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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Studios

    You mean our shite rail-network actually contributed to something other than absolute pain and torment? I normally have to hit the drinks cart for the over-priced piss in a half-litre can when there's a long delay. As always mate, it's a pleasure to see what you've been up to, especially when it's a particular favourite aircraft of mine. Not doing a GR4A since RAPTOR's not specific to the recce Tonkas? I'm interested how the 'working' Litening III works in this instance. Is it like a proper little turret with a laserdesignator class weapon slaved to the WSO, or is it not as simple as that?
  2. da12thMonkey


    Jef mate, there was an initiative to create such a system for OFP but never really took off due to the amount of pre-existing community-made armour that would need standardising. The project was called CAVS (Common Armour Value System or some shite like that). The concept was good though and CAVS was taken into the care of the COMBAT! mod along with JAM and ACES so that there could be some standardisation in ArmA, shared among the teams that were creating Germany 85: LLW, RHS, CSLA, BWMod and COMBAT! I dunno what's up with the development of G85, at the moment though. Most of the teams there are as quiet as us at UKF and the rest of the old, established addon groups; no doubt for similar reasons to our own. Might be worth making contact with someone there though to discuss whether the CAVS and JAM systems are still going ahead. Even though we declined their offer to join in making mid-80s kit with them back when the project went public, they should still know that we're committed to standardisation. Our strong support and commitment to JAM for OFP stands as proof of that.
  3. da12thMonkey

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    I think these units might use old infantry models. Squad logos weren't introduced onto the human models until one of the later patches (1.07 beta I think) so these units may not have the necessary selections.
  4. It's due to some addons you've installed conflicting with some of the weapon classes. Remove your addons then add them one-by one to see which ones are causing problems. Most of the addons that used to cause this problem such as Mechastalin's BMD and some of Vilas' addons have now been updated to work post 1.08, so you may want to make sure you have the latest versions of these too.
  5. da12thMonkey

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    Hope these can help Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 That Stottman fella's got bloody loads pics of Russian small arms on his Photobucket account, some are put into albums but most aren't. You can look through them all here: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Stottman/ Used a few of his pics for a Zastava M70 I modeled years ago.
  6. da12thMonkey

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    Those 3 pics are the only plastic 45 rnd pics I could find in a decent res. 2nd pic looks like it may be plum mags and black ones next to each other. The directory of that sight has many pics of various AK parts from all over the world http://www.sturmgewehr.com/bhinton/AK/ Browse it at your leisure. You might find some more, or perhaps some other useful images.
  7. da12thMonkey

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    Like this? Mags http://www.sturmgewehr.com/bhinton/AK/5.45_MagRussianPlum45rd.jpg http://www.sturmgewehr.com/bhinton/AK/5.45_MagRussianPlumRib45rd.jpg http://www.sturmgewehr.com/bhinton/AK/5.45_MagRussianPlumRib45rdR.jpg Buttstock, handguard and pistol grip http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Stottman/rpk74mset.jpg
  8. da12thMonkey

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    Will do. Just had a quick look over the weapons again to refresh my memory as to whether there was anything else that I thought might need work; didn't notice anything else that was troublesome. Have you fixed it on the AKM versions and extended AKMS too, or just the new folded one? Since I initially noticed it on the released models.
  9. da12thMonkey

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    I think a couple of faces have gone missing from the front of the AKM model where the handguard intersects the gas-tube. I thought I could see it ingame but it wasn't very clear given the camera's distance from the unit but you can sort of see it in the first of the images you posted Skaven. Might just be my eyes failing me though.
  10. da12thMonkey

    Req - Spanish Speakers?

    I thought the language on Sahrani was Portuguese rather than Spanish?
  11. da12thMonkey

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    Interesting stuff mate; looks as fun as it is useful. Is there any sort of device for the live-fire setup that allows user movement through the simulator, or is intended for tasks where the operator's movement would be limited? Such as vehicle top-cover and operating mounted weapon systems.
  12. da12thMonkey

    Addon Research Topic

    Found a few pics of Malaysian Stormer APCs. Stormers are probably the least common CVR(t) varient, especially the APC. Big enough? http://www.defencetalk.com/picture....IFV.jpg http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5097/p1010036ak8.jpg Stormer HVM's almost the same as the APC version, just has a Starstreak turret and targeting system on top. They're also much easier to find pics of. http://plain-military.tripod.com/id149.html http://www.panzerbaer.de/types/uk_fv_stormer.htm http://www.primeportal.net/apc/gert/stormer_photos.htm
  13. da12thMonkey


    Don't want to get into this pissing contest about east vs west but your information about the re-arming of Challenger is incorrect (firstly, it's Challenger 2, a completely different tank to Challenger). Challenger 2 still uses 120mm gun and it will continue to do so. The only difference is that we're planning to use a smoothbore L55 120mm gun instead of the current L30 120mm rifled gun. The reasons for this are to obtain greater compatibility with NATO partners operating Leopard 2 and M1A1/A2 Abrams, and to allow us to assist in the development of advanced munitions with Germany and the US, since it's cheaper than adapting current munitions ourselves. The decision has little to do with the perceived threat of any other tank on the battlefield. The T90 model looks good. I look forward to being able to use it in ArmA.
  14. da12thMonkey

