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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    The multiplayer face gallery

    I've not really played much MP since I only got broadband this month, but this is the face I use: Looks like this on the NO/LSR head model:
  2. Is that screen at the top a new one? I can't remember seeing it before.
  3. da12thMonkey

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    lol, git Would that happen to include a Hi-Po with those ironsights I gave you?
  4. da12thMonkey

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    I believe the SFW was chosen to 'replace' the AR15/M16s and the numbers of M4s we had because it combined the best features of the two weapons: it's more compact than the old Armalites thanks to the telescopic buttstock, but has a longer barrel than the M4 and standard C8, supposedly making it more accurate. That's what one of the chaps who works in small arms told me anyway. Either way, my config's edited to give BB's lads KMM's JAM compatable C8 SFW with M203 and handle.
  5. da12thMonkey

    UKF Warrior (MCV80) v1.0 Released

    That one's caused by Philcommando's ship addons in my experience.
  6. da12thMonkey

    UKF Warrior (MCV80) v1.0 Released

    Bloody awesome work lads The amount of time and work you've put into this is obvious, well done.
  7. da12thMonkey

    Addon Requests: G3 and Fnfal

    Someone from DKM (rambozo I think it was) made a rather nice FAL: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=6360 Kabal also imported some from CounterStrike: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=5284 As far as G3s go, I usually use the one from the old BWMod pack or HKPack.
  8. Bug: Game crashes for me when placing "(S) Nav.SpNz. Rifleman Grenadier 1," seems he has 1 too many 7.62SD magazines in the config. Also his loadout is different to "(S) Nav.SpNz. Rifleman Grenadier 2" in that "2" carries hand grenades and "1" doesn't. This may be intentional but for the rest of the pack, a "1" unit appears to have the same loadout as a "2" unit.
  9. Wow. Thanks, they're awesome.
  10. da12thMonkey

    Iranian soldiers

    Kenji from RHS was doing a an awesome looking Chieftain but I'm guessing it's on the backburner because of his RHS comitments (T62 etc).
  11. da12thMonkey

    RHS releases: Weapon Pack v1.01

    The classnames for the JAM compatable versions of the weapons are just the same but with "_JAM" suffixed on the end of the classnames listed in the readme right? Edit:- good work btw.
  12. da12thMonkey

    How often do you (still) play OFP

    I dick about in the editor for a while each day not really doing anything serious. I'll play seriously every couple of weeks: try out a mission or two or have a crack at making my own (though I rarely come close to completing one). I may look in to having a go at Multiplayer now that I've installed ADSL. Though I'm not confident I'll find what I'm looking for in terms of MP very easilly.
  13. da12thMonkey

    Another London Bombing

    They reckon it was just the detonators that exploded and that any explosives that may have been rigged to them, failed to go off. There's also reports that the bloke who was injured was one of those carrying the backpacks.
  14. da12thMonkey

    Military/War Songs

    Spanish Bombs by The Clash
  15. da12thMonkey

    Decisive Killing Machines

    I believe he meant a plain grey one, and a plain green one, but I think Jag's also doing the old grey/green 'european' camo like in your second pic. Keep up the good work btw Jag. Site's nice too.
  16. da12thMonkey

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Two that didn't fit on that last post
  17. da12thMonkey

    Real life photography/photo editing

    These are a couple of pics I took several weeks ago on a trip through Scotland to the Outer Hebrides. Cairngorm Mountains (Scottish Highlands) Islands of North Uist, South Uist and Benbecula (Outer Hebrides)
  18. da12thMonkey

    what is the more simple modeling software?

    In my opinion, Milkshape 3D is one of the easiest 3D modeling programs going, but that's probably because that's the one I started to learn how to model with, and I haven't tried many others; just 3DS Max which I mainly use for things I can't do in MS3D (bump mapping, renders, better smoothing and UV mapping) and O2, which I've found to be extremely easy to use. I just can't remember the hotkeys that well, and it lacks an extrude tool (in the freebie 'light' version anyhow).
  19. da12thMonkey

    Public Smoking Ban

    I don't mind people smoking so long as it's not where I'm eating, so I support banning it in restaurants and the like. However I think it should be up to the establishment to decide whether people can smoke in their bar or pub. Coming home from a pub, not stinking of other people's cigarettes would be strange.
  20. da12thMonkey

    BWMod EC-135 released

    Philcommando's ship addons seem to cause this problem. I found this out when the BIS squad logo started appearing on your Fennek (though it also affected WPS Mini-Mod's UAZ and NXSHADOW's AH-1), by a process of removing addons I found out it was his Sovremny class destroyer that caused it, but the problem re-occured when I installed his USN Tarawa, so the problem's not confined to just 1 of his addons. My advise to you Steele would be to remove the ships when you're using BW mod addons. Edit: forgot to congratulate your great work again . The EC-135 is a particular favourite of mine since our local police force and air ambulance both operate them, and I get the pleasure of seeing them fly about most days (though the police one often causes me annoyance by shining a spotlight through my windows). You've done an excellent job bringing it to OFP.
  21. da12thMonkey

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    That's what I was thinking. Anyone waiting for 'OFP2' is going to have to wait a while if the developers have to code an entire new engine and spend time debugging it. I don't know of many similar, quality engines they can just pick off the shelf and use. Add in the fact that BIS are now extremely adept with working with this engine; having created several products based on it in various guises: I think they're probably going to produce the better of the two products, though I don't want to completely write off what CM will release before I even see it. I suppose releasing Armed Assault before 'Game2' will bring the publics attention to what BIS are doing, so they know there's a difference between OFP2 and Game2 when they come out.
  22. da12thMonkey

    OFP2 Unit/Weapons List

    I think those are just exhaust dampeners to reduce the chopper's Infra-Red signature, they're probably not always fitted. We only fit them to our Lynx fleet over here when we're in a warzone, along with AN/ALQ-144 countermeasures.
  23. da12thMonkey

    OFP2 Unit/Weapons List

    The chopper's a UH-1Y notice it has 4 rotor blades where the UH-1N has 2. There also appears to be a Sukhoi 'Flanker' in the game. Not 100% sure what model it is since it's in pieces but it's most likely the Su-34 since that's a ground attack aircraft and the rest of the flankers are prodominantly fighters. And the M249 in the game is an M249 PIP I believe.
  24. da12thMonkey

    BWMod Update release

    I guess it's your flashpoint settings. Do you have HW T&L on? When I turn that off everything goes blurry. Edit:- Forgot to say great work again BWMod. Thanks especially for what you've done on the Bo-105, it's finally stopped eating my FPS.
  25. da12thMonkey

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    Like BlackScorpion said it's the rear section of a crashed Sukhoi plane of the 'Flanker' series, you can see that it's a plane better in some of the screens on gamespot: http://www.gamespot.com/pc....page=38 There you can clearly see the air intakes of the plane, and the red star of the Russian airforce on that thing (a wing or tail fin I guess) that has clipped through the walls of the mosque in a rather ugly fashion. Saying this, it does look a lot like that Su-34 that Hudson, Pennywise and Silesian were making, that completely disappeared from the addonmaking radar a while back. Don't think it is though, just the same plane (an Su-34) probably.