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About BoristheBladeAU

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  1. When I click play to test the world, all of my buildings snap from the terrain to the water. If I back out and re-snap them to the terrain, it keeps happening anyway. It seems to only happen to buildings/prefabs that I have placed AFTER making any sculpting adjustments to the terrain, so I suspect it has something to do with the terrain entity. Have tried fiddling with so many object properties but the only solution so far seems to be make zero further adjustments to terrain once I start placing buildings etc, which just isn't a viable workflow
  2. BoristheBladeAU

    Issue with models not displaying in editor

    Are you sure they are disappearing? What you are describing sounds almost exactly like my problem, except all the buildings move themselves from the terrain to snap to the water. Seems to happen to prefabs that I have placed before making any sculpting adjustments to the terrain, then will happen permanently until I replace them.