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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    The second half of the game was handled badly. Leaving Crouch out in front on his tod after Owen was taken off was ridiculous if you ask me. Joe Cole played pretty well throughout but once Owen was off it'd have been better to put him in a position to receive the ball off Crouch, rather than trying to support him and fill the gap behind. Crouch is very good at getting under the ball when it's sent up-field by the mid-field or the keeper, or if he's receiving a cross; but if he has nobody to head the ball down to when he receives it, or the crosses he's getting are long of the mark(which they so often were in this match) there's not much he can do. As has been said, the refereeing was poor; especially bad in the second half. Like Placebo, I though it was alright to begin with; being firm and all, but he started having so many bad calls, or in some cases, simply a lack of any good calls.
  2. da12thMonkey

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    This is quite disturbing. I thought this time they were selling tickets by profiling hooligans beforehand or something akin to that. What's disturbing about it? It wasn't a stand-off between the fans and was unlikely to cause any trouble. The police were just making sure nothing happened, not reacting to what was happening. The rest of the article is about how good the atmosphere over there is. I heard that in all there were about 30 arrests between English and German fans that resulted in fines last night. Dare say that has more to do with alcohol than sim[ply football hooliganism.
  3. da12thMonkey

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    I thought the sight of grown men and boys, humping giant cow-bells was marvellous. Not forgetting the lederhosen!
  4. da12thMonkey

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    4-2! My prediction of 2-0 was miles off. Some corking goals by Germany, but Costa Rica were giving them plenty of room. Goals scored against Germany were a bit embarassing though.
  5. da12thMonkey

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Some photos I took on a walk this evening. Blue-tailed damselfly (female, 'rufescens' varient) Common frog Spotted orchid Slow worm (a type of lizard with no legs) Shame I didn't get his head in focus, but it was difficult holding it and taking the photo at the same time without gripping it such that it would drop its tail and run off; something that happened when I tried to take a photo of a common lizard.
  6. da12thMonkey

    International Four Day Marches Nijmegen

    Second one's Austrian, fourth looks swiss though, somet about a train? 9), The green one with the NATO symbol has MND for Multi National Division. IIRC UK, Belgium, Holland and Germany make up MND( C ) (Multi National Division Central Europe)
  7. da12thMonkey

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Looking forward to this. CSLA's always been a mod of amazing quality. Are there plans to make the ACR troops come in modern desert uniforms too, or will it be CSLA only?
  8. da12thMonkey

    RAF Chinook HC.2

    Been looking forward to this for a while Afro. Looks the mutt's.
  9. da12thMonkey

    Foreign Language

    If you're joining the USAF, German'll probably me more useful than Russian. I dare say there's more likelihood that you'll work with Germans on some sort of exercise or operations than work with Russians. It'd also be pretty useful if you ever ended up at Ramstein or the other USAFE bases in Germany. I learnt French and German at school and found them both fairly easy to learn since English kinda branches from the same tree as modern French and German (Saxons and Normans ruling Britain kinda helped). But they can still be challenging; I had a fair bit of trouble remembering the gender of nouns, but verbs, adjectives and sentence structure were fine. They were both pretty enjoyable learning experiences but I personally have never really had any need for them since school, and as a result my ability to speak them has gone a bit rusty.
  10. da12thMonkey

    SCAR'S SU-30 and LEOPARD 2 A6

    Scars has released an update for the Su-30MKs Rough translation of the updates (I think): Added the other missiles to backward R73 unit Addition of air-brake Added Kh-31 to Su-30MKI Changes to the amount of ammunition and missiles carried Moving canards and fixed shadow LODs Corrected geometry Corrected AI landing gear operation Texture corrections Download: http://labo3.hp.infoseek.co.jp/addon2.htm
  11. da12thMonkey

    Eurofighter typhoon release?

