emission from the rocket motor). Detection of such MANPADS is done by MAWS (Missile Approach Warning System), but not every aircraft has MAWS. AFAIK only Su-25T had it with the "Suhogruz" system, and the latest Su-25SM3 upgrades that have "Vitebsk". Our Su-25 still has the cockpit and avionics of the older Su-25. Some helicopters in RHS do have Vitebsk however, and the PAK-FA has a MAWS as well. MAWS only made it to A-10A in RHS because There was some debate over whether to add MAWS to the RHS A-10A, as the National Guard ran their own initiative to modify some A-10As to carry AN/AAR-47 in the last few years before the USAF was upgrading to A-10C. After which AN/AAR-47 was rolled in to the whole A-10C program. Most US helicopters have MAWS. Ed:- However we decided to make it so the A-10A could only detect radar-guided missiles, as it keeps better balance with the current Su-25, and reflects the plane's defensive capabilities for the most part of its career.
  3. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Early MiG-29 variants like 9-12 and 9-13 (MiG-29S) had no radar display. All radar returns are displayed in the HUD and the monitor on the left of the cockpit is only a repeater for the HUD. And above that is just a commercial GPS/GLONASS module; so the MiG-29S is only configured to show map info outside the HUD. Controls to turn on the radar are the same as other radar-equipped vehicles in Arma 3 Proper MFD for displaying radar, navigation and other information was not in place until the MiG-29SM variant which isn't common in Russian service (prototypes only AFAIK), but many foreign customers have 9-12 or 9-13 airframes upgraded to this standard. Russian Air Force went from MiG-29S to the even more advanced MiG-29SMT. The next version of AFRF will however have additional MiG-29SM classes with cockpit upgrades, that can use the typical Arma 3 radar display. The cockpit model was primarily produced for SAF, as all of Serbia's MiG-29s have MFDs and such upgraded avionics. So SAF's L-18 has switched to this upgraded version completely. GREF will only have the existing MiG-29S.
  4. da12thMonkey

    Vehicle Interiors - Feedback

    You mean like in the position where the actual game HUD shows speed in the top left? The actual Pandur II's instrument placement isn't great either. 8*8CZ (the kind the Gorgon is based on) AFAIK this is a 6*6 with a screen replacing the control panel If looking down to one's left to read the speed is too "hardcore" for casual users, surely turning the UI off in the first place is as well Though I'd probably argue that the driver's seat and wheel in the Gorgon is placed too far forward to have located the instruments in a more correct place, fore of the wheel. However, I imagine this is in order to get more screen space for the central vision block - which people would complain about being too small otherwise. Marshall would stand to be improved by observing the AMV/Rosomak layout more closely (first pic is a simulator) Though the speed indicator is very visible in the Marshall if you enlarge the FOV (tap [NUM -] key), with a slight reduction in the screen space offered by the vision block
  5. da12thMonkey

    Vehicle Interiors - Feedback

    Some of the vehicles have goggles-less night vision in the optics mode - it's acting like a DVE. The prisms themselves don't show night vision unless you look through them wearing goggles that limit your FOV. Changing vision mode in DVE optics also allows changing the PiP camera (reversing camera) to night vision. There's also a new keybind for changing PiP vision modes to match optics without going in to optics themselves. That was added a few builds ago, but it's kind of a pain in the arse to reverse just so you can check what vision mode will pop up on the reversing cam when cycling them.
  6. da12thMonkey

    Hidden Selections for accessories

    It's not a matter of adding the selections to the models. The game engine doesn't support changing textures on attachment models at all. You can't add hiddenSelectionsTextures to custom attachment models either Attachment models not simulated in the same way as other objects in the game, and model.cfg data is seemingly not recognised at all, on them. Apart from bipods, which have support for two animation sources, but still the sections[] array is ignored. Changing the way that other attachment types are simulated, is the non-trivial part which we are unlikely to see changed in A3 now that it's approaching the end of development.
  7. da12thMonkey

    NIArms Release Thread

    The game has a dispersion= parameter for each firemode, which determines the maximum spread angle (in radians) for bullets fired from a weapon. It has been there for guns since OFP. The last Arma 3 patch finally added configurable dispersion for rockets as well, in fact
  8. da12thMonkey

    Problem Taking Off

    Yes, we had the issue reported to us on the feedback tracker: http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=3848 reyhard assigned it as fixed after he added wheel physX to the plane in our internal builds on 6/12/2017. And having tested it myself I'm able to take off in the plane without issue in the current internal test version we have
  9. da12thMonkey

