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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    Tornado f3 & gr4

    Since you've only mentioned doing Gr.4 and F.3 Tornados I assume you're only doing RAF variants, in which case: GR.4 and F.3 Tornados only have 1 cannon. Tornados don't carry Mavericks in RAF service, Harriers do. However the Brimstone missile is carried by both aircraft. The RAF has never used MW-1. It used a similar dispenser called JP233 instead, but no longer does. Apache was used by the French. The RAF use an updated version of it called Storm Shadow (SCALP EG in French service). The only nuclear deterrent the UK currently has are Trident SLBMs carried by Vanguard class submarines. The weapon carried by Tornado, WE.177 was retired in 1998. IIRC Italian and German Tornados retain a nuclear strike role with B61. havocsquad pointed out that the RAF used Skyflash missiles; these have now been replaced by AMRAAM.
  2. da12thMonkey

    Project: UK Forces

    It is usable mate: I remember one of the things me and Messiah were most pleased about when details of ArmA were announced was that vehicles could have multiple turrets. It was somet we always wanted for the OFP version; and even tried to develop with a lot of help from UNN. I can assure you that it's a lot of fun tearing into a group of SLA with both the MGs.
  3. da12thMonkey

    Project: UK Forces

    lol It's nice to see so much interest in UKF addons everybody, especially from people who used our kit in OFP. Thanks for that.
  4. da12thMonkey

    Jonny´s Marines

    In the config it says joh_m4_acg and joh_m4_gl_acg
  5. da12thMonkey

    Jonny´s Marines

    AFAIK it's Jonny's PMC unit: http://www.suckysuckylongtime.com/jonny/pmc.png Probably not related to his USMC projects. These units a great Jonny. Nice to have some unit models that look authentic. The normal mapping is particularly excellent.
  6. da12thMonkey

    Cold War Rearmed v0.36 released

    This is great, playing Ambush again brought back all the memories of playing the OFP demo and how it made me buy the game and I'm feeling exactly the same about CWR; can't wait for the full version. Malden looks great in ArmA, the only problem I've noticed with it is that the concrete textures used for places such as the parade square on the training island and on petrol station forecourts is extremely shiny; it goes completely white in the right light. The new models are all great; particularly the new west pilot (an improvement on ArmA's, never mind OFP's) and the BMP, although it has red tracers for the PKT rather than green like the rest of the east kit and the missiles are impossible to hit owt with. I look forward to the current OFP imports getting the same treatment.
  7. da12thMonkey

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    I've not noticed any particular issues with soundmods myself but with the default BIS sounds (no mods active) I don't get any launch sound when firing rockets from any aircraft apart from the Su-34, which lacks launch sounds for the Ch-29 missiles (SU-34B) instead. The improvements to the QG DC-3 are great; it actually taxies properly now, but all the windows have lost their transparancy. I've noticed that parts of Landrover (Army 4x4 Open) have become transparent or are missing now too (though recall someone mentioning it in 1.08). Picture to demonstrate. Those are just little problems though and overall I'm extremely pleased with the patch and the significant improvements to gameplay that it's made so far in terms or FPS and infantry combat. Thank you very much BIS. I'll try and get on some 1.09 servers over the weekend to get some serious hours of playing and testing to see if anything crops up in the particular fields BIS are interested in.
  8. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Studios

    Yes, read this: http://www.rkslstudios.info/index.php/Addons-UK.html (and this in case you have any other suggestions: http://www.rkslstudios.info/index.php/Addons-OPFOR.html)
  9. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Studios

    They work fine for me? And seemingly for most other they've already had 140+ hits!? Try clearing your Temporary Internet cache Odd, they work now without having to clear my cache. I was able to access them by typing their address into firefox but the thumbnails on that page took me elsewhere. Either way, all is well now.
  10. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Studios

    The links to the enlarged pics from the thumbnails are wrong on the project page mate; they go to images of the Hawk T.2s Shame there wont be a beta xmas: I was looking forward to seeing if my piloting skills improve when I'm rat-arsed, and I'm just generally keen to get some British kit ingame. I'd prefer you having a good Christmas though. Rotor deflection looks cracking even in the stills.
  11. da12thMonkey

    Nam units

    You can open .rvmat files with notepad and other text editors. The BIS ones are encrypted but you can use Kegety's UnRAP tool to decrypt them to .cpp format. Edit the texture paths, save and just rename the file extension to .rvmat again once you're done.
  12. da12thMonkey

    Nam units

    Open up merc_g_as.paa, and you'll see that on the part where the helmet is mapped out (compare it to the texture file merc_g_co.paa if you don't know where to look), there is a pink ring with two boxes on either sidethat corresponds to the shadowed part you're seeing on the model. Get rid of that bit of pink and it should work okay. You'll have to edit the unit's .rvmat files to direct it to your edited as.paa file too.
  13. da12thMonkey

    Nam units

    Have you removed those parts of the mesh from the shadowvolume LODs too? If so, and the problem persists, you need to edit the specular map for the helmet as well.
  14. da12thMonkey

    Australians At War Mod

    Very nice. I was never able to find a pack of AUGs that I likes in OFP, looks like that wont be a problem in ArmA. There do appear to be some lighting abnormalities around the mag-well though. Might be work checking the smooth/sharp edges and the normals around there. I look forward to some quality Aussie addons.
  15. Do you have Queen's Gambit? The models are from QG so a few of the units may be dependant on QG content, in places where sander hasn't replaced the textures. The Heavy Grenadier units shouldn't work either as they use the 6G30 launcher added in QG.
  16. da12thMonkey

    RHS T-64 MBT pack v.0.9 ( Preview )

    It's clearly only a problem with the SABOT rounds, there doesn't appear to be any noticeable difference in the damage dealt by anything ranging from 3BM9 to 3BM46 despite great differences in the hit values they have in the config (all rounds I tested were fired across M1A1's frontal arc at ~500m). However, HEAT rounds and missiles do have noticeable differences in their effectiveness; with 3BK12 taking about 5 rounds to destroy an Abrams, through to 3BK31 which takes just 2. Perhaps the SABOTs classes are incorrectly inheriting all their values from lesser rounds such as 3BM9? By the way, while I was testing all this I also noticed that the displayname of the 3BK12 round (RHS_3BK12_MAG) in the action list is '3BM9 (HEAT)' rather than '3BK12 (HEAT)'. I'm assuming this is a typo in the config?
  17. da12thMonkey

    What made OPF better?

