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Everything posted by datter

  1. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    lol... 40 with two kids here, and there's a reason my "cave of distraction" is in the basement away from everyone. :)
  2. datter

    Starforce 21: where are you?

    I have tried the helo two times. The first was leaving the base to take me on an op, which ended with the helo crashing into some trees while trying to land on a road. I told it to land in a nearby field, but I guess that wasn't dangerous enough or something. On a restart I asked for pick up in a field somewhere and they said they were coming, but never arrived. On getting back near Manhattan base I found the helo circling the town at the base of the hill for no reason. Definite bug.
  3. I'm into the Manhattan mission and experiencing totally random CTD's as well (sys specs below). Sometimes it will happen minutes into playing, while other times I've played for hours.
  4. datter

    Tweaking - Process Priority?

    There was something similar recommended for Nascar Racing 2k3 if I recall correctly, although I was never convinced at actually accomplished anything.
  5. datter

    ACCESS_VIOLATION nv4_disp.dll on CTD

    All you'll need to do is underclock your video card slightly, which sounds odd but should sort you out. My cards had a factory overclock on them, and pulling that back a bit sorted out my n4v_disp errors completely.
  6. Anyone who has updated their graphics drivers and are experiencing odd colours and other anomalies, please be sure you've taken the time to do the uninstall/reinstall properly as outlined here. I hope it's helpful.
  7. datter

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I think you actually figured out a way to make this thing more nerdy than it already is. :) That said, I've been putting off ordering one literally for years now and I'll likely finally give in very soon.
  8. datter

    What Do These Mean?

    In the thumbnail they do (which is what I thought they were), but you can see them better in the full size version.
  9. I've seen similar stuff from time to time. Once in awhile in the campaign one of my team mates hats will disappear in an odd way. It looks like the normals are inverted, if you know 3d modeling at all. Other times his face will be white, and his eyes black.. then the textures will appear and his hat shows up. Strange.
  10. I can only give this a 3 out of 5 I'm afraid. You had the full 5 for snarky, sideways humour but lost a full two points for being unable to spell. I'm sorry. I'm also sorry about your game, I would suggest the following: 1) Stop whining, no one is going to want to help you. 2) Be patient, patches will come. 3) Be diligent, you may come across something here that will help. 4) Be proactive, and learn more about your particular computer so you might be able to help it run the game. Mine for instance, runs it perfectly fine. It wasn't so fine on my first attempt with ArmA2, but I've improved things a great deal. Maybe you can too. Seriously. PS - 8800GT here also for what it's worth, two of them in SLI in fact.
  11. datter

    Mouse Lag

    You've just negated your own post. If moving the view distance to 8000 forces terrain detail to normal then it's "terrain detail = normal" that would be alleviating the mouse lag, not the increased view distance.
  12. Did you: Uninstall drivers Reboot to safe mode Run Driver Sweeper Pro or Driver Cleaner Reboot to regular Windows Deactivate virus scanners Install new drivers Reboot That may sound like a pain in the ass, but it often proves the necessary way to ensure your drivers are being installed properly and that all traces of previous ones have been removed.
  13. datter

    Mouse Lag

    I believe you have that backwards.
  14. datter

    Mouse Lag

    You should have added a simple "I do not suffer from mouse lag" option just to see how many people don't.
  15. datter

    Nvidia SLI profile patch for arma2

    I have read elsewhere that you should do that yes, and also that the only way to do that is to uninstall/reinstall the drivers.
  16. datter

    Cool Moments in Arma 2

    I posted this in the video thread, but I came across lots of cool moments in this mission test.
  17. When I set very high in-game, it shows me as having just about 512mbs in the arma2.cfg
  18. A fellow I know online is making a mission which I tested a partially completed version of. Here it is in HD, with lots of cool sights and events.
  19. datter

    helicopter AI

    Select the pilot then go to the map, then tell him to "Move there" and click a spot on the map. When you get there you'll hover over the area, so just order your guys to disembark and the helo will land. Slightly different in the campaign, but the same idea.
  20. I can verify this is absolutely true. I put my specs/settings in my sig (long perhaps, but better than retyping them all the time). My frame rates are horrible at 2.4ghz, better at 3.3ghz and super at 3.7ghz. During this I actually lowered the factory overclock on my video cards down to near stock settings to maintain ArmA2 stability. For me, at 1680x1050 it's all about CPU.
  21. datter

    Aiming with momentum?

    That helps a bit, as does pulling back the view distance. Those tweaks, and some others I've found helpful are at the usual place if you're interested.
  22. datter

    MP over Hamachi (alternative)

    Still freeware from what I know. I use it regularly, but haven't downloaded it in awhile so I can't say if anything has changed recently. No lag issue at all here, pings in the 20's when I play with my friend and use Skype for voice comms (much better than in game for a couple of guys).