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Everything posted by datter

  1. The 190.38 drivers are fantastic with easily a 15 frame per second improvement for me (specs in sig). Very, very impressed.
  2. Have you tried licking them?
  3. Yeah, you should absolutely never lick your controls.
  4. Turn off AA, and raise "3d resolution" to 133% or 150%. The increased 3dres more than makes up for the lack of AA, frame rates improve and things are less prone to crashing. This is my experience, yours may vary of course.
  5. Where on the web site does Naturalpoint actually say ArmA2 is 6DOF? I'm not seeing it anywhere.
  6. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I ordered on Sunday, and was notified it was shipped the next morning. I don't really expect to see it arrive until next week, but I'm very hopeful I'll get lucky and see it this week. I think it's coming from Pennsylvania and I'm in Nova Scotia... which isn't that far. :P
  7. Not been kicked no, as mentioned above it's not altered just renamed. That said I don't play online a great deal at the moment anyway.
  8. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    That is really unfortunate to hear. I ordered from them on Sunday and just now awaiting arrival of my Trackir5 + clip. I hope it's all in one piece. :( PS- Where are you located (generally) and how long did it take to get delivered?
  9. I'm running dual 8800GT's in SLI and using 186.18, though I haven't bothered with the SLI patch. Renaming my arma2.exe to Crysis.exe did the trick so I haven't seen much reason to bother with interim patches... figured I'd just wait for a proper driver release that supports ArmA2 in SLI and I'll rename it back. No problems at all with the 186.18's here.
  10. datter

    Some genuine patch 1.03 information

    Damn you and your sneaky thread merging ways. :) Just so long as people see the update, I know a lot of folks have been wondering what's going on and even a little information is a good thing.
  11. datter

    Some genuine patch 1.03 information

    No ETA etc, and only a partial list of what's being looked at but I thought I'd point this out (posted this morning) in case people were missing it. The above will be fixed/improved as applicable and are of course subject to change in terms of inclusion in 1.03, nor does this list mean that other fixes won't be included with 1.03 And before you ask, no current ETA besides as soon as possible :)
  12. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    That has not been my experience, I suggest you try it.
  13. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    If you fly, a joystick is essential in my opinion. You just need to set your controls up properly.
  14. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    heh, let me know how it goes. UNITED WE STAND!!!
  15. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Ordered one yesterday, should be here later this week. Now if I can just get it into the basement without the wife beating me to death with it.
  16. I run SLI and all is well, aside from crashes in the campaign which I fully expect to be fixed in a forthcoming patch. Single missions, multiplayer and anything created via the editor work fine, look good and have terrific frame rates. .
  17. datter

    ArmA II compared to other games ...

    Does anyone know how to get your bubbles to get out of the HUMV properly in Bubble Bobble? The command structure is complicated, and whenever I issue the "disembark" command the bubbles just float around and don't do anything. Any help appreciated.
  18. datter

    ArmA II compared to other games ...

    Please go play Call of Juarez : Bound in Blood. Also, please find a Call of Juarez : Bound in Blood forum, and post there a lot. Thank you.
  19. To my knowledge a downgrade is the same as an upgrade in that it should completely wipe and replace everything in the BIOS with whichever one you are installing.
  20. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I've experimented with Freetrack for head tracking, and while it worked ok the freeware-ness of it also provided for some lag between head move and result on screen whichof course made me ill. I really did like it, but I couldn't stomach (literally) the lag... which I understand isn't a problem with a true TrackIR so I'm very much leaning towards getting one. I have enough cash in my Paypal account right now so really it's just a few clicks away from getting ordered. Scary stuff. As to video cards, the old 800GT SLI set up is doing very well for me actually and I've yet to find a game this system won't run maxed out (or in ArmA2's case effectively maxed out). From my research I'd get equivalent or possibly slightly inferior results out of a new GTX285 and really I don't have any interest in paying top dollar for a bleeding edge card these days. I'll hang on to these until I find a title or two where I have to knock the detail back then consider it. I don't think TrackIR will cause it any issues either, free-looking about with the mouse (double tap left-alt) is as smooth as silk at the settings in my sig. TracikIR5... just clicks away. DAMNIT.
  21. System in my sig runs ArmA2 wonderfully at the settings also provided in the sig. The only trouble I'm having now is constant crashing in the campaign ("Manhattan") but I'm hoping a patch (or 5) will fix that.
  22. Maybe this is because when you're zoomed in you're likely looking at things in the distance, where you'll typically see distant (low res) textures and objects. When you aren't zoomed in the system has to take into account all the closer (higher detail) textures and objects.
  23. Maybe so, worth looking into at any rate... for one of us. ;)
  24. Any idea why your 3D_Performance is a negative value? I see that from time to time, whereas mine is close to 100,000.