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Everything posted by datter

  1. It's rather nice to finally get consistent enough gameplay that I can fly for a change. I just spent the past two hours flying things in the armory for no real reason. Great stuff.
  2. datter

    Windows 7

    How to frame rates in Win7 compare to Win XP I wonder? I'm contemplating an eventual move from Win XP 32 bit to Win 7 64 bit. I'll only do so if there's a good real world performance reason to of course.
  3. datter


    Just to ask the obvious question, what's wrong with youtube?
  4. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I suppose you could tie the head movement into your mouse cursor through the software and get it controlling your view that way (in GTA4 for instance or any game that had a built in mouse look). Not entirely sure that would be a good application of it, but it ought to work. I used to do things like that with other games back when I was using a lesser alternative. TrackIR is primarily best for games in which you have a neck. ArmA2, most flight simulators etc. Chances are it will be supported in the upcoming Mechwarrior5 from what I've read. That sums it up in short too come to think of it, TrackIR is a neck simulator. Consider how often you use your real neck in life, then slap on a neck brace for a few weeks. Necks, FTW.
  5. Is it just me, or is there very little difference between these two? The main difference I see is in the quality of the leaves in the trees, whereas I expected to see a marked difference in things like the ground, building and vehicles textures. If I try low, then very high I find that the actual textures of buildings/roads etc really don't look much different... but the leaves in the trees change a bit. Low really isn't much worse for the leaves in the trees either, just different. Anyone else seeing any major difference between low and very high texture detail, or is this just something peculiar to my system? I'm inclined to just run things at low for all the difference it makes. (specs in sig if needed) EDIT: Now with pics snapped by a friend. The difference with the leaves isn't terribly noticable in the pics, but you an see it if you switch low to very high or vice versa in game. What's the point of anything above low? Low texture detail High texture detail
  6. Still not seeing it... I mean there is a slight difference between the two on the nearest LAV, but not what I would have expected and the road/weapon textures etc look identical. Low texture detail High texture detail Again, these are from a friend who happens to be at his ArmA2 system at the moment. (I'm on an old laptop just now)
  7. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    ok, well... if you don't like/can't pay the asking price there are "alternatives" if you've creative enough to find them, and diligent enough to make them work. In my experience these "alternatives" are functional to a point, but not enough to make them worth pursuing. On the odd chance you know and understand guitars at all, it's like comparing a 1959 Gibson Les Paul to a cheap Walmart knockoff. You get what you pay for... if you won't pay for it, then either get a knock off or just do without. Whatever suits you really, just so long as you're happy with your decision and accept that others are very happy with theirs.
  8. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Mine was $163 USD
  9. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    The cap clip uses reflected light, the headphone clip uses IR LED's so the camera can see them a lot better in different lighting conditions. You've clearly never used one, and should probably try it (or it's equivalent at least, if you aren't sold) and then make claims. TrackIR pulls me into the games I use it with (ArmA2 and FSX at the moment) like you wouldn't believe. It's hard to explain that if you've not tried one of course, but it's sort of like without the TrackIR I am on this side of the monitor in my chair, at my keyboard. With the TrackIR, it feels more like I'm on the other side of the monitor. Much more engaged and involved in what's going on and much more a part of my surroundings.
  10. Not double, but greatly improved. With my current settings I'm getting around 40 in a typical single player mission (even "Battlegrounds" which is rather busy). Down in the mid 20's without SLI. The 190.38 drivers helped a lot for me.
  11. Glad they worked out for you. As for my issue, maybe I'll avoid the borders for now and see how that goes. :)
  12. Is anyone else seeing this error? My system: Windows XP SP3 Q6600 2.4ghz overclocked to 3.3ghz (very stable) 2gb OCZ Reaper 9600 (stock) nVidia BFG 8800GT OC2 x2 in SLI (factory overclock, see below) Driver 186.18 (tried several back to 182.50, same problem) Renamed arma2.exe to Crysis.exe to make SLI work ArmA2 settings: Res 1680x1050 (sometimes 1440x990 as I can't decide which I like better) AA and AF : Very high Textures : Normal Texture memory : Very high (which gives me around 512mb in the cfg) Object detail : High Shadow detail : Very high (strangely, this gives better frame rates) Terrain detail : Normal Post processing : Disabled of Very high (I still can't decide whether I like it on or off but do not suffer any frame rate loss either way) Shortcut switch : Using nointro and -maxmem 2047, though not sure the latter is needed Frame rates : Around 30 throughout the campaign and elsewhere I've tried ALL variety of settings, and still see this problem. I first noticed it in single player on occasion when the screen would suddenly freeze and I couldn't even alt-tab back to the desktop (forcing me to hit the reset button). It was rare, but it happened. Then I started playing MP with a friend of mine (two player co-op) and when hosting, I found this would happen to me about every 10 to 15 minutes for some reason. It would even happen when sitting int he MP lobby believe it or not. At that point I had no clue what was causing it as I'd never got an error, until one time it let me tab back to the desktop for some reason and I saw the error above. This basically tells me my video cards have stopped responding for whatever reason. I should state that although I have overclocked my CPU, and the video cards have a factory overclock all my temps are low and the system is very stable. I monitor it constantly and have no other issues. That said, the only time I've seen the above error in the past is when trying to overclock another video card some years ago, so with that being the case I de-clocked my BFG 8800GT OC2 cards a bit just to see if that helped. I then connected to a random MP server and played for a half hour with no problems. I have also played for 90min straight in single player with no issues at all. Thinking the problem was solved my friend and I tried some more two player co-op with me hosting, and although the problem was much less frequent it still happened. Rather than me crashing every 10 to 15 min, it happened every 20 to 30 perhaps. At the end of the night he tried hosting and HE crashed (artifacting), although his system is a bit long in the tooth. No problems on my end for the 30min we played with him as host. SO. Has anyone received the above error? Can that error have ANYTHING to do with hosting an MP game? It doesn't make much sense that I'd see an error about my video cards failing more during MP than SP, but that's what seems to be happening.
  13. I'm still having freezing but only when flying, as mentioned here. As it's not an n4v_disp error I'm thinking it's unrelated to the GPU OC. That said, I'm curious if I pull my gpu factory overclock back a bit more if it will make these flying freezes less frequent also... worth a shot as I never did pull them all the way back to stock speeds, just down a bit from the factory OC. Regardless of why this works, if you are having n4v_disp errors where your video card(s) basically shit the bed on you, pulling back your GPU clocks will absolutely help with that. I'll pull my GPU's all the way back to stock speeds and see if I can fly an A-10 for any longer than 5 minutes. Would be interesting if this is related, but I don't think it is.
  14. I suppose that's possible, I haven't really paid much attention to where I am when the crash occurs. I'll look into that this evening. When set to default it alots for nearly 512mb as exepcted, besides which the freezes happen regardless of this setting. 190.38 are beta yes, but provide a tremendous performance increase. This freezing issue was also noted in all previous drivers back to 182
  15. datter

