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About dead-cat

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  1. dead-cat

    "montignac must fall" mission

    a rather weird way of finishing: Took Montignac. Truck came to transport everybody to Provins. Didn't board the truck, instead headed towards Provins alone, much to the dispair of the squad commander. Went round Provins at a safe distance and found the BMP around 300m from Provins. Blasted it with a LAW. Now back to Provins to kill everybody (there were 6+1 officer i think). Off to Figari to find the Hind while the commander is busy annoying me with "back to formation" whining. Found the Hind and shot the 2 pilots. Did not destroy the Hind. Back to Montignac where the whole bloody squad waited dismounted and wouldn't mount the truck ever again. So i shot all of them (the driver too). I allways wanted to do that. Took the truck and drove to Provins where i got the message that the Blackhawk will come to rescue me. I drove as fast as i could to Figari, took the Hind and returned. Used the Hind to shoot the Blackhawk down, the mission ended with a failure (which it would anyways) and i could advance to the next mission. I had a pretty low score because i killed around 7 of my men plus the blackhawk. But colonel Blake didn't complain. oh well ... Â
  2. dead-cat

    The culture that rules the world!

    NHL hockey can be quite boring sometimes, compared to euro hockey. reasons: quick faceoff rule (finally introduced) 2 line pass goon-style hockey made easy beacuse of the smaller rinks ("power forwards", yeah right! endless interferences Gary Bettman overall euro hockey emphasizes on speed and skill while NHL hockey... on ass kicking
  3. dead-cat

    Stupid chopper

    did it this way: approached the refuel area at 100m altitude. flew over it without lowering. cutscene kicks in. retry point gets updated. i crash. click retry and i'm back at 100m refuelled.
  4. dead-cat

    Red dawn-what the hell do i do?

    i did it the other way around: got the hind and then flew to destroy the scud. btw, every time i played the mission the scud wasn't on a hill, it was close to a forest. with the scud destroyed i proceeded to nail the boat which was located south. once the boat is destroyed, Guba will stop at the destroyed city on the coast and just wait there for you to find him. i took my time and shot up every unit i could find, if you run out of ammo there is another hind in a poorly guarded base.