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    I reckon Mafia should be on the list simply because of the racing mission where you had to take a car that'd basically explode at the slightest knock to the track in a daft time limit through mid-town traffic, then win a race in it (assuming it was still in good enough shape to run). God only knows how many attempts it took me to do that. I remember that there were savegames available for download that took you past that mission just so people could complete the game. I still managed to complete it myself though. Eventually Illusion even patched the game to make that mission easier. Rest of the game wasn't too hard though after you learned to handle a shootout properly, and it still ranks as one of the best games I've played.
  15. da12thMonkey

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    I reckon Mafia should be on the list simply because of the racing mission where you had to take a car that'd basically explode at the slightest knock to the track in a daft time limit through mid-town traffic, then win a race in it (assuming it was still in good enough shape to run). God only knows how many attempts it took me to do that. I remember that there were savegames available for download that took you past that mission just so people could complete the game. I still managed to complete it myself though. Eventually Illusion even patched the game to make that mission easier. Rest of the game wasn't too hard though after you learned to handle a shootout properly, and it still ranks as one of the best games I've played.
  16. da12thMonkey

    Custom Radio Messages....

    Tah dah: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Custom_Sounds_Tutorial
  17. da12thMonkey

    ArmA Flags

    Yea, setflagtexture and all the other flag-related commands still work as they did in OFP on all 3 flag poles. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFlagTexture Just change the path in those example to the directory of your own flag texture inside the mission, or a pbo of flags you've made and you should be good to go.
  18. da12thMonkey

    Russian Marines & VDV

    Honestly? It's a little bit the same with the black tape instead of the blue one, in reality and in like 300 pictures I have in my computer the Russian Army uses this magazines a lot more. But again I'm open to suggestions and specially to learn from you guys, can anyone state for sure that they do use the drum regulary? http://www.cnn.com/SPECIAL....and.jpg http://bemil.chosun.com/brd....mag.jpg http://www.supercharger.net/private/rpk.jpg I rest my case. Those are all pics of the RPK, the older 7.62x39mm firing one. It's not the same gun. 75rnd 5.45x39mm (as fired by the RPK-74) drum mags are rather rare.
  19. da12thMonkey


    I went fishing along the Shrewsbury Canal today when some sort of Russian WW2 fighter plane flew over, really low; little over tree-top level. It was a pretty spectacular sight to be honest. I'm not sure exactly what type it was though, from the wing-profile I reckon it was one of the Lavochkin series of fighters. I know RIAT was on at Fairford today, anyone know of a similar aircraft that attended and could tell me exactly what it was? Or if there was such a type at Duxford since it probably attended that, given it's era.
  20. da12thMonkey

    Going insane, please help

    UK 505 DVDs are V1.04, you only need the small incremental patch from 1.04 to 1.05, the 1.00 to 1.05 patch is for versions published by Morphicon, LEM etc.
  21. da12thMonkey

    Armed Assault videos

    The credit sequence at the end's a stroke of brilliance Nathan. Rest of the video's nice too.
  22. da12thMonkey

    BMD-1 Released!

    It looks nice with the new maps, I think you may need to invert the y-axis on the normal maps though. The gratings on the rear engine deck appear to have normal maps such that the holes in the grating stick out rather than in to the hull. The road-wheels also appear to have the normal map for the entire vehicle applied to them so you can see: Looks a little odd.
  23. da12thMonkey

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Has been asked before, many times I assure you. The stuff on your list is the sort of stuff Project: UK Forces is going to make: http://www.pukf.net RKSL Studios are creating many British aircraft and naval assets: http://www.rkslstudios.info/ SASMod are also making UK Special Forces orientated addons: http://sasmod.edgegaming.com/ There are also some individuals about, working on British addons. Ed:- That crafty bastard Messiah beats me to it once again.
  24. da12thMonkey

    Jonny´s Marines

    They don't, the picture's from an early non-public alpha or beta build. The downloadable ones are fully woodland MARPAT.
  25. da12thMonkey

    Addon naming policy discussion

    I'd agreee that a proper addon filename should tell you who made it and what it contains, however I think the majority of addon-makers manage to do this, and there is little necessity in imposing strict rules on addon filenames. Looking through most of my old OFP addons, the names of the pbos are sufficiently descriptive to suggest what they add, and so long as I know who made them (the OFPEC TAG system is KEY) I could easilly find whichever addon I wanted to. Modfolders also help a great deal. Having a file called something like UKF_W_Weapons.pbo just for the sake of standardisation seems a bit excessive to me. Really, the only additional information I would like to have to hand about the addons I have, is which version of the addon the pbo contains. This isn 't something that can be done with the filename however, it's something I have to keep a record of myself, unless the addonmaker choses to include a descriptive datafile inside the .pbo.