    What is Arma II really worth?

    Go back and look at the mods and addons for OFP. Go back and look at the mods and addons for Armed Assault. Be patient.
  16. There is something going on with you. My 8800GT's show a marked difference running in SLI or not. Also, you should look into overclocking that Q6600, mine runs wonderfully at 3.7ghz (specs in sig) and it cost me all of $40 for a CPU cooler and a few evenings spare time. Q6600 is a fantastic overclocker.
  17. You want to set your video memory in game to "default" which should get you something approaching the actual amount of ram on your video card. I have dual 8800GTs, and since the ram only counts off one card in SLI I should be seeing 512mb in the CFG. If I set "default" the CFG ends up at about 506mb, and the nonlocal goes to something very close to my Windows swap file. If I set video memory to "Very high" (which I did previously) the video ram in the config also goes to around 512mb, but the nonlocalvram drops to only 300mb. Go with "default" then check your CFG to see that your vram and nonlocalvram are close to your actual card/windows swap file sizes (byte/mb calculator here. If they are, set it and forget it.
  18. datter

    Nvidia 190.38 Beta Drivers?

    No, you'll just want the vram for a single card. In your case 768mb. I would suggest the best thing you can do is set the video memory in game to "default" which should get you very close to your card specs and just go with that.
  19. That was absolutely the problem. I didn't lower myself back all the way to stock speeds, but just backed them off a bit... not had a similar crash since. Some CTD's of course, but not of the kind related to a GPU overclock.
  20. datter

    Nvidia 190.38 Beta Drivers?

    I find if I set video memory to Very High in ArmA2 it gives me around 500mb in the CFG file. I am running dual 8800GT's (512mb a piece) so it should be showing me at 512mb in the cfg... so I'm close.
  21. I just tested out my brand new TrackIR5 with ArmA2 and it's phenomenal. Infantry stuff absolutely pulls you into the game. Moving, looking around and just taking part in your surroundings is so natural it's ridiculous. Totally recommended. The only issue I'm having is that with TrackIR5 active, flying helos in ArmA2 seems to crash the system. With TrackIR not active I can fly indefinitely with no CTD but with TrackIR happening I can fly for about 2min or so before the system dies. Much more detail about this here where I'm hoping to get some NP feedback. As per the details in that thread, I think I have it sort of worked out anyway but there is definitely something weird going on. Despite this odd helo/joystick/mouse stuff I'm looking into, if you're at all on the fence... I highly recommend TrackIR. .
  22. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    My TrackIR has arrived this morning. Ordered last Sunday, shipped Monday and arrived today (Friday). It's all in one piece too which is even more awesome, looking forward to trying it out this evening.
  23. datter

    Nvidia 190.38 Beta Drivers?

    This is the annoying bit about PC gaming... what provides an astounding improvement for some (like me) ends up not being overly dramatic for others. :( I'd call an easy 10+ fps boost astounding, and if there's even a chance your system will like these drivers I see no reason not o give them a shot. Do be sure to install 'em properly of course, just in case.
  24. datter

    Nvidia 190.38 Beta Drivers?

    Same for me, the 190.38 are fantastic. I started playing a particular SP mission last night and was getting around 30fps or so, after installing 190.38 and resuming the same mission I'm seeing frames hit over 40. Outstanding.