    Problem Taking Off

    @NoSirIamNotaLobster With the Tu-95 in RHS it's because the aircraft was one that we had not updated to use physX wheels added in the Jets DLC Next version of RHS should fix the issue now that physX was added to the Tu-95. I would assume that some other old addons are inheriting wheel physX from BIS aircraft after they were updated in Jets DLC, without the necessary points being added in the addon plane model.
  10. I added the additional inverted ctrl/shift+w keypress order to the keybinds, and it seemed to get those to work
  11. Because you have RscUnitInfoNoWeapon, which is nominally for vehicles with no armament at all, and displays no weapon information in the HUD for that vehicle. e.g. Hunter MRAP has: unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoNoWeapon"; in class B_MRAP_01_F which is the unarmed vehicle (only horn for the driver, but it is not displayed). However, in class B_MRAP_01_hmg_F (Hunter with the M2 HMG turret) there is: unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoTank";
  12. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    hiddenSelections don't work at all on attachments You can replace 2D optics easily though the config and a new modeloptics. But it wouldn't be possible to do with the various 3D modes on the M145
  13. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yep, it's a monochrome DTV display It's quite normal for Daylight TV camera sensors/displays to be monochrome. And you can see plenty of footage from Ka-52, Mi-28 etc. using black/white DTV. Here 0:32 to 1:01 is thermal and 1:01 to 1:26 is DTV Notice things like the difference in resolution (HD resolution TI cameras are only just starting to become commonplace - most TI cameras are pretty low res). And how the IR sensor gets flooded from the rapid change in temperature when the explosions go off in the first part of the video, compared to the explosions in the second part where it's viewed in DTV. In real life, even Apache didn't get full-color DTV until the recent M-DSA upgrade that was awarded in 2016.
  14. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No, that's the very nature of how optics work in Arma; by replacing all optics modes and view points of the weapon, with those defined in the optic itself. And there's no support for animating optics attachments that might allow the view points to move in a way that counteracts movement of the proxy. In short, it's not a feature you will see in RHS
  15. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes, it's done with animating the sight proxy with the zeroing settings on an alternate muzzle. You can see the name of the firemode in the HUD And as you say, the thing is, when you switch back to the main weapon muzzle to fire the rifle, the optics view memory points are still the same distance from the sight model as they always are, because they are in the sight model, not the weapon. The view simply moves up and down along the weapon anyway like you have a weird cheekweld half-way up the receiver So there's no real practical use for it. Ingame config viewer shows the inheritance tree in the info tape along the bottom. It's available in the mission editor (inside Eden and while running a mission preview) If you preview a mission in the editor while playing as a unit holding the weapon you want to look up. Press Esc to go to the pause menu and open the config viewer in the debug console. The config viewer will have already bookmarked the player unit, weapon (underlined in red), magazine, and ammo class that you currently have selected. Then you can just double-click the bookmark to look at the parameters and other info for that class. When you select the class you want from the config class browser on the left of the screen the bottom field shows the parents of the weapon. e.g. Here I am currently holding (rhs_weap_kar98k). In green is is rhs_weap_kar98k_Base_F and is actually where the mags are defined in our case. And in blue there is the parent BIS base class above that, which one would call in order to edit our Kar98k base class.
  16. da12thMonkey

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Are you running Dev Branch through Steam, or as an additional installation via Game Updater? Steam API only updates DLC ownership associated with the main game installation
  17. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You've written the wrong parent classes for most of the rifles and as such, are breaking their inheritance
  18. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    None of the RHS Ops Core helmets have a flag on them, so why would there be a selection for a flag? If you want to add flags, you'd need to put them on the helmet or cover texture itself
  19. da12thMonkey

    Warrior IFV - FV510 variant

    Desert Warrior wasn't produced until two years after the Gulf War. So was never used in that war It's only used by Kuwait, who more or less bought them as a "thank you" for the UK's involvement in the Gulf War.
  20. da12thMonkey

    questions about P drive

    Did you uncheck the box that says "Use default"?
  21. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We're aware of the cause of the heli_light_03_base hitpoint error in the current version of Arma 3. But it might not be an issue after the next game patch for Tac-Ops DLC, which BIS say will be out Nov 30th. The error doesn't seem to appear on dev Branch. It's likely due to some changes in this helicopter base class that have been referenced by our team during development of 0.4.4, but aren't in stable yet. So for now, we'll monitor the issue and see whether it's necessary to include a fix for it or not in the next version of the mod. If it is still a problem in 2-3 weeks: We know how to fix it :)
  22. da12thMonkey

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Really? You can clearly see they are dispersing by several degrees in the wide shots:
  23. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We (RHS) aren't doing anything in this regard. We asked for the sake of helping someone who has helped our project. Someone who had their camera nicked. What they plan to to do with such photos, is at their own discretion.
  24. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Yeah, I can confirm this can still be an issue with vehicles that have multiple non-FFV turrets. e.g. if you have a helicopter with a main copilot/gunner seat and additional door-gunner positions. The dev Branch fix has only really applied to vehicles like the Xi'an (or e.g. the RHS Mi-24), where all the additional turrets were all FFV seats/personTurrets. Not "proper" crew-served turrets that I believe one would generally still require to use with showAsCargo = 0; //false Or would setting showAsCargo = 1; //true for the door gunners etc. not have any undesirable effects?
  25. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Create the image with an Alpha Channel and save as 32-bit .tga with a _ca suffix before converting to .paa Example - check the Channels window in Photoshop and look at the "Alpha 1" channel (Ctrl+6)