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About slickry_v1

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  1. Mainly Inspired by Fingolifin's AAF 2017 Mod, it was too good of a mod for him to leave unfortunately, so i made something similar with my own additions to it. This mod will include a whole faction with it's own unique gears and vehicles from RHS. AAF Troopers, from the 3rd Regiment stationed near Pyrgos, 2018. . AAF's T-80UK, from the Delta Company of the 1st Regiment, 2019.
  2. slickry_v1

    (WIP) AAF 2018

    Soon! there's still more to work on before the release, it'd be out on the workshop soon 😄
  3. Inspired by FIngolifin's AAF 2017, it was too good of a mod for him to leave unfortunately, so i made something similar with my own additions to it. AAF's T-80UK, from the Delta Company of the 1st Regiment, 2019. AAF Troopers, from the 3rd Regiment stationed near Pyrgos, 2018.