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About mrroketo

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  1. This has saved my day that worked. You are the best sir i appreciate your answer 😃
  2. Hi there, iam new to workbench editor. Since the good old arma days this way of mission editing has been changed drasticly. All i wanted to do is to make some minor changes in combatOps everon, like more reinforcemnt units, deployable tent to be dissmanteld by menu (instead of meele bashing it) and adding a c4 detonator to the hideouts since there is c4 but not detonator (and yes iam aware you can use timefuze). But all of this has become an impossible task since theres no logic where and what to edit in this mission within worldeditor. Can you guys atleast give me a hint where to start at or what to do? any help would be appreciated