    Hardrock said his Typhoon's been put on hold until Armed Assault. Aparently due to lack of time. Rockape's also working on one: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....8;st=30 But I think he's expecting that to be an Armed Assault release too.
  12. da12thMonkey

    JAS 39C Gripen WIP

    Agreed. Looks pretty good in O2 though mate. Hope sorting out the smooth/sharp faces doesn't prove too much trouble. Benthenoob, the RAF don't use Gripens so it'd be a bit daft for him to make an RAF variant wouldn't it? Gripen is used by Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary and, South Africa. The UK has Typhoons instead.
  13. da12thMonkey

    JAS 39C Gripen WIP

    Looks very nice, not too many faces either by the looks. I'd like to see what it looks like in bulldozer (or ingame for that matter) though. 3DS and Brazil render can make anything look awesome.
  14. da12thMonkey

    Eurovision 2006

    I think they could give us 'nil point' quite legitimately. The song that's representing the UK is shockingly bad. The only other Eurovision entry I've heard is Lordi's. I think they should win just for turning up looking as they do. GO FINLAND!!!!!
  15. da12thMonkey

    Military Humor

    The trailers may have been better but the tractors were bloody horrible things. Yes BlackScorpion, it is the UK, and by the looks that is a Lidl.
  16. da12thMonkey

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yes. Quite sure: http://vbs.ofp-popo.com/screens/tp3/tp3_72.jpg You can tell from the colour of the water, the view distance and the fact that the terrain's very flat (nowhere on Sahrani looks like it has such a large expanse of flat desert). The sequence from 3:25-4:01 of this 'new' ArmA video is footage of VBS1, not VBS1 stuff being used in ArmA or anything like that. IIRC, the same footage was shown during the last Czech TV video (the one with Ondrej's awesome hair) when they're explaining how BIS/BIA have developed from OFP to VBS1 for the military, and how ArmA, VBS2 and Game 2 are progressing from that. Victor is probably explaining something about VBS1's influence on ArmA's development while this sequence is played in the interview, but I'm not sure since I don't speak Czech. The rest of the video appears to be fairly dated footage of Armed Assault: the animations are the old ones, troops are wearing US woodland BDUs (they look like they're directly from OFP:E) and the scenario shown in the video is a mix of stuff seen in much earlier videos we had on ArmA. The bit where they land the helicopter on the beach is more footage from the scenario shown in the very very first ArmA video that was released months ago.
  17. da12thMonkey

    ArmA Progress Updates

    That's VBS1 + Terrain Pack 3 mate, not ArmA.
  18. da12thMonkey

    Military Humor

    Ouch, nice to see they're treating our shiny new HETs well. Where was that?
  19. da12thMonkey

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    That explains my confuzzlement then. Have you planned the load-outs for the JCA or the Typhoon yet? Both aircraft are capable of both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground combat right?
  20. da12thMonkey

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Models look awesome mate. Very happy seeing Typhoon and the Globemaster. Is the space between the canopy and the lift-fan on the JCA really that close? Doesn't look like it has much room to hinge the canopy on. Or does the canopy not hinge backwards?
  21. da12thMonkey

    Serious question

    Dunno, I was born one. I think it's fairly easy so long as you're clearly very productive while you're here (though if you read the Daily Mail, they'll have you believe anyone gets in). But the process does take a number of years. This site details the process and the requirements for UK citizenship: http://www.uknationality.gov.uk/content....ge.html
  22. da12thMonkey

    Serious question

    Nationality requirements for the British Army (regular service). Soldiers: http://www.armyjobs.mod.uk/Regular....Soldier Officers: http://www.armyjobs.mod.uk/Regular....Officer Basically says you're not eligible unless you become a British or Irish citizen, a citizen of the Commonwealth or British territories/protectorates, or have legal asylum here (not 100% on this last one though).
  23. da12thMonkey

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I think the C7A2/C8A2 have regular C8A1 4 position stocks (the original C8 stock was only 2 position aparently), A2s just come with a large rubber butt-pad that can be removed.
  24. da12thMonkey

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Maple leafs are stamped on weapons in Canadian service IIRC. Export models have the D on them. They'll probably have some variation on the Colt logo in the future. (Probably the one with the little maple leaf above the T as shown on the website)
  25. da12thMonkey

    IDEA Games at E3

    Those are the screens in Parker's article. I guess Ti0n3r was lucky enough to check WW2EC's site when I did. At least I know I didn't imagine reading the article now .