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Everything posted by datter

  1. Yes, hence the problem and hence the post. My system is generally very cool, and I haven't seen this happen with any other game/app aside from ArmA2. It's not something I see regularly, but since it happened once it can presumably happen again and I thought it needed mentioning, just in case it hit someone else.
  2. For the record, I was using Rivatuner at the time and had my fans set at 100% as I always do when running ArmA2, FSX, Crysis and a few other titles. If not for that and my lucky return I think the thing would have caught fire.
  3. Yes, something is clearly not right when you can game at less then 70c but the menu screen causes the card to nearly catch fire. I'd hate to hear about someone destroying hardware because the paused the game to go make a sandwich.
  4. It's absolutely not hurting that's for sure. I just spent some time with my 6GB of ram concoction and got the timings down to 4-3-3-8-2T at 857mhz and that doesn't seem to hurt either. ;) I would definitely get a cooler (Vendetta 2 here), the Q6600 is a great overclocker. Absolutely agree. That's one thing about ArmA2, it seems very fussy about different hardware combinations. So much so that it might run great on one machine and horrible on an almost identical machine. Must be a nightmare for BIS to sort out where the problems are.
  5. datter

    What Else Can I Do?

    Some people have in fact found that helped. Others have found it's not needed, maybe in this case it is.
  6. datter

    What Else Can I Do?

    I have my system (see sig) locked at 30 fps (see link in sig) and it rarely if ever dips below that. Flying around in the editor by myself with the frame rate unlocks/vsync off I get close to 150fps. The sim is broken for some, and totally not for others... so it's totally related to some specific hardware combinations and is thus difficult to peg down. Give them time, if you can't give them time then just accept it and move on.
  7. That is indeed what I am talking about.
  8. A) Then I would stick with the 180.18's B) You don't need the SLI patch with these latest 190.38's C) There's your problem.
  9. I monitor my GPU temps and fans at all times (G15 LCD display) so I'm not overly worried supposing the problem crops up on my Q6600 somehow. I'll have to dig around the forums a bit though, I'd be interested in reading about this issue as I might have experienced something like it before.
  10. Just so long as you're happy. Like you said, it's something that will certainly get sorted out eventually.
  11. So am I... Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit (RTM). I used the 190.38 beta's in XP (two days ago) and the 190.38 64bit official drivers now. Not to start an argument, I'm just saying that I've got absolutely no problems and these are easily the best drivers I've tried with ArmA2. I'd suggest the OP try the HT thing, as I agree that does impact a lot of i7 owners (not all though). I'd at least disable HT and try that before swapping out drivers.
  12. 190.38 is working flawlessly for me, and in fact gave me a good FPS increase over the previous drivers both in XP and Win7 64bit.
  13. Well I guess I'm glad I have a lowly Q6600 @ 3.7 then. ;)
  14. I downloaded the latest 190.38 64bit drivers from nVidia just yesterday when I installed. Maybe I just sank somehow. :) I have a friend who just picked up a new i7 system and put a release candidate of Win7 64 bit on it... he's getting good frame rates and no problems with hyperthreading on or off. He said there are some very particular areas where he sees a minor frame rate drop with HT enabled, but nothing catastrophic. He's also running a GTX275... so I wouldn't say X causes problems, rather it has more to do with all the components on a given system and how it's set up than any one particular thing.
  15. datter

    Did Anyone Buy Arma 2 From Nexway?

    I bought from Nexway about a month ago. Downloaded the entire thing in an hour and 20 min and had no problems.
  16. Turn off "threaded optimization" in your driver control panel, or via nHancer. See if that helps the BSOD's and CTD's. Did for me.
  17. I have had this happen exactly once. Maybe someone who experiences the receiving bug a lot can post their system specs and compare them to mine (see "spoiler" in sig). Yours has the bug, mine does not... so perhaps isolating what's different between our machines my be of help.
  18. I have 5 set up to center my view with TrackIR, and have been meaning to set up 4 to pause it.
  19. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I tried the free alternatives in my years of putting off buying a TrackIR. I found them cumbersome, laggy (causing motion sickness) and prone to centering problems. You get what you pay for, and these things are free for a reason.
  20. Sorry, meant 190.38. Too many numbers in my head.
  21. I know this won't apply to everyone, especially the majority with low FPS problems... but if you can maintain 40+ you might want to give this a shot. .
  22. datter

    Way to limit framerate?

    I wrote an article about how to do this over here. Hope it helps.
  23. The 190.86 betas are mighty awesome (for me). Not sure if I'll bother moving to this non-beta version. They're no doubt essentially the same and I've no complaints with the betas.
  24. datter

    GPU Random Shutdown

    yes, more shameless self-linkage but try this. Worked for me. .
  25. I wrote what turned into a long-ass article over here about my recent dealings with ArmA2 crashing, and how I sorted myself out. Specifically related to the n4v_disp error I was seeing, and that I suspect is causing a lot of nVidia users grief. Please forgive the shameless self-linkage, but hopefully it will prove helpful.