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About dsand97

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  1. How do you type text in multiplayer formats?
  2. require passwords...even when I set filter for no passwords it still says password required. Please help. Thanks
  3. dsand97

    Newbie all seeing eye question

    Yeah right now I am looking just to join a game. I haven't installed it yet. I am going to when I get home tonight and just wanted to see if it was self explanatory or if there were steps I needed to follow once installed. Thanks
  4. dsand97

    Newbie all seeing eye question

    I have a question that will seem stupid. I just got the game and I love playing it and look forward to playing online. So I just install it and it will do the rest. Could someone please give me a breakdown of how it will work and how I pick my servers. I did not know about this and was getting frustrated having to play AI on multiplayer all the time. Thanks