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About dirty_sanchez

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  1. dirty_sanchez

    Modelers "work"

    Unfortunetly I'm unable to gain access to where you put those images up.. Could you maybe post them here?
  2. dirty_sanchez

    Modelers "work"

    Thats a pretty damn good model... What size are the textures? I'd love to see the file and check out how you did some things.. It's very possible you could get paid doing this. email me at j0n@godisdead.com with both model and textures.. *.3ds and *.tga would be great. Keep up the good work.
  3. dirty_sanchez

    Modelers "work"

    Â Block modelling is when you start a model with a cube. You Extrude faces, Divide edges, Turn edges and Collapse Vertices.. Â (These are powerful, I'd expect all video game artists to know all 4 commands and use them constantly..) Polys are great. Â There is no such thing as a game that uses nurbs.. Â Everyone I work with uses polygons, and everyone I know from any other game company uses polygons. Â Even the FMV's (HiRes Movies) are polys, Â I'll explain.. N.U.R.B.S. stands for Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline.. Â A B-spline (usually vector based continuity) is projected onto an object made of polygons. That projection tells the program to add or subtract polys based on the curviture/continuity of your Spline and of that object.. Usually when you modify CV's your pulling around points on the B-spline. When it comes time to render (Whether its for a movie or in-game) NURBS are converted to polygons. Optimize in 3dmax.. VERY BAD. This is the best way to ruin your model. Â If you sent me a portfolio with nothing but nasty edges, there would be no way to redeem yourself. No matter how good your art is.. Â Try "collapse vertices" and look at your object from all angles constantly. Â In 3dmax I usually hit Alt+Middle mouse Button and rotate around my object CONSTANTLY, it helps allot... Also if your in Subobject - Vertex mode and you have your hotkeys button active (its at the bottom) You can just hit "L" to collapse vertices... (Another powerful one is "V" to make all selected edges visible) Someone said earlier that keeping low polys is an Art form, and my god is that true.. Â There is nothing more pleasing to my/any 3d artists eye then a low poly count with beautiful structure and textures that add detail and fake the user into thinking its higher then it really is.. any good 3d artist and anyone in the industry knows this. (common sense..) NOTE: *This post was not intended to put anyone down or to prove I know more than anyone else. I just happen to know some stuff and thought I'd share with anyone who was interested.* If any of you moders are working with 3dmax and want some pointers or tips about your models, I'd be glad to help.. But I refuse to spend more then 30min doing anything in 3dmax on my own time . I'm sorry but when you work 10 hour days with 3dmax, the last thing you want to do is come home and start working in it again... Â Peace outside.. Keep modelling =)