    Codemasters is a British company... As for what made OFP better; nowt in my opinion. Most of my SP experience of both games is spent in the editor making half-arsed missions, and that's pretty much stayed the same between the two games. Back when I played it on my old system, OFP ran at pretty low FPS, even though I far outstripped the recommended specs. I find ArmA runs better, with higher unit numbers, viewdistance and world detail than I was ever able to playably achieve in OFP, so the scale and variety of missions I'm able to make for myself to play has improved greatly. Multiplayer in ArmA is a lot better than it was in OFP, given JIP and the overall improvement in the netcode. I hardly ever played OFP online due to poor framerate and frequent desync which made hitting anything very difficult. I've had so much fun online in ArmA with properly admined servers though. Only thing I miss from OFP is the way the community was. I started playing OFP in 2003 I think, so by that time there already were loads of addons, and people were used to OFP's problems and limitations so spent their time actually playing the game and making stuff for it. The sheer amount of wholly awesome stuff we managed to put together as a community was what made that game for me, and is the reason why I still hesitate to uninstall it: Every so often I want to just jump inside CBT's Bradleys or Footmunch's F-15s or somet and zip about on BAS Tonal for 10 minutes or so. I can't wait for the whole ArmA addonmaking thing to really take off. I know from my own experimentation and discussion of the tools, that so much more is possible with ArmA. Having seen some of some of the stuff that people in the community are up to behind the scenes, I'm already pretty excited by the prospect, and I haven't even played with any of it yet. RHS's T-64 that came out the other day reminded me of all those good times in OFP when a beautiful piece of work came out of the community and I was happy just toying with it for a few days. I cannot wait for more days like that.
  18. da12thMonkey


    Looks great. Are you going to stick a gun in the hull MG-ball too, now that ArmA supports multiple turrets?
  19. da12thMonkey

    RHS T-64 MBT pack v.0.9 ( Preview )

    Beautiful looking addon! I take my hat off to Kenji, for making something so awesome once again. I too am finding that the sabot rounds are pretty ineffective against the M1A1 (this is using the 3BM46 round too). I've looked at the config which says it has a 650 hit value which is the same as BIS' T-72's 3BM42 so I'm pretty puzzled as to why it takes twice as many rounds to destroy the M1 with the T-64 as it does with the T-72. Speaking of the ammo though, the magazine classnames require "_MAG" adding to the end of those listed in the readme in order to work properly: RHS_3BM46_MAG, RHS_3BK12_MAG etc.
  20. da12thMonkey

    2nd gunner for UH-60

    Use <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this action ["GETINturret", vehiclename, [0]] for the left turret and <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this action ["GETINturret", vehiclename, [1]] for the right turret. Ed:- I've added this to the 'Arma: Actions' page of the Biki for future refence.
  21. da12thMonkey


    There are a couple of nice pics of the MWMIK in this month's Preview lads. Shows the layout of the back end pretty well: http://www.mod.uk/NR...._07.pdf Shame SASMOD didn't turn out as you imagined it JB, all the best in the future though mate. Your Longline LSV's looking pretty sharp; reminds me of when I was but a lad and my dad burnt his fingerprints off at work, welding the plating to the bottom of one.
  22. da12thMonkey

    CBF Shipbuilding

    Iowa Class? Or would that be telling? I'm really looking forward to your work mate: RN stuff especially of course.
  23. da12thMonkey

    CVR(T) Scimitar

    Mate they had that long before the slat armour; there were vehicles in Telic I with it. It's a composite add on armour kit made by an Israeli company called Plasan Sasa. IIRC it was discussed in some depth with regards to Ben's Scim. Edit:- I echo what my colleagues have said Burncycle, your model's very nice. Good work.
  24. da12thMonkey

    BushWars Mod

    I've noticed the misaligned tracers too but it only seems to be on the Alouette III with cannon, the version with a MAG seems okay. I've come across a couple of other bugs also: Parts of cockpit have textures that are partially transparent. There's an example picture below taken from the Alouette II, but the problem also occurs in the Alouette III's cockpit. Also, the model doesn't appear to be affected by shadows either. The chopper casts a shadow on other objects fine, but the shadows of other objects, and the choppers' own shadows don't effect its surface. Textures and models are great though guys, and I'm really looking forward to more of your addons; especially the islands/environments.
  25. da12thMonkey


    Have a look at some of BIS's sample models for a rough guide to max facecount, and where they're expended. Off the top of my head, cars like the HMMWV are in the range of 7000-9000, soldier models were around 8800, tanks (i.e. BMP2) were getting on for 10,000 (probably more on MBTs) and the A-10 was like 13,000. To me, 15,000 to 20,000 seems reasonable as an absolute maximum for a vehicle, depending on its size and how many will be likely be present in any given game scenario. However, opinions on max facecount are likely to differ. A very important factor for modeling though has always been making good LODs. It seems BIS LODs are such that they try as much as they can to half the facecount for every difference of 1000 between the resolution LODs.